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Show 6QY BEANS. Wkr TS..J liadlM IMewwawtaal Vanaara mi Thete ttewt Tetaa. Boy bean abould never b mi nntil th eoll la thoroughly warm. Tbey ar bot weainer plauta. Immediately Immedi-ately rtf-r planting corn I generally good time to put the M-ed In tb ground. If planted for aeed, aow with grain drill, stopping up tb bole Bo to make rows about tbliiy-two Inches Inch-es apart When grown for bay or Boiling, Boil-ing, they may be drilled like wheat, nalng about Ova peike of aeed to the acre, tiut they Ire vlgorons plauta, and ven for bay better reaults will generally gen-erally tie obtained by giving them pore room. They may be cultivated nitb a weeder or one bora cultivator kt th outset. Later tbey rover tb ground and take rare of theruaelve until ready to rut Th rutting can b dona with a special bean harvester If 1 the soil la soft enongb to permit or with an ordinary mower, though It 1 abould be remembered that the stems become tough and luird to cut aa the plant rliwns, and on thi account It la well not to delay th barveat hmger than la neceeeary. For bay tba plHnta nay be rut Boon after they begin to blosaoui; for allege a noon a th pod ar developed end befor tbey ar rip. If grown for aeed, It la well to harvest aa Boon na th aeed ar Hp and before be-fore th pod dry out and begin to split Farmer ar llabl to make the mistake mis-take of assuming from a Brat year' eiM-rlenc that the eoy bean will not develop tnberrlra on tbelr Und. In IIKKI four vartetie were grown In our forage plots, and all made a Sua growth. Hut none of th plauta developed devel-oped nodule. In th spring of 11101 threw of these pint were planted wltb Bfd gathered from them In the fall of WHO. Tba fourth plot was some die tour away In IMK), and It wae derided to plant aeeda obtained from It next the other three. The plot chosen for tbi seed bore In 1UU) an Imperfect aland of blue lupine. To my lurprlae, the planta In the three plot that bad borne any bean In 1UU0 produced tubercle tu-bercle In KKU In Inrge numbera. while on tho of the third plot, which, ao bot bkan noon eaowiMrt Tuuajutaa. far a known, bad never before born Boy beiin, nut a alugle tubercle waa to be found. Jiiat w by the tubercles abould not appear ap-pear the Ural year aud abould appear iu lurirc lannlK'ra the evcoud la not at pri-Bcut may to i-xplulu, but th fact Is luiHrtiuit lis uffirliig uu rxpluuullon of thu dlaiipiHiiiitmeiit which aouie fm mere eiptrlcuce with the pliint riiiiitlng a aeeond aenaou on the auuie hind uppvura to be ui-ceaaiiry to get the soy hum at work hb a nitrogen Oxer. In Bolls ih lii icnt In combined ultrogen the crop la ut tlret likely to lauguiah bci'fuiev of fuilure to develop root nod-uh-a. The nodulca mo he grown artificially 111 rirat seuaou. It wui demouatrutvd lu our plots In llail that the tubercles csu be grown lu great number on the roots of soy beuns by the uao of pure cult una of the tubercle bacteria. 11. tiormiin. Kentucky Jliatlon. |