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Show A KIDNAPED POODLE IKUK is a slory of an unsuc- I JJI ccssful ruse In love, and B Wiiiiiiii kidnaped piHaiin llllllnger II V.j.tii and llntliiaun were rivals for the good gxroB of Ml May-how, May-how, and Miss Mnylow was dotlngly fond of her pug Chicot. It waa aftci a visU to his adored one that nillincer was truck wllh a great Idea. As ho ti rued Into thn avenue he met a butchers boy whom he remembered remem-bered as having, on rare occaatoua, by reason . .' a p -.Intlon for unimpeachable unim-peachable Integrity, been Intrusted with Iho preiiiiua Chicot on rainy daya when, d". pile thn weather. It waa ileetueil d. alinlilii tlmt tho animal Should be exercised. Hllllnge:' slopped thn hastening youth sml sddresHed him stimethln; In this wise: "Young n an. are you ambitious?" Tho liny grii ncd nuilnnly, for ho knew Hllllnger, ni d reapondi tl suciiuclly: "Sure tbit.K." "Tie well" quoth lilllngor. "Have you any otije lion to laying forthwith the foundation! of the princely fortune that will rno clay he yours?" The boy grinned agnln and guessed not. whereupon where-upon llllllnger, with many admonitions to secrecy, unfolded his plot. The details nf the conspiracy are not Important. Sufllce li to say that one rainy morning about Ion dayx later Ihe boy appeared at llllllnger'a oflics In John street with a much l.cdraggled ftntl Bitnizethi! - rehelllliul Chicot, whom an ontoe boy war straightway deputed In tlo to the safe In llllllnger'a sanctum. sanc-tum. "Well done, good and faithful servant." serv-ant." said Hlllluvor solemnly lo the butcher's hey. "Heboid now, how vlr-luo vlr-luo Is rewaided." Aud he gave his fellow (ousijlrator mure money than VIA hn had ever seen at any one time In his life. Then he glanrcd triumphantly at the captive Chicot and went out to luncheon in high spirits. "What I will uo to that peetlferuns, pun," sWl ho to himself, "will hn-wiint Uio etlquiito books describe as a general sufll-clency." sufll-clency." Alas for nilllnger. While he was trusting himself handsomely at a - neighboring t-are. who should drop In at hla office but the bated llnttnraon, whom partner had a lew case In llllllnger's hsnda. The first object that met hla astonished aston-ished gae was the form of the mud-boapattered mud-boapattered Chiiot. Now It happened that Hatteraon had received by telephone tele-phone the awful newa of Chicot's taking tak-ing off. "Funny thing, he thought, "llllllnger must have found the pup." Hut then he remembered that Mlsa Hsyhew bad said that she had asked llllllnger to advertise for him. He remembered this the more dletlnctly becauae hn hau offered his own services ser-vices to that end. anil had been anything any-thing but pleased to find that he had been anticipated. A great light began to Illumine the obscurity of Hattoraon's mind. He passed Into the hall, carefully closing clos-ing the uoor behind him, and reentered reen-tered llllllnger'a private office by the other door. Hatteraon untied the rope that faatoned the dog In the safe, leaving the other end atlll tied lo that substantia! piece of furniture. Then, taking the Joyous Chicot In his arms, he stole silently nut Into Ihe hall, closing the door behind him, and walked duwn eight flights nf stalra. Peering cautiously out Into the atreet, ho rejoin d to see no llllllnger, and, hearing hla armful of muddy dog, fled revipllately toward Itruad street. Whon Hi Hinder r-Plurncd from luncheon hit first tho unlit wai for Chicot. In vain he carrhed the office. of-fice. Chicot waa out to be found, lie aummonitd the head clturk. Nobody bad I'ntered tilt sanctum, declared that functionary, but Mr. UrtttvrBon. "J.aUrrsoo!" cried the unhappy Dll-linger, Dll-linger, and collapsed Into a chnlr. , lld he take the do away!" CerUln-I CerUln-I y not, the clerk replied. Mr. HutUT aon wont nut aa he had entured, and be waa perfvty certain that he had po do concealed about hla peraon. UUIIngor dlamlHHed the clurk and ciirHcil hln lurk for five minute with- P out rpMitln h.mnclf. Thn. In rt'B- f partition, he clopi hi drnk and fnt f for a cab. Thn rOiiwnr wan unn- rimnhte. Hn had niAdn up It In mind to know tho wont at nn-f Tho man who aiiK'rind hfa rlim would scf If Minn Mtyhcw wan at home and iinhrrnd him Into a wMI- . reinnnitM'rttl drnwiiiK mom. An aofin aa hid ryvn bi'i nin arciiMtoind to Ihe f dim half llht hn wm aware of a fliure In the chnlr by th window. Th next liiHtBiU he i innlr,l H. it aa ' mm r Ilatteratin. In hla lap lay a forlorn black heap whme name wai Chicot. HIHInKer waa apeecnlctifl. He nxte and took one aiep toward the door. KllKbt wait hla purpoitQ. Nothing Hue wan U rt him now. Too late! At that very tnnlmit Ml Mayhcw entered thfi j riHiin. A handkerchief waa preaned to her eye, aud If thero had bm-n aufl. ctcnt IlKht 11 could havo been anen that they wore n-d, Hllllnger atoHl iiilHeinhly awldn. Itattemon advanced proudly to the nilddlo of tho rtMin, but before he could apeak thn poodle. lenped from hln arma and nmhed with joyoup yelp upon bla nilHtreiin. IWitterfon wbm clothed In a proud humility, and aa he opened hla mouth to apt'iik IlllHmrtT abuddnred In hln dim corner by tho diMir. "I-er er." atutleted Hnfternon. "I er I wan ao fortunate aa to And Chicot, you ace." ? "Yea. yea." rrld the Joyful mlatrenii of tho dote, "thank heavon. I waa afrnld I ahoutd never aeo hlin nitiiln. lint wherehow, oh, toll me! I Im'K ymi." ItlllliiKr waited au wulta thn convicted criminal to hoar hla aentence. liatteraon chared hie y throat. "Kr not far from my t .ff.ro In John : atreet," ho nald, "aa I waa icolng to luncheon.' IHlllnRer aelxod a chair to keep from fulling. Ho could hardly reallFQ that he waa to be apared. "The poor, poor iloKKle!" cried the lady. And to think hu had walked all the way down there, I can't think how hn fulled to be killed by a trolley enr or trnk. ot anmthtnK- It Imply marveloiifi. How rail 1 efr - - -r, thank you enniiKk?" And ah proved a klaa njHtn Chlcot'a black, wet mui !o. "Vou have no Idea how all thla has upset me," went on Miss Maybew, (' "especially comlnK at a time when I - was so happy when I so wanted ev- i erytlilng to be serene and Joyous." Hllllnger's reprieve was too recent fie speech, but Hatterson ninnatied to say: ' "Kh? How do you meauT I don't unr dcrstand." "Of course you don't," suld Miss j Mayhew. "How should youT Hut when that wretched boy csmj to Ml ) me he had lost dear Chicot I waa Juat writing to you and Mr. llllllnger f to lull you of my engagement to lord . Illethurlugtou." llllllnger and Hatteraon went dole- f fully down the hrownatone steps arm ' tn arm. The war was over. i "I say, old fellow," said llllllnger, ! mournfully, "I knuw a place around t tho corner where there's a chap who J makes the beat mint Julep In Now .' York." "Kh? What?" said Hatteraon, ah- , sently. "Oh, I don't mind If 1 do." Aa Ihey sadly turned the co-nor they met an automobile centering madly up the avenue. A pair of feet ' reposed upon the dashboard. Hehlnd the feet appeared a mouth ueiweeu whose lips was held a long, ft, black cigar. The face was the fuce of the ' butcher's hoy. He was having the ! time of hla life. |