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Show Mwam uon ' SJ T " e tm o M rat Wa Im WMa m4 a aar a aiwi aallai elaalae-awa-i.-.ieW aU I-Mt aUaMl j Tk w M 4 pmtm. '. "'. ..-..lJ--".,.'J A Car rr Ck.ae lirolaia. "Laat May," aayiMrs. Curtis balier, el Ilookaalter, Obie,"an Infant child ol our neighbor' eaaeiir.rlna Iroia cholera chol-era iufauluui. TiisaacUir had given np all hopes ol recovery, I took of Chaw barlain' (Julie, Chuiara aad Dlarrhoo Keiuedy to lb huiwi, telling them I (alt sura It would da ood il ue ocora-ing ocora-ing Ul directions. two day' tini th child bad lully recovered, aud It now (nearly a year alnce) a vigorous, beallhy girl. I btq rvcoinmsuded tbi Keniedy Ireqoeuilj WIJ heav never known it to fall in My single ineUuw." Fur aale bjJohnBg,JPD A don DruggieU I Few people aval really want a tkiag j until tbvy ee otk, chaaing afief it. I f You Could Look JwJL tn t h Iwrr and r Ihamulltloa hk mi II nralnlcd. arU twtn yui, M voij ant: relief at L-j aua Uial aaw.uy would bt Uuouia Shiloh's Consumption i , r J" luUi, and all Lang f6 S"" J a c. vi uu a Co, 1 auy, M. Y., la: 1,1, ui b.tlc. JtarraCtoverlbwir,, warta, tb Bhwdy utm!s' III Sill 1 'BeN Cssals stsnnat C C C Rrver oU la balk. Ikwar ( tb Sealer whs tries to sell "something hut a food." GO TO THE Globe Barber Shop For a Stylish Hair Cat and Clean Shave. x I. H. RHETHEL, Prop. Dr. W VISICK RESIDENT Dentist. Coalville, Utah HiVOflice ut tesidence, cornet Main and Second North streets. O. W. FRENCH, M- Fkyalrlaa and Nargeaa, OFFICE AT RKHtllKNOK Oealvilla. . UrBc bnnra (rom 2 t 4 p. m. All whoenn alionld observe these bo jr a near a poaeibl. A ; Coalville Coop lien siyies ai Hoods, j W ? O g 5 j It w rT 11 I D (D I These Soits Cannot be equaled for the Price. ' eoALviLLE eo-op. Big Clearance Sale Ladies' Shirt Waists, Cambric Underwear, and Baby Bonnets, Cheaper than you can tray the material and make them yourself. Also have a line line of SUMMER DRESS PIECES. M. R. Salmon. GRASS CREEK COAL.. s Grass Creek Mines, DflliilC, Lump and Stove lined, $175 WELL SOREEHBD. Special Chute for Loading Teams. No Shoveling. No Waiting. Grass Creek Coal Co. Iht U Ws-avaatt font Coeer tm tvtk. Tim HmmWltUtm Him Oaaer ck fb O O O O O O; BBQDBBQ6 Do You Use Paint? ; Ifosi of ilu world dots and mat of &U Ivor Id usit The SftEnwiH- Williams Part- Kt madt to faint buildings toitk, insid and outside. Its mad ready for th brush. Its made for home us and for practical painters too. Its purt lead, pur sine and pur linseed ml, mixed by specially made machinery operated by experts. It's made far you. O O & 4 $ 7a gaerwe-avwaaai iau (beer ca. ItrtM. as inrw4-wuilvn film vwae le frrt. For sale at BOYDEN'S DRUG STORE. I '1 |