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Show tOCU AND OTHER HEWS. The only eiwrl whiehaill not ileray la kknalnla-e. Kind elillere are beaming la mat their eppearaar. I MleEllaRohlnoownllorarkCiljr I Tneolay on a lll. I More Minplngparli bav n out I Into th hill tbi week. j Mm. Aula Halinon waa en:r 1 on Tneadajr'a train to Park City. iKub Hlel ami Jo Ball returned to their work In Park City Toeailay. ( Thalitil bird baa told al vrl J marriage that ar to take place in Upton I BOOO. I Coiitait.atoner Met)ooough nam down Irom the Hark tbi morning on county buaineea, Tli weallier ha apparently allied again, and Iht etinoapher I cooler than It in befor th Honn. Don't lorgat to call at tbl oflica whtn j you aeel anything in th lln ol paper, envelopes, slo.; we have a goad eupply. . Th Park City F.Ik rarrll off Brat pria360 forth moat nnlquedleplay , In tha Klk pera.leat Halt Uke Wednee- j -r. !Jolm Bonlh and Wlllard Hobeon vnt down to their claim near Oidto Tueaday morning. They aspect to ba gone (or I aum week. 1 Iton'l bava an dealing with an un- I tlrtakr a long a ou ran help la. They (1 ar a lrang lot ol (allow and Ilk to -rw a man down. ; Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy ba a world wld I raputa'ioo hir ita cur. It never lalla , I anil i pleasant and Ml to Uk. For ' aal by Johu Koyilen A "on PriiKKlata. ' ! A Coalville girl said that her tovsrbsri anil place In hi heart lor bar becatiM 4 ' . b claimed to b alweya thinking ol bar. I (ilia waa oilslaksn. A man due not I think with bi hurt. Tha aolt placa I . ' In III head, w. . .... . .. - , H Tli rain atoiui which atturk bar ' Monday wa Indeed welcome, and did j i much good. Everything wa very dry ' and Ihcra wa not water enough to do much initialing. A gnat deal ol bay ' I will alao b uaruegeil, but not very i badly. A man aa (nnnd dead Bear tha Al-lianr Al-lianr tunnel at I'ark City yesterday, with a revolver anderhla heed. He bad bean dead vraldayaand hadoonidr bleuioiiby on hi pertou. Attorney Oallia went up today to Invealigala tli caa. Ana Lawso ol ttrae Crk waa ei- ' a mined a to heraanity tbla morn lag by Dr. IOiaapl ol Park City and Dr. 1 French ol 1 hi plaoa. A complaint bad been mad by br alalir that aba waa Insane, but tha doc Win d.i Idrd tbal li ' wa all right, TI10 t-op Hit aak received aud pat ) In plar a An new allow eaaa. It la a good eaa aad add to th attraction ol 1 tha alor. Quit a number ol tiuprove- ; meul bar been mail in tb dry good ' department tine Ilia new oftlre bar 1 bona built aad th gonda ar arranged In a mncb sior ootivinent ahap. Ward conlarsue wa held at Kaet ' Coalvill laat Sunday. The uiMting wen well attended. Haveral change war mail In th officer, on ol thm being tb placing ol Jam rJlapl In th biahourlr, a aeroad ooanailor. Ward eonrerano will b held at Upton uaxtbunday, ,' ' Tber ba ba aouie talk ol tunning ' an eacuraion from tbi county to Hal lair i , I some tiaae tbla oitntri. W andrUnd I that tb railroad company offered lo giv ' ' a lata ol $1.50 provided the prouiotera j a would guaranlM that 900 peopl would P tak tb trip. W think then would b no trouble in geltiug that many to go Irout till rouuty, and hoie the thing will lie , la pnahed to a eiiixei.. About tli 20th ol " thi month would b a lua lime to go , down and tak a bath in the briny lu wau'r ol fcalt l-ak. " ' 1 " ' ; I ' J ' w ' ' Mia May H1rr.i1 ia viaiiing ailb relav-tiveetu relav-tiveetu Halt Uke. Mr. L'arl Alllaon baabeea viaiting in Ogden the paat week. Nut very mat y ol our people went to Halt la to the Klk carnival. A rar load ul flour and bran wa received re-ceived by the Co-op line week. Mr. Ira fcidredg waa down Irani Oakley Oak-ley th Brat of the wek on a viait. A. II. Haetbel went down to Ogdei Tnaoday to Uk ia th Buffalo Bill ibow. Coaimimioner J. J. town waa quit ick yeatarday. bnt I en lb Impiov again. We would Ilk Mi hear regalarly Iroin out Upton, Kebo and Oakley corr-pendente. corr-pendente. Mr, C. Hagnall relilrnad horn Iroaa Cumberland Ruaday, wbere ah bad bn for vral week on a vlait. J. H. Haloaan cam in from Comber-laiid Comber-laiid Wedneeday morning, and ha goo out an Bear river lor a lew week' outing. Tba beat pay lie Cbeaibrlaio'i Htomach and Liver TableU. Kaay to Uk. riaaeaal In effect. For aale by John Hoyden A Bon Druggieta. Attention la called tbla week to the ad of the University ol Uuh. Thoaa who are interacted In lbicbool wilt Snd good far.U In tb ad. The many friend In thia county of Jauiee Fowler ol Heneler will ba pained t hear ol hloddo illaaee, and will hope lor a apeedy recovery. Mia Amy HoyiUn relumed b-o itn F.vnnaUiu Tueaday, where ah bad i.ian viaiting lor eevaral weak. Mr. Fred Beckwitb acnompanled bar and will viait here for aahorttltna. Mr. W.J. Onnningliam came In from Kanaa City, Mo., laat Saturday, and will remain heia fur aom lima. Tb lady waa reaidentof thi plara lor many year, aud i a alelar ol Mr. 8. M. Rob-in Rob-in eon. Alldleeaaeaaiartit tbebowle. Keep lhm open or you will b alck. CA8-CAR CA8-CAR tTb act Ilka nature. Keep liver nd bowel actlv wllhont a alckanlng griping feeling. Six million peopl taU and recommended CABCARETrJ, try a lOu tot. Alt druggiat. W recelvtd thi week the catalogue ol the Agriculture College ol Utah lor IMOil 1903, alao from tba Bain Inetlto-tlun Inetlto-tlun bulletin No.T7on "Mora Feeding," and the "Twelfth Annual Keport ol the Kipertuiaul Hiatioa." Moat of the k'cklngdoue in thi world ia doua at the w roug paraon. When a man wanta lo kick lie oaually talk to every paraoo b meet but the right one. II you uiuat kick why don't you buntup lb right on and do vour Ulkiug to him. Henry L. Hhattnck ol tiballaburg, Iowa, waa gored ol a tlomach trouble with which h bad been aftlioud lor year, by four box ol Chamberlain' rJmmarh and Liver TableU. 11a bad previously tried many other remedies and a nomber ol pbyalrlaua without ra-I ra-I lief. For al bv John Borden A Hon 11 Befor tba atorm cam tbi week th peopl did not hav much rauaa lo con-plain con-plain about th dry weather, David Friaby received a litter aom day ago Irom bla beo'.hor i. II. Friaby in Ariiona which aUtrd that all the river near Bnnwdak were dry except ona, and that eliaep and eattl war dying lur lb want ol water and lead. Tb average Umperatnr fer th wek landed August 1 lib wa practically nor-' nor-' ma I. Fairly good abower (ell over the ' eoutbweaUrn oountiaa tba latter part of tb week, but the real al th BUU received re-ceived oo rulnlall. Oau made an average erop and ar aow being barvsaled. Wheat harvest ia well advanced and tbrasblng le In active progreea. Th aeeond erop of alfalfa made a very light yield, but waa harvested iu good condi-I condi-I tlon aud ia now all In lb slack. Cora potato aud sugar beU ronliuue in ' very good coudilinu, coneidering the extended ex-tended drouth and tli tioringe of j water lor Irrigation. Touiatoe ripeurd . rapidly and canning will nen begin.' 1 Tb range are badly drid up and sheep I and rattle thereon are generally in poor I condition. L. II. Murdork. Do not vejaut, whatever jau do. If yoa can not be a lop man baa high np asvno ran. The Iroat bind np the sagnant pool, but not th rippling brook. Diphtheria has again broken out in the laiafly oftrt. Taylor, one of th small boys beloj ,fflirt,d. Arigidquai-amine Arigidquai-amine baa been esubllshed and It la hoped thedieesMWill not spread further. There I no kv of room for advancement advance-ment In every builneea, bat employer do not grab men by their coat to pull Ibem np antil they have demnnatrated that they have Ilia neceeeary knowledge and ability to til more reaponaible poal-tlesi. poal-tlesi. Theconnty aosamweioneraabould have mat yaeUrday to hear the report ol the committee appelates to Investigate lh onnty seat removal setltlon, but owing to th llloaae of Commissioner Lamtiart tba meeting ol tha board baa been postponed post-poned nntil ba is i enough to attend, which will likely b the drat o! th week. The oomuiitieo examined the petition laat Tueaday. A man who had Inn arreated for murder bribed an Irishmen on the Jury lor on hundred dullare to hang out lor a verdict for liianslsuthler. Th Jury wa out a long tint and finally returned with a verdict lor aunelaughter. The man went to the Irisbiuan and thanked him and aaked II he bad a bard time. "Ye," aald the Iriakman, "a ball of a time. Th balance all wanted to acquit you." Tha fanner ol Upton ar contemplating contemplat-ing to locate threw reservoir sites In the head ol the eeat lark ol Chalk Creek. Wa anderaUnd that than are eouie lakes there and a good plac 10 build a large reservoir. W ar glad lo e them make th move and bop they will be eucceeeful In storing up a laig quautlty of water. The building bf reservoirs Is th only salvation th peopl of the Webar valley have, and the aooner they get together and trt th work the j better. ' ! Town killers, or"koixkera"areclasaiaed by an eirhang imo nine separate bunches, a follows; "First, thoee who go out ul town to do laeir shopping ; second, sec-ond, thus who ar opposed to linprove-uienla; linprove-uienla; third, ihoa ko perfer a qu i t town to one of push aid hueineea; fourth the who imagine tlity ean th town; fllth, tkoae whudeiitls public aplrlted men; sixth, tliueo sbo oppose every movement tiiat du-saoloriginaU with them ; seventh, thus a bo oppose every muvsinaut that doei tot appear lu bene Bt them ; eighth, ihct who eek to in-ur in-ur tb credit or rapatalino ol ladivld-ails; ladivld-ails; ninth, those aho Uk th town j paper and do not pay lot it. " |