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Show PROVtD RIQHT TO ADMITTANCE. Young Lawyer Convinced Doorkeeper cf Hl Error. Juliua H. Wytrin. a young corpora tlon atlorney of lialtlniore. haa o much the apoaram-e of a mlnlaier of the Ooapol that at the numerous con-ventlona con-ventlona ho la railed to attend he la Invarlahly aakel to offer Ike opening open-ing prayer. Only onro did thin clerical cleri-cal appearance threaten lo "debar" him. The antipathy Cat the philanthropist philanthro-pist (llrard hud to tho ministerial pro-fesKl.m pro-fesKl.m Is well known, and members of that holy calling are even now excluded ex-cluded from the university" that bean hla name. A short time sko Mr. Wy-man Wy-man visited tho college. He was met' at the door by the guardian, who. supposing him to lie a preacher, said: "No ministers klloaed, sir!" The young lawyer, surprised; grnb bed him hy the arm and cried:' "Who In h said I s a preacher?" preach-er?" ".Wnllt, rlcht In. sir; wm rlcht In," was the good nntured remark cf the doorkeeper, who amllod a brond. apologetic smile. |