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Show , - '' 4 bo ukmg a mistake. like ball Payers, seldom retro voluntarily. - TVy usually wait until pul He opinio las driven them out of their gams. They never believe that they have go back, or, 11 they do shelter that tbought for a short while, they soon tfrachtde that they are aa good as sv aad get back into the game, only to kr convinced by that thf ire not w hat they used to' be Bsrq had the chance to remain the pnf Wired champion, but May Match Thoroughbreds. lied not to retire with There is talk of a match lace be- be seema d ete nr honor. this Hw-i-s best Gold the tween and. auyof thoroughbieda in Kugland, including Predicted Accident to Jockey. Ard Patrick, the winner of the Derby, to A peculiar accident happened or Sceptre the clack 3 year-olfilly at the Wlil4 OConnor c re-Jockey lor whom an offer of 20 two was Beach rtmrack, the famous ently rcfused A i at e of s mile and Brighton I toe broken when his a half, weight forageIs ThlT general JdckeX-haYi- iig r mout.t w as JaiwtiM against the fence. proposition James Brady, part-owO'Connor wf tiding Kittablng Tn The of Gold Heels. Is not backward in " trat Gold Heels is the greatest first race at ft time. Incidentally was Tho "13" .twicer race horse In the world Gold Heels, Klttanings winner of the Suburban, look the accident diotot come entirely with-ociwarring Sowever, for O Connor Biightcm handicap in easy style, and broke the world s teoord for a mile received abitr in the morning from and a quarter on a circular Hack He Bomb crank, tilling him that be would ran it in 2 u3 4 5 There is no telling ride a hrm-- e h the first race numberTts superstitious" class of what Gold Heels colud have done had ed '13. be been pushed The time was within racetrack. fiJJoser, when they heard s of a second of the world's of the Uatcf Vere somewhat worked blade by Banquet in record (2 1890 with 108 pounds up, on the Straight course of the Monmouth Park track. The performance of Gold Heels was really wouderful, considering that he was carrying 126 pounds. The best previous time on a circular course was by Charen us, who ran in 2.04 at Yonkers. m Barry The Winning Prospectors. In earthing fur gold in the hiUfc of the W pst The ninnrn are men ho pul tire In raters that hurst forth under the terv floors and wails of the buildings. This far, this has been a trifle hard to understand from newspaper the quMt. Mho Uuh at rtHn.H and sa hut Prof Hills explanation quit dears up the matter, so that it U Until Hiih the puk the the Wit im readily i0mprevieusihk. e of And hi the y,irth for The immense siore of coal whlrh omrth From b government maintained at tie The munt ra are tnilttv of rosoluit north this point from whuh to supply the Who think there are hails lu th nunin vessels of her tain of liu k Is, affording to A rimmJ as (he pruaprctom rver havt? Mr HtH trttit iavy and is being hunting 1ru k mistaken for the f rater of Mont Pfciee Too man) there are oho Tuit sYlfii tfer hv vessels passing that at the ground mgnt The foal was set aflte by the Who neer Milk down shore the treasure rnolttn lava is found Who strike puk ht re &ud another one there Shark Had Girl's Message. omtet Jkud another one thn quit in Mrs George Cummings of West despair J , was the recipient The next man who follows mav lKk at Cape Maj the other day of a letter wbkh she the alK. Way think they are good and establish highly prices A little over a year his iiros when she was Miss Bate, she ago, thtS he has Then follow prosjait until wrote a message put it in a rubber struck ' A good-p- a tng lead in tlu mountain of corked bottle and threw It Into the luck wateis of the Delaware bay, near her Though good is the prospect the rock parents home. Fishing creek. A few that will pa days ago she received a letter written And iHd up the gold U not rtoUied In a by the captain of the British warship da But months eten jfars often paes ete Thunder in answer to her message the vein placed in the bottle Shows values that promise the coveted The commander of the Thunder rain So if In life's 8e!d you are seeking a wrote that while off the coast of Por "find," tugal a shark was caught, and when Push downward with nerve, and keep it was cut open the bottle was found ever in mind That yet there are leads In the mountain inside of It. The note being noticed in the bottle it was broken and tbs of luck Aa good as the prospectors ever have message was read. Philadelphia Inatrui k quirer. Fishes That Carry Torches.- Rats and Commerce. It is wonderful to observe how na In France, more than anywhere else, ture has adapted the various creatures the science of economy is carried alto the circumstances and state in most to a fine art. The common sewer which they are placed. Instances of rats of Paris are raised to clean the this are as curious as they are numer- flesh from bones that are to be used ous. Nowhere is the law of adapts in manufactures, but, that must not tion better illustrated than in the case be boiled to c lean them When of Ashes It is known that members rats are killed their furs are of the 'finny tribe which live in the used for fur trimmings, their skint waters of deep and dark caves are for gloves, their thighbones for the found to be without eyes, because in highest grade of "ivory" tootheicks, spheres so contracted they have no tneir tendons and bones are cooked need of light. But more remarkable is down to make those beautiful gelatine the fact disclosed by those who devote capsules which our physicians often their time to researches amongst give us medicine in, and their teeth marine forms of life. Away down a are used for tipping fire burninhers mile or mqre beneath the surface of for bookbinders' use. Popular the water fishes are, of course, cut oft from the light of day. But they are not on that account existing in Shotguns to Kill Caterpillars. The farmers in Sklppach, Pa., have darkness- .- In deep sea soundings of the ocean It has been discovered that adopted the shotgun to exterminate many of them are furnished with their the caterpillar plague. After trying own light. Since they have no sun- all the new methods to fight this in- shine and no organized gas companies sect, the farmers declare this novel each fish carries his lantern or torch one the cheapest and most effective. With him-,- . They have organs which Placing a charge or two of powder give out a phosphereseent gleam' and tn the muzzlo of the gun, depending thus shed light on their path. Some upon the size of the caterpillar nest, of them display little torches In the the fanners advance upon the Insects stronghold. Then, with the gun sevshape of tentacles which rise frojn-tbdis--4ota of their heads. Others Save Teg- eral feet away, the powder-- la ular symmetrical rows of radiant charged by a metal cap. The shock spots along their sides. As these il- never fails to blow the nest and its luminated creatures go flashing to and occupants Into smithereens and exterfro through the water the effect Is at minate the caterpillars. New York once dazzling and strange. The ap- American and Journal. pearance presented is that of miniaBars Red Ties. ture torchlight processions. When Trainmen employed by the Long such fishes are brought to the surface the spots glimmer with Island railroad company must herelight for a little while, but the bright- after forego whatever pleasure they A found in wearing red neckties. ness soon lades away. of few days . ago Superintendent Transportation Addison Issued a genHow Thompson Killed Himself. that Will Thompson committed suicide eral order notifying trainmen sear Boulder, Col., owing to 111 health. they must keep their coats buttoned Diabolism Itself must have possessed up while on duty, and that black neckchape were him, for the deed was executed In ties of the a manner that resulted in almost the proper form or neckwear. General Superintendent William F. complete annihilation. In preparation for the end, Thomp- Potter said yesterday that many railson too a stick of dynamite from road corporations had long ago underthe men in thA matthe store of the Champion City Min- taken to direct was necessary that as of ter it dress, ing company. - Climbing to the should present a seat -- thenearest- - mountain. the Trainmen Thompson set the fuse on the dyna-mit- e kppearance;-stick ablaze. There was splutA Swan Ferry. -On the 4th of September, 1829, the tering as the line of flame crept closer and closer to the th-deallng coaly Tyne was In flood. The river instrument. There was a blinding had risen to an nnnsual height and flash and a roar that echoed down the the banka were crowded with sight Their attention was soon Talley. Bleeding flesh filled the air, seers. and a little shower of hnman blood caught by a swan crossing the stream. stained the ground, where Thompson The bird bore on Its back a black ot had stood. Ject, which looked all the more con. u was some time before be was spicuous against the white .plumage missed. Then friends went out to' of the swan." As the latter drew sear bad been it burden was seen to be a rat It find him. feared. After a long bunt the al- was supposed that the flood had breast bone and borne It into tbe water, and that It most p&rt of a shoulder were found. A had jumped for safety on to the bird's reached. shred of clothing hear 'by gave Identi- back. As soon as fication to the iragmentary remains. land tbe rat bolted. The remainder of Thompson's body was never found. Badger Dislodged Family. A curious Incident took place lately f at Ballingarry, County Limerick, Ir Wagons. Bears are more numerous tn Yel- land, where a badger took possession lowstone park this year than ever be- of tbe bouse of a fanner named John fore. Among the objects of interest Casey while the family was absent It meat wagons, used to bad taken up Us position under the bear-proo- f transport meat over the mountain bed, where it nad evidently slept com-- ( tably during the night without beroads to the park hotels, occasion no little comment On first sight they ing noticed, and the visitor was not are taken for government ammuni- discovered until tbe next morning, tion wagons, as, they are buiJt along when It was found enjoying A quiet nap on tbe kitchen hearth. Nona ol bombproof lines The wagoi bed are about three feet high and are the family would approach the animal covered with heavy sheet Iron, Iron until a dexterous neighbor was called gratings on the ends providing ven- in and succeeded in lassoing blm and tilation. The bears are so numerous dragging blm out that these wagons have become a necessity. An ordinary wagon bed Rescued from Live Wire by His Dog. To the dog that bsa been his comwith a wooden box would be torn te lot two years, and meat the In panion Hugh awlngle night pieces taken or carried away. It is doubtful Morehouse, son of a merchant at wagons would Memphis, Tenn., owes bis life. The U even these bear-proo-f If test the exposed too long, child got tangled up with a live withstand owing to the ingenuity and great electric wire and fell, screaming, J several were while passers-bstrength of the knocked down while trying to extricate the lad. Tbe dog tugged away Cathedral Blew Up. at the boy'a clothes until the current manner in which of the Speaking the big basalt cathedral of St. Pierre from the wire shot through the dogs was leveled to the ground. Prof. Rob- body and the animal dropped dead. ert T. Hill of the geological survey Before the Inpet died, however. It had dragging the youngster states that this was accomplished by succeeded a aeries of gas explosions and small sway from the contact , full-grow- n fr. .o i torch-bearin- g four-in-han- d flesh-denude- d the-swa- Bear-Proo- an!!. - i n d -- t. two-fifth- A KIDNAPED POODLE ERE is a story of an unsuccessful ruse In love, and a BlUinger kidnaped poodle and BatDon were rivals for the good graces ot Miss May-heand Miss Mayl ew was dotingly fond of her pug Ctmoi. It was aftei a visit to his adored one that Bill'nger was struck with a great idea. As he ti rued into the avenue "be mat a bate', .era boy whom be remembered aa having, on rare occasions, by reason , ! a reputation for unimpeachable integrity, been Intrusted with-th- e pceeHwe - Chicot on ralny 4ay- - when, dotplte the weather, it was deemed desirable that tbe animal should be exrrUsed. Billlnge" stopped the hastening youth and addressed him somethin! la this wise: Young nran. are you ambitious?" The boy gru.ned amiably, for he knew succinctly: BUUnger, at d responded 1 Sure thli.g.H Tie well ' quoth Fllllnger. "Have you any onje 'tion to laying forthwith the foundation of the princely fortune that will cne day be yours?" The boy grinned again and guessed not. whereupon BlUinger, with many admonitlona to secrecy, unfolded bis plot Tbe details of the conspiracy are not Important Suffice k to gay that one rainy morning about ten. days later the boy appeared at Bltllnger's office In d John street with a nd ttogethe - rebellious Chicot whom an office boy war. straightway deputed to tle to the safe in lUllinger'a sanctum. Well done, good and faithful aery-ant- " said Billlnger solemnly to the butchers bey, Behold now, how virtue la rewaided." And he gave hla tellow conspirator more money than much-tedraggle- Titus la Still Confident The defeat of C. 8. Titus, the-- merit an oarsman who contested for the diamond sculls at Henley, was deeply regretted on this side. .In explanation of hla def-y- t filua says: Thera Is no doubt in my mind that the English know a great deal about rowing. The'r stroke certainly is more suitable to the English heavy water tnan in the American style, but our methods just as certainly are best suited to our light fast water. I think It is an impose! blilty for any crew or sculler to come to England and win without seeing the plate before and without a professional trainer. . Aa to my race with Kelly, the winner of the diamonds, although he Is a very last sculler In English water, I tnlnk I could beat up. tnd A, Featherstone, the employ him in smooth water, with no wind. ey ( the Jockey, offered to give It.ObC Had 1 been drawn against Etherlnglon td bare the Identity ot the writer ol Smith Instead of Kelly, 1 am sure 1 th letter. should have been in tne final at leapt, A Great Weight Thrower. 1 shall leave my shell here and come back next year, when I feel confident - Jt hn R. DeWitt, the Intercollegiate that I shall win the diamonds. At any tUaiplon weight thrower, is an athrate, I am determined to win them lete who is 'growing more popular eadi lay. Hla fine work In the Am before L quit imr Athletic Union weight tiros In g competition at Celtic, Park, Champion Amateur Athlete. As an all around amateur athlete, L I., on the Fourth of July was one of T33 Adam B. Gunn of Buffalo has demon- the attractlors of the day. Although strated that bo has Ad equat In" this te woe beaten by F!ana?.an, he , was ft recipient ot generous applause country.-- - Gunn, who is a flDely-bulathlete, beat throughout the contest. On the fol be bad fver seen at any one time In and two formidable opponents, &- - 8. Mer- loving day he took part In the bla life. Then he glanced triumphantly at rill of tbe Milwaukee Athletic Club, Knights of Columbus games at the Chicot and went out to y the mobtversatiW athlete In tfe parlf, and won the 16 pound ham- the captivetn high spirits. "What I will and Myer Prinstein of the Syracuse mer throw eafcTly, although be bad luncheon Y. ,M. C. 'A, In n decisive rhanner. yome strong opponents to face. ' Hia oo UT that pcstitwTwa pun. said he This makes the second time Gunn has Sork.was also a feature at these to himself will be what the etiquette suffd champion- games. scored national DeWitt is a Princeton man books describe as a general iciency." rolled athlete Buffalo The honors. and Is of herculean build. ship Alas for Billlnger, While he was 604 points, as against up a total of himself handsomely at 4,(179 treating and Merrill for 6,632 Amateur Oaramena Regatta. points cafe, who should drop In blB neighboring made Gunn for Prinstein. The thirtieth annual regatta ot the points office hut the hated Batterson, At his half-mil- e walk, National Association of Amateu best showing in the whose partner had a law case in the and hammer pole the Oarsme throwing will be held at Lake d BlUinger'a hands. vault for height In the Worcester, Mass., Friday The first object that met hla aston competition he made the remkrkabW and Satirday. August 8 And 9, for isbed gaze waa the form of the .110 Inchea. feet of ; which tbl following list events wlU leap Chicot. Now It happened , 'i be offered! V Batterson had received by telethat Adams a Star Athlet. And Intermediate, senior championphone the awful newt of Chicot's takRoger Adams, who ship single skulls; Intermediate and ing off. "Funny thing." he thought school senior double sculls; Intermediate and points for the Marinette high must have found the in tbo state InteracholasUc track and senior pair oared shelia; intermediate, "Billlnger he remembered that pup. Miai But then field meet at Madison recently, prom- senior and International had be asked said that had Mayhew athises to become one of the best shells, and Intermediate And , senior BlUinger to advertise for him. He At eight-oareletes Wisconsin ever produced. the remembered this the more shells, tor which the Madigon meet he "broke the Inter- - usual national die gold medals are because he hau offered hfs distinctly own given to every jvlpnlnt oarsman or that end, and had been anysculler and a handaome'sfIK 'banner thing but pleaswTto find that he had to his club. been anticipated. - A great light began to illumine the Michael Quite Turf. mind. He obscurity of Batterson Jimmy Michael has permanently passed into the halt, carefully closabandoned horac racing, has cancelled ing the uoor behind him, and bis engagements, has paid forfeits, baa Billlnger private office by the moved from Chantilly to Paris, hat other door. Batterson untied the rope taken quarters at the Parc dea Princes that fastened the dog to the safe, track and has begun to train in ear- leaving 'the other end still tied to nest for bicycling racing. He la In that substantial piece of furniture. poor shape, but expects to regain his Then taking the Joyous Chicot 4a his form quickly. He baa ordered two arms, he stole silently 'out into The motor tandems, capable of giving A ball, closing the door behind him, and mites an hour. He walked down eight flights of stairs. pace of fifty-fivwilt sot race before the end of An-- , Peering cautiously out into the street, he rejoiced to see no Billlnger, and. gu at.-- . bearing his afttfut of muddy dog, fled precipitately toward Broad street. Charley Mitchell is Dying. When Charley Mitchell toured this country with Billy Madden years ago, talk of the sporting he became-th- e world bn account of his fine athletic figure. He was young and handsome and the very picture of health. Now be fa said to be a physical wreck, and may never leave bis bed. The severe illness through which fee has passed has made tad Inroads on hla once magnificent constitution. d mrtiEV' -- lt w-- cursed hla luck for five minutes without repeating himself. Then, in desperation, he closed his desk and sent for a cab. The suapense was unendurable. He bad made up hia mind to know the worst at once. The man who answered hla ring was at would see if Miss Maybe home and ushered him into a drawing room. As soon as bis eyes became aero stem ed to the dim bait light he waa aware of a figure in the chair by the window. The next instant he recognized it it was ed L.ORD BtXTrtCRIMQTart Batterson. In hla lap lay a forlorn-blac- k heap whose name was Chicot. BlUinger was speecnless. He rose and took one step toward the door. Flight was his purpose. Nothing else was left him now. Too late! At that very Instant Miss Mayhew entered the room. A handkerchief was pressed to her eyes, and if there had been sufficient light It could have been aeen that they were red. BlUinger stood miserably aside, Batterson advanced proudly to the middle of1 the room, but before be could speak tbe poodle leaped from his arms and rushed with joyous yelps upon hia mistress. Batterson waa clothed In a proud humility, and as he opened his mouth to speak BlUinger shuddered In his dim corner by the door, stuttered Batterson. "I er I was so fortunate as to find Chicot, you see." Yes, yes," cried the Joyful mistress of the dog, thank heaven. I was afraid I should never see him again. But where how, oh, tell me! I beg waited as waits the convicted criminal to hear his bis sentence. Batterson cleared you."-Billlnger throat "Er not far from my office In John as I was going to lunrheont., Billlnger seized a chair to keep from falling. He could hardly realize that he was to be spared. The poor, poor doggie! cried tbe lady. And to think be had walked all the way down there. I can't think bow he failed to be killed by a trolley U ! tar or w at 1 liow simply marvelous, you enough?" And she pressed a kiss upon Chicot's black, wet muz street" he said, uui mtHru lie. You have no idea czfi-than- ' k bow all this last-name- n four-oare- d d aer-ylcea-lo e Thoreughbrede ef 1902. a noted turf statissome startling figures tician develops Adam. Roger yearling crop Of thoroughbreds (Young Athlete of Marinette, Win, os the Who Made a Great Record In tk for 1902. At pnbllc auction 458 have already passed under the hammer for Recent Games at Madison.) a total of 1512.350, or an average of scholastic' record for tbe dlscua, 1,118. Estimates place the yearling throwing the weight 101 feet t Inched crop at folly 1,000 bead, and It Is safe Tbe old mark . was 100 feet 4 Inches. to aay that the total valuation Is not ieaa than 1.000 000. r Ring. Jimmy Barry to Jimmy Barry of Chicago has decided New Amateur Golf Champion. to reenter the ring. Barry was, at tie Louis N. James, a Chicago boy 20 time of bl retirement, some few yews years old, la tbe amateur golf chamago, the holder of the bantam-weigpion of the United States. Playing on championship. He was at one time un- hla home course at Glen View, In the questionably one of the fastest little thlrty-al- x hole finals of the eighth tourfighters In the world, but believed him- nament of the United States Gold as. self going back and quit while be re sodation, James defeated Eben M. Now he wants to tained his glory. Byers of the Allegheny Country nlub, come beck into the game. In tbl Pittsburg, 4 upf2 to play. j A compilation by , ht has upset roe," went on Miss Mayhew, "especially coming at a time when I was so happy when I so wanted everything to be serene and Joyous." Billingers reprieve was too recent fufe speech, but Batterson managed to aay: "Eh? How do you mean? I don't understand. "Of course you don't," said Miss But "How should you? Alayhew. when that wretched boy camj to tell me be had lost dear Chicot I was just writing to you and Mr. Billlnger to tell you of my engagement to Lord Bletherlngton." BlUinger and Batterson went dolefully down the brownstone steps arm in arm. Tbe war waa over. "I say, old fellow," said Billlnger, mournfully, I know a place around tbe corner where there's a chap who makes the best mint julep la "New-York- ." Eh? What? aald Batterson, absently. Ob, 1 don't mind If I do." As they sadly turned the corner returned from they met an hutomoblle careering When Billlnger luncheon his first thought was for madly up the avenue. A pair of feet Chicot In vain he searched the of- reposed upon the dashboard. Behind fice. Chicot waa not to be found. He the feet appeared a mouth between summoned the head clerk. Nobody whose lips was held a long, j, black had entered his sanctum, -- declared cigar. The face was the fan of the butcher's boy. He was having the that functionary, but Mr. Batterson. Batterson!" cried tbe unhappy time of his life. and collapsed Into a chair. "Did be take the dog away?" CertainImmensity of the Ocaan. If all the land on the globe above ly not, the clerk replied. Air. Batterson went out as he had entered, aad sea level were shoveled into the Nerth he waa perfectly certain that he bad Atlantic it would only reduce its depth concealed about bis person. from an average of two miles to one Billlnger dismissed the clerk and mUe. bilumgep - f-- r, no-do- g |