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Show A Child's Faith. Ono of Philadelphia's politician! who waa a lookiir-on In llarrlsbur during the recent convention told a group or friends an Incident that l. j luatiated hla wee daughter's flrin faith In hla all-around ability. Tha crescent moon had excited her stnano-ment stnano-ment and wonder for tho reason that theretofore she bad always associated associ-ated Luna wllh a round and cheoao like fulness. 80. she rushed into tho houso and Informed her mother that the moon was "all broken up," and that only a very small piece of It rs-mslned. rs-mslned. The mother, not tlilnklnif tho child old enough for in explanation explana-tion of the lunar phenomena, limply muttered: "Too bad, dearie too bid!" Tho child loomed downcast for it moment: then, her faco Illumined with Joy, aba leaped up and exclaimed: ex-claimed: "O! It will bi ill right when pap conies homo, mamma he'll mend it again." |