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Show LDWARD IS IROWNL'D Ki.NO. WHOLE CERf0HIL OF eUGNIF.CF-NT OECORATIVE CHARACTER. rerelea I'rlriree, .l-..t'.r.. inlonlel tt.i.r. ...i 1..J1.- r.i.iiM an- MM thm .MH. King Kdward and Vueen Aleiamlrr were crowned In Weelmlnieter abbey ahortly after noon riatunlay. Tliough Ilia ceremony wae bereft of en me of lha elaboration aad pageantry originally or-iginally contemplated, It lacked Utile In the way of epeclacular perfection. The whole ceremonial wea of a magnificently mag-nificently decorative character and prcaenled a constantly changing panorama pan-orama round the two central rlgurev enthroned In their mliea of velvet, ermine er-mine and cluth of gold, ainidat lha die-tlugulaliMl die-tlugulaliMl BBMinblage of nctore. Hie fulfillment of whuee varluua rolee ne-ceeeilated ne-ceeeilated ponalant oioveuient. Karh alage of the ceremuny, with Ita old world uaagre, furnlehea Ita quota of Interred while the Interior of the church, filled aa It waa with officiating prelatee lo vari-co'ored capea, with princes eod dlplomeu, ofiicera In gold-laced gold-laced uaiforae, with beralda, purauvt-anu purauvt-anu and other odli-ere of elate In mediaeval me-diaeval coalumea, with pee re and peer-aaaee peer-aaaee la rich robea, with Oriental potentate po-tentate In maey-nuad raiment, with men of all lypea and all ehadec of completion com-pletion from dlatanl polnta of lha new-erowaed new-erowaed monarch'a empire, with lu danllng dleplay of Jewell and wealth of color, presented a picture which in Ui uimnmed krlllien-j aad distinction haa selilom been eaoelled. The king looked pale and rather drawn, and waa by no mrana aa strong and robual as previoua reporla bad led one loeipccl, and while puuolllioiisly bowing from aide to aide, ha did so with a gravity very unuanal lo him. Ha seemed lo ait rather far back In Iba carriage and moved hla body vary little. Hla crimson robea and cape doubltesa gave him tha unusual appearance. ap-pearance. Tha queen, beelde blm', waa radiant. Hlie never looked Wetter. Tha cheera which greeted tha pair ware loud and unmletakably genuine and very different from the perfunalory applauae which uauelly greeta the appears ap-pears a oe of meinbera of lha royal family. Tha king waa crowned at 19:39 p. nv, lha queen at IMS p. m. The head of lha prooeaslon readied tha abbey al 10:10 a. m. Tba belle were pealed and lha baoda played Hod Have the King." Tha 1'rlnce of Wnlea look hla place In tha abbey, In a ehalr directly lo froal of tha peers, at 11:11 a. m. Tha king and queen entered lha weal door of lha abbey at 11:34 a. m., tha choir alnglng, "I Waa Ulad When They Bald Unto Ma." 1 The ktaa- . ess emiM v aiiufMt the rear uf the procession left tha palace gales at 1 a. m. amidst wild cheera. which their majesties acknowledged ac-knowledged by repeatedly bowing. Their majeatlee arrived al lha aubey annei al 1 1 : In a. in. The anointing In lha abbey waa conducted con-ducted al l:'.'7 p. in. The oewa of Ilia crown'og waa announced an-nounced by an official ouulila lha abbey. ab-bey. Il waa received by algaal Ibrongh London and waa received with clivers which spread througl o it lha alaada aad eroeila far up lha alreela, aa the belle pealed Joyfully. Aa their niajcatlea were leaving Iba ahtiey rala commenced lo fall and they deferred their departure until tha rain ceased. They left at !f:un p. m. Tha return Journey, which waa alow, waa marked by acenea of eulhusiaam. |