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Show .A j .'f - TO- - ' perance Association, Elizabeth ne, Fond da Lac, IV Is. l MPA Mat. ITxiuiaM: I want to tolie o f the t tell you end ell the voting how grwteiul 1 ene tp you for country, I . ell the benefit 1 here reoil red from alng . Lydia Th World Ha regressed, a Cast Iron plows introduced about'! years ?, and ntach to npon the round tvlt they poisoned' the land' Plnkhami Vega 1 suffered tot tabic Compouud. lrt - - --V - - " Young Lawytr Convinced Doorkeeper Error. , of .H Julius H. Wyman, n young corporation attorney of Baltimore, has ao much, the apearance of a minister of the Gospel that at the numerous' conventions Be Is called le attend he it invariably asked to' oJTbr (the opening prayer. Only once, did this clerh cal appearance threaten to debar him. The antipathy that the phllanthro- Girard had to the ministerial pro-plt reaston to well known, and member of Uit holy calling are even now ex- eluded from the unlrersltf that bearti time- A time ago Mr. Wy- man visited the college. He was met at the door by the guardian, who. supposing him to be .preacher, said: No ministers kilo d, alrl The young lawyeV, surprised;- - grabbed, him by the arm and cried:' Who Jn. h aid ? . erT" Walk right in. sir; walk right In. was the good natured remark ot, the doorkeeper, who smiled ' broad, apologetic smile. From the Treasurer of the Young Peoples Christian Tem -- y. PROVED RICHT TO ADMITTANCE. YOUH& LADIES, d KISS ELIZABETH CACTI, eight month from suppressed men It effected my entire atrugtlpn, and system until 1 became week and debil itsted, and at times felt that I had a hundred aches in as many places. I only used the Compound tor a few weeks, bst It wrought a change In me which I ffltirem the very beginning. X have been very regular since, have no pains, and find that my entire body la aa if It wag renewed. I gladly recoin mend Lydia 12. lMnkhams Vegetable. Com pound to everybody." ILse Elkabsth Cain, 69 W. Division , du Lac, Win 5000 ftrftn It 6t, Fond Uttlmtmltl It sst foaaja At such a time the greatest aid to support for your steps. Before jon Start this, however, go to the wotd and select several pieces pi ,sapL'ng eighteen Inches long and with a natural bend, like a bow. Trim flat on thb back and front of the bow with A sharp hatchet.' FabtAn-thls.rft't Tin shall sot find. In kn dsy quett angles to another piece of sapling A Jortresa atlongcr, a lowlier uilk about tweaty tnches long,1' Opposite the ed of the sapllag, i, , In.1th cvUerayit, ... Jlldlttftt .I,.:',. ' , which" you JfirBt btiut to the tree anj Coe red from fearkaa cbsUepSiiqi .khrost. about two feet away from it, drive The Orinla alts At bla door or Alts stout post To thlb fistea the sbet-nFIDwr and yonder In urgent no I roe sapling wlh a strong rope, You tre f .Yo for bla wife and th t bring now ready to bend it and you had brood n The Oriotoa william K. Vanderbilt wMte vUh a black stripe-t- oe colors, 1 M theaurLas-oflag 1. a asms ' at COBSSH mon umn.haK black. with a blue crosp In the center. Secequal' retary .Cormaeks pennant it WATIJPROOP OILU CLOTHINO portion whltp and black., .vertically divided. The mast striking combination of black and whitd la John Taylor Lords pennant You have seen It at - The morsel they ask. Tta a yeoman task, flut a bird of atat TOutiiALrjofiKxm the QueeuMab--' black ground, with a perforated .white Maltese cross In the center. Here la the cross without the akull and bones, . ' New York Press. MhfefcUadioryefl9W of thibest m'iermlj tnd w tit oif warrant tpr rtliaadcakra evwywtoL. CO. BOSTON, MAM. KTAUiHfl0 I S3 0. May toll for bla mat., j J , T r lsg bd there's wonderful love like Pie-ordar- wee little home In th world. that " Un- -' big jnt i ( Swing -high, swing lw.' 4 ' hera- tba breese blot. , th rain g slanting to AS J Cradle of melody, . ' Hocked Ilka a kummer pea where tb ripples of air and m and mft ssd run. Mingle and Ant wa ahaU not" And In a eek-long , , sOfi ; ltl furled A a ' . r , Makbar Grmj't Swaak Fowdar for CUUdrea BoooaasfuUy need by Mother Grey, none la the Children's HornaisNaw York. Caras Fevwisbnssa, Bad 8tomach, Teething mov and regulate the Bowels and Destroy Worms Over 90,000 testimonials. At all druggists, SSa. Sample FREE. Address Allan 8. Olmsted, LaKoy, N. Y. . , XLC- - the-wat- . Nest. Swing hlfh. swing lew, . , Where tbs sepbjrs go . O their beautiful errands to ana fro Cradled so fair . in the summer air Where th green leave throng , Amid aheVn and hdng J. 7center..New Yorker are familiar 4Jssd by Egyptian Music tana. The ktssar la ond' of the moat ancient of Egyptian Instruments. found represented In monuments antedating the date ot Christ by 2,000 years. It consist! of a Circular body with a large triangular frame above, from the cross-ba- r of which five to th bottom 'of the pass strings A Pretty bight frame. It la tuned to the pentatonic Ons of the most beautiful eights in scale. ' - . r . the world is the annual migration of Wtoalowr Mrs. Soothing Syrup.1 butterflies serosa the Jsthmus ri Par rktulraa kMlhlng. aoftru th gum, radar altay pain, aura wind sutis. AfeelwUl. Panama. Toward the "eifd of June a few scattered specimens are discovCanvassing by Proxyi ered flitting out to sea, and as th A company has Just been formed, in undays go, by the number France to relieve parliamentary can nature is Lydia E. Pinkfaama til, aoout July 14 or IS,increaaes, the sky is didates of all the worries of a general It. prepares Vegetable Compound. almost obscured ' by election. Posters, agents, orators, authe young system tor th coming oecaslocatly of than frail Insects. myriads diences all are found.' Voters, howand sorest the reliance it for change, woman's ills of every nature. ever, are not supplied, hut If th canTo Cure a Cold In One day. Mrs. Pinkham invites tK Take Laxative Brotno Quinine Tablet. AO didate la not elected the company young women who are ill, to druggists ref und money if it fails to cure. 99a guarantees to return a third of whatwrite her for free advice Ad ever he may have paid to secure his Turned Farce Into Tragedy. dress Lyun, Mass return. Arthur Sharply, a member of an Children Overdressed. English theatrical company, stood in There was a time when the small the wings waiting tor his cue to ent a farcical scene. 1 think I will make boys greatest happiness consisted In It a tragedy," he remarked, and swal- going about in his bar feet. The lowed loan poison. Trouble Is his present-da- y boy wears shoes, and it family made him wish to die, but a If quite a novelty, to tee a shoeless physician compelled him to live, and lad. Whereas in former times the H yea aoltor fiwa say a be magistrate put him under bonds not averaga boy underdressed,' y Of tba waasaaaaaa av SI aaaaaa aaaaaS by tganr la overdressed, ' The former grew up to suicide again. attempt aaoa, aaaaaa or aoatagtoa into a sturdy lad; the Matter ,1a tall yoa art IM wj panes wa wsat to talk to. and scrawny. How times change! Wa kava praaa ear OS. a w. SSOBES. akili la oorta all Ckraala Chester (Pa) Republican.- - ateeeaea bryskUahlas SSeaksaSa ef volaatarr teetiae alala cf boa rise's Cur foe Coessmptloa la aa tafeHthl plalaa asana plo.aia a ad atfdraaaaa. Now ready for distribution. Send for Wa aaa t pakUak aar (ana la prlraM ail Address Salt Lake Business medicine lor eougbi sad sold N. ff. gAJSOSla Sanasaa Ik won Id lam free copy. Oceea Prove. M. X. Feb, ft. IWft aoaSdaaaa. 11 a aaa wa College, Templeton. bare a praaa aar aklll la .tsia alaaa oI kreutilaa la Mads Musle In Olden Timesaaatkar way. 1 kia la ear fUasen to Suspect. of rales un la' a sort of The pla. "Sometime," said Uncle Eben, "a violin. rabab Wa aara yea Srtt aaS The la a square frame body reason a to suspeck dat hes be (baa aak boy has covered with The Instruable faa whea ye a era parchment in scolded foh doin what his fathuh aaraS. Tea aaa Sa ment Is played with a bow. Thera la do would if hissef he too Z weren't paa apes ear word; aay busy but one string, a thick, coarse horee-halr- , task la U tab will eedorae J or hadnt th rheumatii. WashingIk. tbuaaapd a of patlema but expert perfqnpera, cao. Jt U ton Star..., aadonaS lit., bow bar, wa wwak k get considerable variety of tone said, tin tfkitinet pi-vl- th Bears TbtaT from this primitive instrument w MdtmtDdini We offer One Hundred Dollar reward for ',1 -- BOYS WHO HAKE MONEY Jl ta a dainty BttU hokltt, as al ef Cnglil boy tail bag wa wjr jest bow Uly save stada a succe M Uiuf A - fipltare - Th the-leave- ' I to try H, addree I H v quest ties prettier sight1 lhaft An OrioHe E. gangster in Will Csrietoag v Magaslns, Every Whers. v-- We win furolA yoe wkb Tea Copies ibe fin seek Fra ot Charge, to beiuid ef Five Cente a Copy; yn eaa lliea send as tbowboloile price (ur as aiaay a yoe M yoa toa sell tbe Beat awet a. ef h Vfelir water gpidef. run abopt on And of aquatic plant catches th? insect that Jive among them; but th nest In which this spider live' la a silk bag filled with air, and it iff anchored beneath the water. Its opening points directly Nciarcs of tb tow. tenon Ullinf bog Uiry boill ap a pkV1" kak ikm ouuido af dtooi boats, latereitikg stories cf teal taume lad.' criaa-croa- ' THB SATUVay EVEN1SQ PCST you want I j it t I , s I I U Boy PtTMg)rr Tbe Oartle roktoiat Ceaiyaay, PUltdelyMa EDUCATIONAL. PAY WHEN Correct better get your chum to help you, ag it require considerable strength, t As yen start to. bend the sapling past it over th curved piece you -have made (which resembles a pick ax in shape, the end of, tbe handle being placed against the tree). The object of' this pack kx shape- - le to distribute the strain over A greater surface on the sapling than would be the case if you simply used a sticit without tbe curved piece on the end. You will need keveral of these shapes, and atter your sapling la bent you can fasten it to these pieces by - - nailing. After your sapling la properly bent you must fasten tbe end securely to the Hmt, , Unless you want to go to th trouble of selecting piece of sapling with a very decided bow shape to act aa supports to your stair. It will be much easier to use upright The former support' is supports. . ssil CURED. to-da- BUSINESS COLLEGE CATALOGUES pau-pl- a. raaa , i I t ft left 70ft ViHoMiti. if Loftt Mftaood twDorrtoofft ft ftil fpfinMirrhMrftftltMSIHM Of Bftft. COOKtlit-ftOf- t I ftft4 ftdftoft or la ptnoa. CftU or wrUft. W firtl! ftatU w4 rr trvi leur WE CURE CATARRH H SlaaaMa ef lb Likfi. Bean, etomeeb, Um KMeers. Bladitar. Karra. Ktla, Brain, an ail ChniBieSitaaaaaaf aaa, wwaaa aad ablldtwa. sad BraamstT to OBeBwnlIlka.aip. f b. Saadayaaad Holiday! DRS. SHORES tx 10 toll. , 2. SHORES, r te ECU Little LYON BLOCK. 5fc W SeowUSe-S" SALT LAKE CITY. b UTAH JUNK any eaae of Catarrh that caano be cured by Hail Catarrh Cure. r. i. CH EVE A ca. Prop., Toledo. O We, the uaderaigaed, bar known F. X Cheney for tbe last IS year and belters him perfectly honorable la nil bualneea transactions and financially able to carry out any oblige tionk made by their firm. Went STruai, Wholesale DrmrfikU. Toledo, O--t Waldlng, Hlnnan A Mama, Wboleaai Druggists, Toledo, Ohia Hall a Catarrh Cure la token Internally, sot tag directly upon the blood and muoout surface Frio of the system. Testimonials tent fra per bottle Sold by all druggist Hall's amity Fills ar tb bos , to bed ladlM Caa Wwr Shoe Nona DAM8, INDIANA. IN Claaelst. Lsttars, Ho, RJU. COl'k aaattc and llluiy, JaarnailMB. Aft, Adeae Las. Civil, Skacbaalaal sag Pharaiacy. taiawt(, Arebltactat, ' Lisp-trlc- al , Ikaraagb toareteqi aad Cetomaftlal kaaeaa Ffw to all student who have om-plated tb to iae required for admtsaloa latee tba JoBloror&wuot k aar of say of ItaoOH to (rat, moderate charge toatudaoto overaefrawwiirriiarlog forOoegtv , A homed kswrU Caudui.uu, ( th bereoeleed al.pnual rale bt. 64wrf , M.ll, for bor under U years, U lia fgulpment. sniquela U Tbe ktb Vw will open AaptambarP, IV01. kbaOoUegt-skaCkmr- ture Cataivyu-- a tree Addraaa I kfcV. C. g. C. Freeldeet after using A liens a powder. It make tight or new ST. MARYS ACADEMY. ahoeseaay. Cures swollen, hol.aweatlng, N0TR8 DAMR INDIANA. and corns nails, aching feet, ingrowing ad I wait cf lb Calranlky cf Xotr Dame.l bunions All druggists and shoo stores, (finr karoo gh Engttkh and Ctokatcal EdoeaUoii, 15c. Trial package FREE by mail. AdUreek Lavin.FreiHbaDdGtcrmaa.Oa One slse smaller Foot-Eaa- e, tieiudmg eoaiplellnt tbe full rourac of eiudles. etudes is rewire tbe Kagalat Colleglata ton The OoBMfiratory sf Musts Is eoudueiad OB In Shared Small Estate, Many Ike piss af UM best CtsMlcsl Oonaarvbtorlaaei Aa Unmarried woman's estate of Lerope The Art Department modelled after tht $626.75 was lately distributed by the , An School of Fotop Probate Court of Indiana among bet Preparatory and Minis. Dsportmmt p e thirty-ninheirs. The largest amount SUa are bera earefatly praps red for tb Ao. and Advanced Course. OymasMua on. any one received waa $75, which went der direction of Gradual, ef notion Normal UBoji N. Y. dress Allen S. Oiinsted, grand-nephew- I Carrying Air Home, downward, ao that no air can escape when the spider enters It, After the neat has teen made large enough the spider pn ceeds to fill li aith air in the moat remarkable way, fib carries it in. Just aa human people might carry coal or wood or water into their houses. Going nearly, the surface, she put th end of lief body out of the water for an In ant, then Jerks it quickly under with a bubble attached, crosses her hlnJ tegs over it and descend to tha nest. Into which ah then allows the bubble to escape. This is repeated until the nest la filled with beautiful, shining, silvery bubbles of sir. The spider has cboaen this singular abode to escape destruction by water The leave of most aquatic fowL plants lie flat upon th water and offer only few placet where tbe spider could hide from enemies. The thought of a house of silk filled with air and, anchored in crystalline, sparkling liquid would do for fairyland story, hut here it to In real life, j tKbfst fajnily nos - (axavtivc- "It Is pure. 41 It is efficacious.' ' ' agreeable and refreshing to the taste. .- Its value is'dne to our meth.od of manufacture and to It is excellent To get Sts beneficial effects for ladles. I V . . ,f - buy the genuine, JJamifacturedby. , , , 4mmedtoteto-ordere- a.bottle, j " Louisville, Ky. T0S SALE ST ALL ( LIAD Ixo x X New York, J Y. DRCQC1STA K- - ? "T ThRstiefitsto-Cas5ptoUr- - - and, your friends wiiL, enjoy your handiwork mor& than you have any idea. .... Ferocious Bengal Tiger. ,man eater to usually an older tigei whose strength to falling and whose teeth have partly lost their sharpness, Sych, s beast finds it easier to lurk.ln the vicinity of settlements and to pick up" ah occasional .than to n.n man, woman.' down wild catQe.-&ySt. Nicholas.The largest, - fiercest, and most brightly colored tigers are fomd lu the Province - ef - Bengal, '"m ar" the mouths of the Ganges River, aad not-fafrom Calcutta, A .full grow Bengal tiger sometimes measures ten, feet from nose to tip of tall. Such a monster makes no more ac fount of springing uppn, mao than a rat does of seizing a piouse, , He surpasses toe lfoh in strprlgtfi and ferocity and has no rival adiong beasts 'of prejr except the. grizzly-bea- r and the reqepriy Recovered giant bear of Alaska. The e - r Frozen fioap Bubbles. Many Interesting expCrlmento1 dan be .,mad wRh. .eoap ;bvl)bhs.-Wowfrom a mixture of castlle, soag - Th Bspltngs Bent.1' glue. It 1 not genefaliy knoAi, t ever, that bubbles eahv be - frhZul , tree the eesier It to to wrap the . , , though it to 7ry easily done.' Blow a into place. These should be cut from tb near- bubble ot moderate size and' carry U can be of beech or to thb door or put It out of kn Open est forest-anl maple. Get them as long as possible window on a winter da.- The .bubble-wilfreetp instantly, , retaining ps and not more than .two Inches in dt shape, but forming most beautiful ameter. Nall toe end of one of your saplings crystals. If you try tarn little experifsat to the tree st its' bottom, totting ment on a clear, day, where there is It slant in the direction you are to little wind, you1 wilh.be delighted with bend It fer the" stair, " Betid Slowly the result. around, fastening with nails as you An liver that attends proceed, until you reach the first limb, be either tied or nailed. strictly to business-h- a a monopoly that whers It Wben you bate fastened this se- tbe head of a gtoot trust acboa to curely you must next bend tbs outsr Control. 1 sap-Cng- a m m h d, of w;Ine from bis oVn vlneyarcf to be placed before him, and called1 foF th seer in order that he might lfibgh kt th refutation of hi prognostications, when the latter, remarked : There's many a slip twlxt tbe cupaud.tke lip." At that moment Anceos was informed that hvwild boar was .ravaging hi vineyards, whereupon be Immediately set down his cup and set out to do personal brittle with the boar, end was klHed in' the conflict. . " : t ,, To Build a Ruatlq Stair, . The tree around which you intend to build your stair should be at least wo feet in diameter. .The larger the - LirowfiA Rg f it ' 4 San Fftonoleco, Cat T , , of families the world over. It Is used by millions " i . . Mi It stands highest, as a laxative, with physicians. If you use It you have the best laxative the world produces. , tic Many a Slip. the originality and simplicity of the combination. - 1 'X , i r, 4f It contains the laxative principles of plants. It contains the carminative principles of plants. ' It contains wholesome aromatic liquids which are Tt It ls conveaicnt for business men: . It is perfectly safe under all circumstances.' arw JwnAN i ,t AH fife delicately blended.All are skillfully and scientifically compounded- r . after-effect- s. -- It is not expensive.3 It is good for children. I It All are pure. V rins --- A 4 It is pleasant j - acts gently without unpleasant It is wholly free from objectionable eubsUaces. - It Is gentle. , lAnceo - Its component parts are all wholesome. . of-rus- "Thereto many a allp tw!xt the cup and the lip baa a classical origin. .Anceos, the helmsman pf the salp see?, thac he Argot wa told , by, would not live to drink his own wine. Be cavJ.s g. ji . much prettier, of course. The supports, for the step ca be made of two pieces of sapling fastened together (see drawing) and then nailed to the sapling you have Just bent The. treads of alep can he made of any sound, weather-beatehoards but chestnut aland the weather beat The handrail should be bent jn .the same way aa the second tap ling. Tbe space between the rail and th atepa can be filled with any shape work yon choose, elth-, grapevine or sapling. Property built this rustic stairway la' very pretty and graceful, arid If your' summer bouse whlch'U' la presumed you Fill build in a tree, at th head of the sta.rs, is a artistic, yon n THE UXIVE'SITY OF KOTEE DAVE, and was saying her prayers. This of Oymnastlea, Bookkeeping, Phonogwas part of her petition: "Oh, Qod, to surviving brothers and slaters. The Sebool and Typewriting e;tt, Every variety of make all the bad people good and smallest amount was, $3.09, the por- raphy Fancy liMdlewtX taught. For catalog a ad a and grand-niece- s make all the good people all the tion ' MtBClUBS CF THE ACADEMY, Sv Mwy' Actocsq, good people the good people nice! j eceled. . tab Das f. a. GQ.EZ3SSJGS: tab. fcar.aoppar, braaa.au. Halt Labs City, A Little Girl's Prayer. Alice had been pat i '. |