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Show Dea.il of a. Bisbv. A telegram waa received here y ester- ( j morning sitting Ibsl little tieneriev ' Warner, the 22-months-old daughter ol j t Rev. and Mra, A. C. Waruer, bad died f at ttreen River Wednesday. Th little .' j on had been very lick for about aix week ! and bad aoffered Intenaely. Everything ' poa.lbla wm done lo safe the child but , to no avail. The cause of her death wm a paralytic atroko, brought on by anal- ' v tacV.f typhoid fever. The child weaver bright sod lovely, and lis sad uking away will be a hsnl blow to the parents. ' j i The funeral will be held this afternoon 1 ) at Green River and the reuisina interred . there. Mre. Wheaden aud Mrt. French 1 went ot.1 last evening to attend tbe - ! funeral. ; ; The many friends hereof Mr. and Mr. . Warner will deeply tympathii with i : them In their hour of atdnee. ' i |