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Show COACVILLE times. COALVILLE, FRIDAY, i A G&OD II, 1902. wus The Salt Lake Trihum At our Stora you cam. buy hJ It ie pv leetty euforetaod by every sick point. rnTBMMrvfwyanr. UTAHT GREATEST PAILT flEWSPAPER. Befleota the now of tha warld, State, ooaaty and city. amaecwomaeuatf they cae get eosee neaedy that wU 9 the kwa of two by tbo matted row ayrtem that fiaoh aad (LB. JONES ia an recovery should aa atnarA,klr It ba understood la Editor ud Baal Xuipr. andrarely and. People end art eervoui p shewing tbla la la regard to have ihtj pal is, with weakened the plaata to art too thick la the row, fa fraMMl. Ota. Mf t. Mnl m tu any a writer la Rural Mow Torkar. A memory.eadlourfimbitioa their Mood "''-...-.t- y istMa aad vato-y- , 1VH, u Iwri Win (MU. fo ahoweiatheir strawberry pUat la a vroad la a Tkvi ia eo la atrawborry point evd cad! ty atrsw-berr- Fwfmhh Mmm. UN .. TIM ItsMbarerm-vm- -- t s.,1 M Advwtlatnf Raiaa 'MmHm.IImm eaae yatlMlNlnlliw aeteeteeal lawllwuiawygtothc 4TkaMiMniMirMMllMnlM - Goodwin's Weakly foeoodt neat too nfr edUfon last Saturday la bococ of the lkt. It eoatafoad Omm wall Httaii article, which vara good for leferooe. tlao lull of lafor-(natiaadaye Tribana lor end about tba Ilka, contain-l- a soma (rood ball too it prominent embers. iu on tSCOrJtr Tba Park Raoord aaama qaiteeonfldeat that tba county aaatvillba moved la tba Park tbla faltf tbattbarala ao opposition to tha movement, ate. Wa art orry to eeetham get their fa lia,i cried ap to aoeb a pitch, bacaoao they will ba badly diaappolatad. Wbaa tba- - lacta ara proparly praaantad to tba Ux payart of tba eooaty tbay will dacida by tbair vote that Coalville. la thepropar place tor tbacoantyaaat to ba located. hare baan aakad several time of lato what vaa going to ba doaa for tha old folki la tbo 8taka tbla year, Tba Buka preiidaacy informs ue that at the last priesthood meeting tba blahopa vara Citltif Wheat. Tb proper time to cut wheat aa wall Inatrnctad to appeiattvo In aach vard as oats barley. Is when tba grain to act at a committee for aa entertain- turns to and a rich golden yellow. At that ment lor tbo old folka, Just aa toon aa time It wOT yet contain some kernels all tba namaa hava bean aaat in meet- In tb dougb state. It la claimed that wheat cut while ing will be called aad come mean, ba ad- tba kernels ara la tba dough, or at opted tor tba aatarUlamaat of tba aged, leait a part of them, win make a suWa hope that action will ba Ukaa at perior quality of flour and mart of It than If It la allowed to 'become dead one to that tba old psople can ba pro ripe before It la cot On thing la cer' petty Urad tor and made to feat that they tain that, nine time nut of. ten the ara not neglected and forgottan. Utah yield per acre will bo "forger tf tbo wheat Is cut earlyjwbUe at least n baa tha reputation of esriaf batter for part of tb kernels an In tba dough, tier tteaw it It ti Urw4 to become dead tuna iu4y'0tW Hmsep-auSummit county ihoold taka bold and tip before being cut Tbla lata cutting is tbo direct cause of tb forgo make an entertainment that will baa amount of grain that will always shell out In tb handling oven with tb best grand auccetc. of care, and another frequent source eonanmptioa. " - - for $1.60 very best Lime in the country. ia advene. 8ALT LAKE TRIBUNE alone, 11.00 per year. ADDRESS SALT LAKE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING COMPANY. Salt Lake City. PKBRYS. HEATH, Publisher and General Manager. Reduced to FIFTY CENTS A YEAR aa E Dollar fo tha chaapirt and best Fashion Magazine now Am American public. It shows New ideas In Fashions, in Millinery, hi Embroidery, In Cooking, In Woman Work and in Reading; baaattfoily ifloatratad in colors and In black aad white. Above all. It shows the vary fojhionabfc Newlcm Srrtca, made from New laea Par. Tarns, wfoch oost only tOe. ncK M ml Ut. Iba MkMMiar , w tor aiau tow THE NaCAht CO., em ail Wwtstaiu 7 ... & .Ml ire vast. :: Soil Five IE:2I3 k,,, bo-fo- Cents To-ii- A. Of the best quality in any quantity. GRASS CREEK rx vtw I I f-- xa listinr, 00. LIME y Nw loMWeaMi's Mwuik, (toa mcm to- voa. a vain for ik o a anif Iwktoiwto earn if As fo MM One Woman's Magazine li A a. AtoJ.n Wwwv vlFwFxVFA vVP1FIVFwvv'w'irv'w We are now prepared to furnish Hew Idea Up-S- A age done by shelling out of grain and breaking down of straw. What fo true about wheat also appilea to an other kinds of smaU grata, although In n somewhat less degree. Ohio Farmer. ,! mttiini Trk, I. lv t. s. g. Always On Hand 1M ;il A correspondent eende tb Iowa Homestead a sketch of bis method of weighting haystacks. It fo very simple. Two pole an tied together at tb small ends with win aad put oa SERVICE, Mi 1 Scientifically Distilled, Pure, 11 m $t. k CvvMtv if "Absolutely B$t tnJttfui for Per Salt J. H. BlAXaX PlCTO VIA We wnwptlr ebon u a aad FOR ALL THREE TRUSS niODfiH . tusu Vra4 Bodal, tkeick m ni'ow el tawatona lor tr report oa puwt uty Vorfrnfo, astride of tb stack. This leaves no depression in the center of tb stack. If tba poles an cut and pot oa white green, they will bend with their owa weight, and It wiU take a pretty strong wind to blow off the top of the stack. BMUtanmyera-an4 I r i- f wi rt V Cits DHL! ; ' PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY WITH Eut SoatbeisLZI.Z;,l.l. - Tb ns of motor or auto tracks by market gardeners tot transporting villa Coal Park on aad Assort la City their perishable products Is suggested. 2Sth,2$th and 90th, commencing at Florida claims tha tergert cantaloup o'clock a. to. Ail psnoa holding cer- farm ta tha world 700 acne, near tificates not fully endorsed aad who ex- Martin. A Kanes station bulletin pect to teach ia Sammlt eounty will be the canful aelecUoa of seedsuggests wheat from the standing grain. required to take tbla exasainatioa. " Ur. Stringfellow of tree W M. Botds.v, planting fame questions the value of cover crops School. Coaety 8aperiateadeat la the orchard. Weber-CoaLC- o Detailed information cheerfully furnished on application. C, I. WHEADON, Agent, Coalville, Utah 0P UNIWeRSITT k b aa UTftH. ... The University of Utah includes the School of Art and Science, tb School of Mines sod the State Normal School. srmaejm, - seal. teJ Klm-tpol- li : Direct Cfiuectlou for tba Afil Pril ttChieMor City, SL FibI, vita tor Ipposltw U. S. katsnt Oiacs WASHINGTON D.C. Lite I Eastern Points. Voreirn .. 1.50 Union Pacific The . ' $2.25 Lump, Stove, . Naturally Aged, wamama a xatstack. at the rci EQUIPMENT TRICK. ;'r-- Willkt Pet a Rarituk. BarvHtlai Ciwimi. A teachera examination win bo hold f or do any plastering you should use the fo that If n heavy rainstorm ocean after a Add of grain fo perfectly ripe then fo always more or leas dam- Cowpeae can bo cut with a mowing machine, cured, put Into the shock, Photographer 0. C. Harlan, of Eaton, after which they an usually hauled to O., can do ao aov, though for year ba a thrashing machine, which removes couldnt, becann - he enfferod untold the seed. Aa ordinary wheat and oat la used, a foot of the cylinder agony from tba worrt form of indigent-Io- n. sepantor aad concave teeth botng taken out and All pbyiidane and modlctnea failed to help him till ha triad Electric Bi- the machine run slowly. The bay la than baled or la stacked under cover. tter, wblch worked inch wondert for A. D. Shamet, Illinois. him that ha declare they are a godaend to sufferer from dytoepala nod etomach w wag Sum, ( AR literature of an advertising chartreoblea. Unrivaled for diieaiee of the Stomach, Liver and Kldnaya, they build acter which la aent to Mexico should p and give new life to tbo whole aya bo printed In the Spanish language. tern. Try them.' Only 10c. Guar- This Is a point which apparently does not auggert ltaetf to an the live stock anteed by John Boyden A Bon breeders. Four China ladybuge sarvMng out of sixteen Imported to this country an to bo tested aa foes of the Ban Joe Teachers Exanelaatlwau If yoti are going to white wash your house 'THIS m UTAH COALVILLE, ry Leeklteaiaat, Pltaie, . CftSH BftRQftIN STORe culture, and tha track garden and hen-aebeing especial attentien. It ia 1.00 a year In advance : ia published every Tuesday, and will b mailed one year with THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE 1 wl in: in If Iff WWfWftff If Iff aa will make invaluable stock rawing, aa well si agricuita to, fruit sad flower J.I5CAEL;f(TA ie Am tor oiler Sinie Inter-Uounta- g O-- V w of loss bloat of tha roada reaching tba recently devoioped oil field In tba South wait ara actively encaged la making tba neccte-er- y ' change!, or havo preliminary under way, whereby oil vlll bo mad a i locomotive fuel on the equipment operating locally la tbla territory, Thera ia economy in tbeuseofollinoom-- , parieon with coal in tbla diatrlct, vbara tba cost of coal la above and tha quality below tba average, but Juat bow mnch it I yet onJirtermlaed from rallabl esUmateS Conservative ear tba Railway Age, place the caving at from 11 to SO per east. Tbla rvdae-tio- a la not baaed on the relative coat of actually producing out horao power by nee of coal or oil aa fail, but Involve the comparative coat of tbo handling of both, and it la from tbla aourc that the greater proportion of tbo economy mutt ba looked for, aa ia aoma iaatancea tba actqal coat of tba aaaonnt Of oil died for fuel baa exceeded the ooat of coal ia per forming service. Tbla may poioiblv have beeq due to improper eombuaUon, bat It llltutVatM ib fact that care muat ' be taken la tba eel action of tba proper ap plianeee for nxing oil to affect aa acono-mic- al 94. vmaiv, aisBau; fen at Cheaper -- mlgah::ew Wa f tlj er . afteOeptaa.. gen-or- al, lTEVtimOARB RAREST RZP0RTS An (ail, fair and eoaciilro. Repabii-- e la politic, it 1g Just, aad It print ail sallow compl,t; Ured manner, eoa they ooIBMee to gain flnb they the nowa, both political and commercial, look hotter and ieep batter. To gala without tear or favor. THIS IS A CARPAIGI TEAS from oa la three ibd of good aol id fieab And you cannot bo without Tbo Bait por woek, the gait bo made rich Lake Tribuso. and pore. Dr, Cobbs Blood and Nerve TERM OF 8GB8CRIPTIOS Toaie puts la the bff tha very pith of what make pan rid blood la tba most Daily and 8unday Tribuoo, on waek.Sfi direct way, and com disease by making oeate: Daily and Sunday, ono month, 1.00 ; Sunday Tribe oa, on year, 1 00 ; strength. Thi Tojf fo la tablet form, f 00. Sunday Tribun,aix ft months, to be taken right afterhwale. Itearicbea tb blood, miking krc where then -in was faiatneee, fM tomes weakest The a better remedy tag KTer mad. SoH Farmer and Ranchman by Ml Druggists for 7fct a. per box, or three boxei lor M.Vy mall. Write oe Pobliebed by The Tribune Publishing aboat year ekee. AdJrsas, Dr. Gunn, will contain each information company, Philadelphia, Pa. fir eai by John farm and ranch of Utah, the respecting Boydea A 8oa Coaivilb Utah. Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada and Colorado patch where It la not needed. It U tba firat ar oarllar plaata that art that produce the big berries, while the late plaata make tba Uttlo thing that ara a anlaaaco to the grower, the picker, tbo dealer aad tbo coaenaMr. Tba la too apt ireragw atrawberry-growto let the rows mat so eiooely that aooa of tbo plants can da Its best nor snarly what It should da. After tbo plaata have paased-abow- t tba let of Aagurt they probably wlH bare art enough bow ones to fill tbo rows twenty Inches wide or a little more provided tbo ruaaers bar bean trained lengthwise of tba row and placed ao aa evenly to fill the apacea properly allotted to theca. About lit lacboe apart la doaa enough for them. Whoa they ere thus net. It la a mistake to Irt say more taka root between theca, as they are aura to do If art prevented. lasteed of spoodlng time la keeping the middle apacea between tbo rows dean of woods aad strawberry plaata it la better to let these apacea alone for a month or two and glva fo aa at Ik resales svetyk doaa attention to tbo con tare or bear- This afooetaie ErcT-w--k tmm. Lmtiyc ing spaces. With a fork boo pall looeo or dig np whatever tries to grow between tba early pUnta and drag tba ruaaers Into the apacea between tha A FREE FATTERN rows. Sometimes It may ba necessary to cut them off. Tbla may need to ba dona more than once la order to prevent the thick mat of plants la tbo rows that ara to do tbo bearing. - Those that ara set la tba middle spaces will do no barm, or tba weeds either, for tba time being. When the cod --weather of autumn comes on, A lADIt S PACAZlF. plow or cultivate tbo middles thorA t oughly, leaving tba bearing epacea IwMMfi; Arewmslu foitHfo Um about twenty Inches or two feet wide, crib t Amy. w, Mmil XMt Um4k and let tba field go Into winter quaro aiplltlK KIUk1 Blk.ta, ter eo, except that a light mulch tb eaw, Ecoamatcal toil 1 baolatoly 1st of December may ba applied. faftect-flttlePiw fattaraa. Tama al BubaadpMaa )wtia tiVoatta y, Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats, Suits of Clothes, :Tinware, Flour, Groceries, etc., .173 TILIC, cznaimia 'Sim A T f 17RA FFEKSp ef nines. Pieparatery firbeel. A Preparatory School l maintained The Normal School offer ; which give preparaton lor tb course 1. A Foar Year Normal Coarse. in General Science, Liberal Aria, Min2. Advanced Normal Courses. ing and Electrical Engineering, Law. K Coarse, in Kindergarten Training. Medicine and Business. . The proximity of great mines, redaction works of various kinds and power doom lot tho generation of electricity ; afford advantagee for thoroagb and prc tical work ia mining iand electrical engineering, not enjoyed by any other echool of asiae in tbo United States. well-equipp- 900 premiums that may b aaeerad ftev apow request- - Bead ypue seam wnpfvra, cart, and w will matt you Iks catalogue, .drtwx Prwiia DtpU TIfS CUDAHY PACSCIQ CD., Couth Cmihft, Ktb. hr sale ly all Once Hate Wonwal Bchowl. Bchoel Tha School of Mines offer course ia : 1. Mining Engineering. 2. Electrical Engineering. , of- tinder the direction of thoroughly competent machinUtea ap4fthacuuiogtiv sbowinr fonudrtd pitmami mC" Snip tat Idrises, Tha School of Arte and Science fers course, in : 1. General Science. 2. Liberal Arte. nop WORK 11 WOOD AND METALS.-Stud- ent MreoeareriTen two yearer work ia wood and no tala ia smcci. pr.2nnur.5 sw Pl lehoal wf Art a andt la engineer! ebop TRAIRINC AND DOREST1G ICKEYCK are leater of tb Normal coarse. No tuition fo charged, but a email annual registration fo fo required. Registration ol student,. September 12th and 19th. The University Annual, which rivet full information concerning courses, requirement for d mission, etc., will be Beat free oa application to tb i . UK1YEESITY OF UTAH, Sill Lake City, Dtab. - ' |