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Show NEWS srMMAKY. ; Senator James McMlllan of Michigan Is dead from hrarl Iroublea. The mineral proilurla of lha Vnlterl Rlalee for 1!MI amounted to !,0D3,. :4,J0. A VlUIra; ahlp forlj-nlne feel lonr haa been nnearllied on the laland of Karmoe. To factions of the Home ftule party tn Hawaii are both caovaatlng the Islands for support. On man was killed aed Ave Injured -by the eiplonlon of a boiler lo a laundry laun-dry at Adrian, Mich. A aehooner baa gone ashore at Farm, yard Islands. N. K. Her crew of lea persona were drowned. Three men. aupposed to be the Marcua, Mar-cua, Ilia., train robbers, have been captured at Weeere. Minn. The volcaaoea Irani and Pose. Costa Wee, are now qni-l. but Turrialba la reported to be lo eruption. Aa Amerioan syndicate has purchased 40.0.H) acrea of Canadian land lo be converted Into a wheal farm. The Columbia Houthero Hallway company baa f lee orders to have all enfflpee equipped for burning oil. There have bean i: bualnea fal-nree fal-nree la Cuba In the laat twelve months, against twenty-three the year before. The irovernment haa ordered that the Marconi wireleaa telegraph appar- atua be aslabllthed on all Italian war ah I pa. . The political altnatlon In Venetuala remaina unchanged. President Caatro, with en army of 8,000 men, baa arrived ar-rived al Cue. Nine of the gunboats of the mosquito fleet, which baa been used In the past for patrolling the I'hlllppinee coast, have been put out of commission. At Webb City, Mo., City MsrshsV ltlch waa shot and killed by Joe Old-eoo, Old-eoo, who waa then killed by a police man. Uldeon waa resitting arrest. Three ptrwni were killed and a dozen seriously .injured aa a raeult of the derailing of an ei press train between be-tween Charlaville and Lilly, France. Returns received from over Tennessee Tennes-see a'.ow the election by large majorities majori-ties of the Democratic) candidates for aupreme Judgea aad Judgea of the court of appeala. Seven Hulgarlan brlganda who war aurrouadrd In the village of Volka by 350 Turkish soldiers have escaped un-Injured, un-Injured, after having killed four aol-diere aol-diere aad five villagers. Cholera continue, to decrease lo Manila aad a majority of the provinces, pro-vinces, and the predlclisa thai tha diaeaee would be worae la the monlu of Augual haa not been fulfilled. ' Tracy'a body baa been burlad la tha ' C Oreernn " pentlealler. Vitrei wae placed on hla face to destroy It In order to prevent avy attempt to steal tba body and place It oo eihlbltlon. Prince Rrthed, heir apparent to tha throne of Turkey, end Prince Dllmst, the neat In eucceealon to tba throne, bare been arreated and Imprisoned, accused of aasiatlng the Young Turkey party. Torrential ralna have flooded and devaataled the low country on the cooat of the lllack aea, eapeclally In tha neighborhood of Tcharkamba, Lekke- kud, Terme and riamaum. Many Uvea were loat, A general review of the whole strike region allows thai unlaaa the operatora can break the ranka of the atrlkere by etartlng a colliery here and there, the nien will be Incliued to remain out fur aoma time yet, A new commercial treaty between Rusala and Oermaoy la regardsd aa atlll a long way off, but llerlln Tage-blatt Tage-blatt thinks this la one of the aubjecte to be diacuaaed by the emporare at their conference. Kvelyn II. Ilaldwln, the Arctic explorer. ex-plorer. In an Interview, charecterUee the reporla of the dlfferenrea on board ( tha America duiing the recent liald-wln-,eigler expedition to tha North Pole as Incorrect. A rolling mill for the manufacture of railroad appliancea, and employinu -from 150 loSOO men at Drat, la to be erected in or near Kansaa City, to be In operation by January next. The com peny is capitalised al IJ.MKI.OOO. ' At Point Richmond, Cel., William Manafielu, aged about S3 yeara, waa burned lo death In the Jail, where bd waa placed for disturbing the peace. Il la believed that he started tha blare by selt'D.- fire to hla bunk. The Tabasco River Navigation com-pany, com-pany, Mexico, which ha paaaed Into control of Americana, will Increaeelhe number of Ita ateamera ao aa to enoour-age enoour-age the agriculture development of landa lying along the river' navigated by the com pany a boat. At Chambrey, France, erowdemade demonstrations against eommlasarlea of police who were cloaiog achoola conducted by nuns. The tocsin wae rung and the sisters who refussd to opsa their doora to the eomnilasarlca were cheered by the people. Profeaaor Curtis J. Lyons, govern meat meteorologist for many years, aaya that for the paal three month, tbare have beaa unuaual movemeole la theoceea surrounding tba Hawaiian islande. Tha movemeate referred la are In ths aslura of tidal wave. |