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Show III ! ' T TWAIN. A glrwieiaat " .aem Dee.tr On Mil ' d Ccr.t. A man namrl J McDonald In-tantljT In-tantljT killed ty it east hound passenger passen-ger train an ii!t,( 0 Echo laatPat-arday laatPat-arday raornlik. Imm the fact that could be obtgi :!-' ,tWH thought that he had beeoisc U1l..t.rf with liqnor and had Ul'l ' 'Ua the side of th track and I. !!'. A th train approached ap-proached bef t'slep and waa streak on th head with rj.mdsr of the engine. A terrible gnh tsa cut In hi head, knocking ail hrtMOot aud killing him Instantly, thsksly wa picked op and ttktu to Koto and a jury impaneled to eiamln tbe sea, Tb mar bten working at lb ton qnny oar Croyden anil) few day befmshiiJsath, whn h want up to Park Cliy leashort visit. II wm returning to kkwork when he mat hi death. Vtitath swa of hi death reached ki kiltw workmtn, torn of thm cam iiuid identified blm. There wa so pspwisl any kind on hi pereou to indieat sub waa, thaonly tblog found onbiabaiDg Iwowhlsksy bottles, on full (ml It other mpty. Th msn who IdeatlN blm aald that hi horn wm In Sanson, Minn., and word waa seut there hj bis folk. Th rsnniM ar held until alter the Inquest wm bnlhd Monday, having been etaba!sd by an undertaker from Ogdea. (KTuesJay tbey wer shipped back to hlnoto for burial. Th teni.i rendered by the Jury wm thai tli mm came to hlsdstth acciden-ully. acciden-ully. MiVtuiwaa attached lo tli railroad coupany. |