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Show MINs. HOHROR IN COLORADO. Thlfta Minor Hlllaxl Uf lha KiltMloe of Nwdnr Hume. A mot disastrous esploslon occurred at No. 3 mine at Ituneo, Colo., a small eamp about ten miles north of Trinidad, Trini-dad, In which thirteen liva are known lo have bcrn lost. Theeiact numlier of men working on the night shift snd In the mine al the time of the explosion explo-sion Is unknown. The mine Is worked ny the Tnion Coal company of lenver, and Is a slope mine, situated en the ii.ountalnside and stn.Mit 4x yards foin the tipple below. The esptoslun occurred about loo feet from the mouth of the atop and was caused by firedamp. Immediately afler the night shift bsd started Into the slope a terrlfla explosion occurred, entirely tilling the mouth of the slope aod ahaking buildings build-ings and breaking windows for a mile distant. Owing to the mouth of the slope being be-ing filled, the rescuers were delayed for some time, but succeeded In reaching reach-ing part uf the men through an old slope, and eight dead bod lea were quickly brought to the aurface. The powder-house In the mine, oe nelly containing 1,000 pounds of powder, pow-der, blew up, and It la thla which caused auch great disaster. The gen erat belief la that the enlli-e mine haa been ruined, snd If not It will take months to get it In working order again. |