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Show Fought on Oil Field Bloody Civil W&r Ba.lilo Raged Around tha Derrick Operatlona will ahortly brain In a new field of the Kentucky "II belt, (apt. H. II. iinttom, who owtia the noted I'erryvlllo battlefield, ten mllea weat of Iintivllte, haa rontraetrd with New York ayndlcalo for (ho boring of wella on Iho field, which la claimed claim-ed 10 be rich In surface tndleatlonB. Here In 1NI.3. a well waa drilled to the depth of 600 fiet by New York partlee. who lenaed many thomand acrea In West lloylo for development purpoiea. On I ho morning preceding tha bloody roiiflirt betwin-n tha forrea of Duel and llragg. the expert drill-era, drill-era, who were boarding with Col. Bamuel Bottom, father of ('apt, 8. I). Bottom, aa uitial went to tholr work. During the day the aoldlery of tha north and south met, and by 4 o'clock In the afternoon the Boll around the prospective well waa soak- M In hitman blood, and more (ban l.otio men who had been cut down In the bloody fight luy in heapa around the hole In the ground. Hlx hundred tlio Ixnllra were burled on tho spot, r.d nearly Gou were brought to Dan-Mile Dan-Mile and Interred In Bellevue cemo-ttry. cemo-ttry. From that dny to thla nothing hatover has hern heard of tho drill-en drill-en or the head promoters, and It Is npeoeed thoy joined the army or ere killed In the conflict. Repeated letters addreasetl to their former pile In New York were returned to Col. Bottom by the postal authorities. Portions of tho old machinery are Mill on tho ground. Tho well showed a mall vein of oil. which ha- been utilised by the furmnra for some run for the lubrication of tholr am hlncry. Cincinnati Knqulrer. |