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Show Under the Prison Floor Daring Attempt at Eacape) Foiled In Mck of Tim Ono of (ho hlthcr'o tinwrlrten Btorloa of Iho rlvll war la (hat of the military prlaon on tho Iry Tortus, near Florida. It waa uaed to rontlno aoldlera aentenred by court martial, and waa guarded toward Iho clone of Ihn war by a detachment under Cant. W. It. Prentice, who relaiea In Me. Clure'a .Mngazlne aoine of his oxperl-ncea oxperl-ncea at hla lonely pout. Ono day twenty-four uniform! were atoten by one of the prlinnen from tho oiiartcrniater'i tornroom. It waa iinderatnod what auch a theft meant that twenty-four or the most deaiwrnto characters among tho nrl-onera, nrl-onera, dlagiilard aa Bolillers, expected to paaa lie guard aomo dark uluht, aelie a achiHiner and eacaiie. Tha plan looked very feuilble. For daya a quiet but careful aeareh was carried on. No rlue rould be obtain-ed. obtain-ed. Tho guard at tlio poatern waa I doubled. At Inat I took Into my con I fidenra a prlannur whoau term had expired. Ho only aaked If a certain roll had been examined. It had not. In It ilx well known desperadoes were con II ned. I went to the cell. There were four baro atone wnlla. some Iron rota and a rhalr no other furniture. All the cells wero floored with heavy flag-atonea flag-atonea laid In cement, but this one had alao a good board floor above tha flags. While I talked with tho prisoners pris-oners on various subjects. I examined that flour. It scorned solid, and all tie cracks wero filled with dual. But ttero wai ono short piece. Hitching my chair nearer to It, I Inaerted my knife hlmlo under that piece. It came liB. The aeareh waa over. . In an excavation made In the flag-pntg flag-pntg wero the unlfornia, and much nore cold rhlacla, hammers and raws, stolen fiom tho maaona, and plenty of dirks made from rhlavls and caae-knlvea. In caae of failure to paaa tho guard tho prlaoners Intended lo ovurpower II. |