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Show - v-- . wa AsT f The OIT VI LIB. Hovraviixa, Utah, Ang. Ennoa Times: COUNTY NEWS. Etas ! Interest Cerresposdeits filtered bj 1b Iirlens Our Baking Powder KAMAIi Kama, Utah, Ao. Makes the bread more healthful. 12, 1902. :piTOBTiiE Thar vert lour baptisims performed ia Beaver creek laat Saturday. Elder J. J. Bowes and Irwin Critten- den were missionaries here Bunday. anmber of the people ofthis are Talley tbrosgb baying, or nearly o. Mr. and Mr. L. Fitch and Mr, Wt, lean went to Salt Lake today to attend the carnival and vimt with relative. A goodly The Miaaea Annie and MettiePack went to Salt Lake Monday. The latter fo troubled with hay lever and hope to - - 14, 1902. . Safeguards the food against akim. Aioa baling powden are ths greatest mrnaons to health of the promt day. The . which has been sick with typboia fever, ie now slowly recovering. The weather is much cools r aince the ram, it baa done a great amount of good to the crop, a some of them were very dry. W am pleased to report that William Wilkinson, Jr., who was serriously ill at oar last writting, ia now oa the improve. Bom owjm MMtma aowora ee.. htw tbm. cub, of our people would be pleased to hear of the road tnpervisor removing the piles of rock from the road, as they socaroBT. bocKhOBT, Editob Times : child of W m. Brown, fonr-yearo- ld Aug. 13, 1902. are very dangerous to passing buggies. . Mr. Haber Brew a and Mrs. Bophis Lambert left here Monday morning for Salt lake where they were married Ang. 18th in the Temple. We all Join In wishing them a long and prosperous life. William Stsmbtidg is quits sickst this writing. improve by the change. Mrs. Booting and daughter of Spring Everything look ireb and green after ville are her visiting Mr. Hortin. Mrs. Edwin Crittenden, La cl an Critand at clear look prevent the atorm. It tenden and family, Mrs, Mary Etooe-brak- er be hanlingbay Quit threatening weather etpreeent the people will likely and and it look like a atorm is coming. . family of Evanston and Mr. again tomorrow. Mrs. David aad Neff left her Tuesday Mr. May Lambert ha been quite A lineman passed through here last morning for Vernal, where they expect poorly for ome time with hay fever or weekepairtng the telephone wires. be gone for three weeks or a month. to her Hea lett Bro. agent passed through asthma. Bishop Lambert be taken to Park for a change of air, which it i town Sunday uking orden (or good. BEHiriK. hoped will greatly benefit her. Mrs. Jack Smith made a trip to the Huerta, Utah, Ang. 14, 1902. Soph C. A. Calli and Stake Aid May capital last week to visit her mother, Editob Times : Welsh visited the Woodland ward lut Mre. Moffat. Mr. and Mrs, D. Black ol Morgan ars Sanday and were present at the Sabbath Joshua Coeaey has returned home from ' ,. school and afternoon meeting. The Idaho, where b had been on business visiting here., . yK. baa been Harris treat. a 8upt. for about two weeks. Bishop quite sick saints of that ward had A again this week. n and Aid Elisa Barber visited the Mrs. Maris Rhead hss returned home Francis school. T. S. Britton mad a business trip to to Coalville after spending a few days f Ogden during the week. with her parents. , rKOA. A nnmber of oar people am In tb aty Leo Muir of Suit Lake paid Bock port Fnoa, Utah, Ang, 13, 190? ' a visit on Bunday laat, and alto made a pasturing with the Elks. Editox Tims i John Francis fell from a wagos Wedto Kama to m bis wife. 1 After a weeks delay ihe mason ie again trip and Is laid np from hie Injuries. Mr. and Mrs. London of Croyden re nesday hoom, at work on the ward a , The speaker here Sunday were Elders rain this turned home last Saturday after visiting There has been fast enough Duncan March ant of Peoa and C. R. a week with their aunt, Mm. Hortin. week to stop Laying and to lay tbs duet. Jones of Coalville, Lb Salt Lake peo J.A. Merchant went w Holiday : Park Quite a number of . James Fowler, Fr.wr Wuwli , visit hl family the flirt of the week. pie, who have been camping in Bukers . t , , f. a . a i 5 tti f V S' CH , f ). ivWhfnir f b A . KM. . Dsaftsfafiakv.. AC RJCVLTV RJC AND IR RJGATION. TRAIN. here yesterThe director of th censne bureau has that little Genevisra morning stating N.' J Cette. aent the Timet a statement of the proWarner, the daughter of A mo cat McDonald a at in gress in agriculture in the arid, states Mrja A, (?, Warner, had . r 'cava. stantljr tithe rst bound passen- aad territories as relate to irrigation. at Greea River Wednesday, Tha little ger train & it of Echo laat Sat- - In Utah the number of irrigators, one had been very lick for about six week n the bets that of Indian reservations. Increased and had suffered ardaymornf intensely. Everything I could he obi i was thought that from 9.724 in 1889 to 17,924 In 1899, 1 wa done to sere the child but possible ha had bseoi xicaled with liqnor 94.fi par cent., and the number of acres to ao arall, Th cans of her death was aad hadjsid the side ol th irrigated from 23,473 to 8 ,29S, or 1 pmralyrate stroke, brought on by an at-p-er track and U - v A the traia - ap ' cent. Th averag waluo of ferm r.f typhoid isrerr The ehiid was vei aad OR straek wat proaobed he of up land per acre was 9 75, irrigated bright and lovely, and Its sad Uking the head wi uder of th engine, laud, $37.40. Th dltche io operaikm awsy will b a hard blow to tha parent. A terrible ; .scut in hie head, lo 1899 had a length of 2,838 mile, cost Tb funeral will be held this afternoon. i out and killing him 5,722,306, and irrigated 624,186 acres. at Green River and th knocking k remains interred , " instantly. iy was picked np aad There wer 8 177 'acres Irrigated from there, Mr. Wheaden and Mrs. Freach . taken to E Ik jury Impaneled to walls. Jibs irrigated area in crop was went out-Ins- t evening, to attend th examine t f , ... 537,588 acres, yielding products veined funeral. ' 1 been working at the at $7,482,370. Tha area Irrigated In pasTh mm Tb many friends hereof Mr. and Mr. .r t ton qua Crovden until a few ture wa 61,775 acres. Warner will deeply sympathise with daysbefo alh, when k went up Th aamber of irrigators in th United them ia their boar of sadness. . .1 to Park C. short visit. H was States ia 1899, net including irrigators ol work whan he met his rice, wa108,218, am iawsss in tea years returning TRB rtOrtXTt CALLED HK4LTH bs news of hi death of 69, per sent. Th area irrigated death.' reached t : aw workmen, some pf 7.539,145 acres, an increase of 107 6 per It it like any other property, it ran down 4 identified him. Thera eent. Of this them eat nr were acre Just depends on how it 6.944,412 Improves, area, eared f any kind on his person a for. is the must valuable propIt wasnop acre ia and 1,591,133 pasture crops, we have, end should receive the erty to indlca i ha was, th only thing and anmatnred irricoat of crop. Th most consideration. It helps you in yonr , (on ad on Sng two whiskey bottles, gation systems ia operation, exclusive of business, helps good looks, helps make ' on full ft other empty. Th men tboss oa rice plantations, was $67,770,942 friend belpe get situations and help who idei him said that his ' horn white the vain of tbs irrigated crops you hold them, and always make happiness Property Ilk this, at tha first inwas Ini tte, Minn., and word was wa $86,880,491, . dication of out of repair, should be ; ,fe folk a sent the The total lenghth of all the mala looked after being aad a remedy applied at war held an til after tb ditches in tbs arid aad semi-e- nd .Thenstate OBce. There ars number of eigne any inquest w nlthed Monday, having and territories was 41,140 miles. that show repair! ere needed. Bilioue , A by an undertaker from been eit-Tb averse number of Irrigated axe spelle, indigestion, dyspepsia, belching-dlsxine- w, sick-bea- d, tallow eomptexion-plmptesan- d Ogden. ruesday they wer shipped la farms ia arid states and territories liver-sp- ot on th face, a m for bnris). back to I ' was 71 1 tha average value of irrigated after drowsy feeling sleepy meals, sour . Tb v $ rendered by the Jury was land per acre, $42.53; tb average valoe stomach, etc. These symptoms ali shew that the t cams to bis death acciden- crops produced oa irrigated tend, $14.81; weakness, and the property needs repairta wa attached to th the average first cost of water, 87.80; th ing. Druggist will sell yon for 25cts., a tally. Gnn- - Improved Uver Pills, railroal pany. average anaaal oost of malntonaeeo, ,n lh orld tor 7 ot $0.38. Of tbs 5,711,965 acres in crops, thee ills, or wo will send s box post-pai- d liisllce, hay forage cocnpted S, 665,654, or or receipt of 25. eta Samples Ire. Only a States Lax a Ormca ) 64J per cent; cereals, $1,391,709, or 24 on pill for a doc. Writ Dr, Gunn, AUt Lamm Gitt, Utah, cate by John Boydea per rent; vefstablss, 168,432, or 2.9 per Pbiteda., Pn. For Ang. 7,1902.1. A Soa Goal vill Utah. cent; orchard fro'ta, 5189, or 4.4 per m ey Cencsm pi cent ; other crops, 226,891, or 4.0 per Ko hereby given that tha State cent. AuwimMl N. 5. lbs value ol the hay and forsgt file In this- - office list o' cf C 1 by th said bAts ooder ws 434,334,966 ; careals, $14,338,31; CoppefCcia Mining couipscy, officer f U fit rfnfrres ap- - vegetables, $9,627,491 ; orchard fruits, and principal place of business, Coal1 : crops, loclndinx sub ville, Utah. 3 A 8 trainees I Qalte number ol our people have gwne to attend the Elk carnival. -- Toms ol Count;. IME'i 3 A telegram was received Mm Dmlh .. . d'id,e. a AHtvd bcMinon, wha are ' pleasure. The Primary pien'e on the lithe as the cement quarry iajparley at working A number of men have been getting marred somewhat by the rain, but the canyon, paid tber parent visit last oit rock yeeterday end today for the week. children made the beet of it and a fair ward house. time wat had before the storm v " The Quaker Medicine Troup gave perWANSHlr. . formance here every night laat week ,r Wawsair, Utah, Ang. 13, 1902. AU He coined Shatters cord. and money. Editox Times: ' f ' Mre. Amanda Ieackeon Jeuaon was a Twice in A. Some of onr people bare gone to Salt hospital, F. Gulledge, Verbena, Ala., paid a vast earn to doo-to- rs vieitor here laat week, Mrs. Jensen ie Lake to attend tb carnival. to cart e sever case of piles, causMontana. of resident now e Mis. Lee and daughter, Millie, are 24 tumors. . A bon ali failed.' Back-lea- s ing Quite an amount of hay will be some- -' spending a few days in Hoytsvilte with Arnica Salve soon cured him. Snbdnes Inflammation, conquer Aches, what damaged by the rain. The alfalfa Mrs.Eskelson. kills Paint. Best salve in th world. and timothy was about all eecured beMrs. Fran son and children have reA 25c at John Boyden A Son drag' store. -fore the etorm. turned home after a pleaaant visit with are just coming th ladys mother. Moat of the potato SLANDER. -- into blossom.' Thefrott act them beck Some gentle men are in our town giving There Is always a story in circnlatioe to Uat not more than a half a crop, if entertainment aad advertising thsir season. this some one. There is always a conhad about will ha t iat, Quaker medicines. w fidential lie being whispered through th n well km A SOB of F. B. Stevens, the Mrs. Maggie Taylor has returned to about some citixes everyone attorney of Salt Lake City, wse taken Salt Lake after a pleasant visit witb rel- community te admonished not to tay any thing about down with typhoid at the bead of Weber atives and friends her. and finally everybody knows it. but it Lake Salt today. to taken City wa and Mr. Reed killed two bears in the the person in question. If you hay a Owing to the abort water supply many mountains north of here a few days egc. friend that is being a target for town wrfarmmeddnhoi" expect a second He takee.a great deal of pleasure with gossip it it yonr doty to go to that friend crop of alialf ; those who were favored htegan. " -- J r- ; .r and tell hint about it. If yon keep still with water will reap the benefit. Two Lixxi Neff, Mre. Bareh Oapeon and allow your fiends reputation to-- be Mrs. to one twice i a little to much of a good and Mr. Lydia Fisher of Mill Creek are stained and trampled nader foot withthing. her visiting their sieter, Mrs. Maggie out tome chanoe to defend himself, you Cattle sre becoming a little trouble- nrxon. are doing Lim a grave injustice, V7s some Joet now and one has to guard his The Iriehman eays: More rain, dont believe in hatching op trouble for field te keep thorn from breaking in and more rest, bat when the farmer has anyone, but we bate to see a man con doiag damage io crops. The dry raaga about twenty tons of hay cut und laying victed of a crime la the mind of the has drove many of th range stock dow out in tou field bis mind is sot at rest, public without pom chance to explain from tbs bills. LAst Friday evening a dance was got- tha matter. It would be a goad thing 6,rah A. Milliner earn down from ten lie wer left painted on tha atmosup by Mrs. Wibcu and Beitha Hix- if Caldwsll, Idaho, ylntey to have a son. Ice cream vra served by th Re- phere in' which they were told and tb abort visit with relaUve and friend. lief Society SSfi a neat sum was raised, liars picture attached to them, if they Mr. Milliner was sn old resident of which will be aent to Elder, Monroe were,. there wouldnt bo to many, told 1 Peoa and removed to Cld well a year ago. II'xsob, who Las been released from his hot the atmosphere would b full of Tb lady was joyfully welcomed by old mission sod will Lav to bear part of his words and pictures. And what a beau trfriend. pence home. Too mneb cannot be ial col lectio a it would be. Ex. 4 com-rnence- ' .Via. B.R, Just LoskAt Her. said in prxisp of those Indies who mad everything a Success. TO Cm A cold ih oxk came thatr1prighUy s rp.j dat eomplexi..n rosy rich, faultless skin, jTake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, feels good. A druggists refund the money if it fails smiling fee. Bbe looks good, Dr. ore Bh Kings ( 0 curs. secret. . Groves signature is on Heres her . ' organs J Result, New Life Fills. &, headacl.es, . j active, digestion good, to Try them tom- -l nochauc for blues iV e can do yoar job work. mU. Only 25cat John Bonita A bon. j VThence 1 1 - 4 J" ere Cose Rev riles Itching Piles produce moistara end cause itching, tbikTdhn, as well as Blind; Bleeding or Protruding Piles arc cured Pile Remedy. Stops by Dr. icthing and bleeding. Absorb tumors. 50c a jar atProgfiata, or sent by mail. Treasure free ; write sboot yonr care. Dr. Bosanko, Philada. Pa. For Bate by John Boyden A Son. . -- 1 !' ' : - - a4 J n k r.so.J'I V UiiACfat fes 4 k titlUi s , V o i . - si s. . sugar beets, etc., $55,712,213. Of Augasf, li'i.2, so Afs t of one and tscord, Vis. after th mills os csndixg irrigation half on the capital share Shortly per List N4. 1 1 Reservoir, th WNE bill to tb President, congress passed e stock was levied on all outstanding See. 10 Tp.fi N., R. 7 E. List No, 131 y Reservoirs, tb SWV resolution authorising the director of the shares, payable on or before September NWi;NE, gf i Sec. 34, Tp. 8N census to 10th, 1902, at ih office of the secretary, compile statistic relating to at R. 7 E. Coalville, Utah. List No. 132. Reservoir, tb NWJ irrigation for the crop year of 1902. With Anyrtock upon whkh theareessmtnt NWSWSre. NV:bEd NWlf; data now assembled, this work will may remain unpaid on thelOtbday of SEX SWX Bee. 20, Tp. th 34,NewW; 3 N., K. 7 E., 8. L. Ser. bscompartively simple, moat of It being September, 1902, will lie delinquent and List Ns. 21. School ol Mines, the 8W don by correspondence. To secure tb is advertised for sate at public auction, and antes payment is mads before, a many 4BWX X SEX 8c. 4, Tp. I N.. information Inquiries will soon b sent of . R. 7 E., 8. L. Usr. th shares represented by each cerUnited tificated the stock so the to throughout out reIrrigators of r as So reid Copies delinquent as may they list. pe ration of those In- be necessary will be sold on theSOibday late to uid tract, bv descriptive subdi- States, Tb visions, have bsca consyicuooslv posted terested in irrigation te earnestly soli- of September, 1902, at 2 . 'clock p. m., to la .this office, for iospsetfon by any per- cited ths delinquent assessment, together by theesniuc bureau forjnponthsir pay son interested, and by tbs public gen with tb cost of advertising and expense prompt response will depend very largely of sals. Fxaxk Caorr, srally. . This is In During ths sixty day next following th vain of these statistic. Secretary. th date of this notice uadsr dpa)t-menta- l pari asuppletce o urywork, -- tb e result Bvbrdsrof fheBoard br Director.' bitructions ol November 27, of which will be utilised in the work Coalville, Utah, August 7th, 1902. 1898, (23 L. D 459 K protests or contests soon to be undertaken by th departagainst the claim ot tb State to any of under ths provisions X Tm Modern Cooking. th tract or Mbdrvlafone hereinbefore ment of th interior ' 'v bill. described, on tb ground that tbs same of th irrigation As a matter of useful information, it Is mors valuable for mineral than for may bo stated that whenever a cookWERE SATED. , agricultural purposes wifi be race i vs ing recept calls for a baking powder the and noted (or report to th Genera For years 1 suffered such untold miLand Office, at Washington, D. O. Fail-ar- e Royal should be used. The receipt , writes J. II. L found to work better and surer, solo protest orcostsst within th sery from - Bronchitis, wilt GnM thnt oftime specified will be considered suf- Johnson, ol Broughton, and tbs bread, bieeait,XoIle, cakes dumpten I was unable to work. Then, when ficient evidence of the ' wan wholly lings, crusts, puddings,'"d6ttghnuts," or" I else failed, everything character of th said tracts, and th for whatever Dr. Kings New Discovery mads, will be produced thereof, being otherwise fra cured by suffered infront objection, will b recommanderl Consumption. My wife sweeter, lighter, finer flavored, more tensely from Asthma, till if cured her, dainty, palatable and wholesome. Belor approval. . and allow experience goea . io . snow it Frame D. Bobs, Register; sides, tb Royal a ill go farther or has is ths best Crfiup medicine io th world 6 Geobob A. Skitx, Rscsirsr, unrivaled g cater leavening power, and i thereAtrial will convince you i diseases. Guar- for more eonmical thsnioy ot1 cr pc w and for Throat Lung A voexe LADTS SAVED, anteed bottle 50c and $1.00. Trial bot-t- le der. (re at John Boyden A Son. Tb greatest adepts in the culinary art At raMwax peln by Ckmkolsla'r R jGstkit Omasa Plarvb ars particular to as the Royal only, and Tho fimlt LaAo Tilhssfso. Dr. Chaa. H. Utter, the author of tb must popular cook prominent which a and physician, of Panama, Columbia, in book and tbs teasberi of the suocescful year This is campaign year reoeal tetter stotes: Last March 1 hat moca ns important to giro promises oooklng schools, with whom th best lts as a patient a young lady sixteen years nows in every aveno ol life II yoo are imperative, ire careful to imof sge, who had a very had attack of want great nd fair daily newspaper, 1 for Tribune. press their leader and pnpila with the dysentery. Everything prescribed you should taka Ths 8et Lake her proved ineffectual and sb w a grow- Tb Weekly Tribune is an xceltent importance of iteexclusiveemployment. a ing worse every hour. Her parent were newepaper. Add Tb Th Royal Baking Powder is the great- sore she would die. She bad became o Farmer and Emcbmao pnbllihwl &Iao help of modern times to perfect cookweek that she could not torn over Ja by Tb TiiboDe Fsbiishing company, will be invaluable to fanners and ranch- ing, and evert receipt requiring a quick-risin- g bed, Wbat to do at this critical moment men everywhere. was a itu.ly for me,-bIngredient eheuld embody its use. I though Chamberlains Colic, Cotera and Dial Mrs. Baker, in Kitchen Magasine. Wire te the prophet who does not alrboea Remedy and as a last ' prescribed oa record. it. The most wonnderfnl resalt wa ef- low his predictions to go Stops the Tough fected. Within eight hoars she was It U easy to admit that a man is levelmud works off the Cold. of three inside felling much better; day headed if be te below your level. Laxative Bromo-Qninin- e Tablets cere a be was Qpon her feet at at the end of work for their eonntrys cold in one day. No Cure, no Pay. Prko True patriots week entirely weli." For sale by 25 cents. future instead of boasting of Ite past. John Boydeu A Soa. , eo-o- all nnu-mlnsr- 8-- 16 10-1- uri re-se- Inter-Monntai- -- et - . . ive - Iwu UII axis j - ut tii ai uie nexd of the It to J lnjie theiq- - autauuge of 1 |