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Show i t COALVILLE TBIES. EDWARD IS CROWNED tuuti rtauiana ca CEREMONIAL WHOLE - of o hied Id Richfield for over week kccioM of the dipbtfterin. Tho uKhuti of Lchi closed thcli 1cm of business Frldt; of ImI week nd took outing to Saratoga spring The Salt Uk City couecH appropriated tho aqai of 84,000 to Maiat to defraying tho oipooaoo of tho Elko i Mas A. Peters, the second victim of Joueph W. McCssHa's murderous sboot-f- a la Salt Lake City oa tho let, ha succumbed to hi injuria. Jemee Tlmpaoo aad Florence Nelson woro Mverely lojorod la rueaway aomdoat Sunday night, tho aoeldoat balag tho rooolt of carol drlvia. Tho pact week la tho or and bollioa oaarkot of Balt Lako abowod aottlo Nenets amouaUaf to 9401,000, a eom- - as King Ed word oad Queen Aloaooder it WeatmlalaUr abbey woraeroweod obortly after noon aturday. Tliough tho coromoay waa bereft of com of tbo olaborotloa oad pageaalry eoa to in pi a ted, It lacked littl ta the way of tpectsculsr perfection Tha whole ceremonial waa of a magnificently doeoratlr character aad proaootod a conatanUy changing panorama round tbo two cootrol figure! othronod la their robe of relrat, or mine and Cloth Of gold, iuidot tb distinguished., RM m bl ago. .of, actor, th fulfillment of whoe rarloaa roles eooatant cnovemeeL Each tag of tbo corcmooy, with lla old world Mages, furniaboa Ha quota of of tho Interval,-whlle-tbe-Interi- church, filled ao It wu with officiating d capos, with prelate la priacoa aid diplomats, ofllcor la gold laeod uaiforma, with boralda, purenvl-set- a aad othor o Si ears of atate la m dlaoral costume, with poors aad poor-l- a rich robes, with'Orieatal rari-coore- ralmout, with type tod all ohadoo of from dlotoat point of tbo now Potor Salllraa aad Joha Doaoarfck, - miner employed at tbo Qulecy, la erowaod monarch' empire, with I to (Park City, war lajurod by tho eiplo-to- a dsztlieg display of jewel and wealth of aorortl float cap eao day loot of color, prooosted a picture which la wook. It combined brilliancy oad dlotlaetioa B. F. Morgan aad Barney Boyle, ha taldom boon excelled. The king looked pal aad ratbar - wharged with robbln a email boy of aad waa by no mesas ao etroog drawn, of a Fork small ram of moaoy fipaaloh bar boon booad oror Vo tho dlatrict aad robuat oa prorlou report bod led court for trial. on to expect, aad while puactiUouoly While bunting aparrowa with o bowleg from old to old, ho did ao rifle aoar Salt Lake City ,Charloa with a gravity vary no usual to him. B see mod to alt rather for back la 13, accidentally ohot dlotoa, Smith, aged 10, la the abdomen tba carriage aad moved hla body vary littl. Bio crimson robe and cap Vaflietlng a aorloua wooad. doubtloao gave him tho aauoual A r Eraao, tho aoa of Moolah Eraao, Tb quooo, beoldo him of Lohl mot with a painful accident tho other day, 11 foil from a lambor waa radiant. 8h aavar looked beat Ur. Tb obtor which groeted tho pair wagon and woo ran oror by the hind war loud aad unmistakably goaulo bla boom collar wheat, brooking aad very different from tb perfunctory Barroatla bss Jut fairly began la which aaually graoU tho Borlor county, though aomo of tbo far applauM of mombora of tha royal " yaora at Brooklyn are aow almost roady family. to hogia throohlag, la otbar part of Tha king waa erowatd at 19:39 p. bl, 'th ralloy tbo grain la atiU groan, tb queen at 13:53 p, m. While attomptlog to board a rapidly Tba haad of tha proooaoloa reached (coring train, Chariot Bodockor, who tho abbey at 10:50 a. m. Tb brila had boon warned to loar town by tho wore aad tba band play ad - Salt Lako police, tnlaood hi hold and "God pealed Save tho King. fall bon oath the wheel. loalog hi Tho Prince of Wale took bla pike right foot. la tb abbey, la a chair directly ta Tbo body of John McDonald, of front of tha pears, at 11:13 a, m. Naadetoae, Mina.,. waa found near T.h king aad queenentered tbo wool '"Uebei,' with tb hood badly mangled door of th abbey at 11:34 a. at., the aad a bullet ho! la tho back. It la bo choir alugiug, "J Waa Glad Whaa They illorod tb maa Wae murdered aad rob- Said Uato Me." . Ptrod with for tho prorlou 9Mf,000 " . msay-huo- d moa of all eom-ploal- oa IJ-ali- bro ad Ar-iha- r aoo bed by hobooo. - tVeTue? tl. ' - 80" r-- ? l Uermaas Sam Win ARE AFTER MARCUS CASCLLO, VENEZUELA Vneta geHnee r,M Ma WmW that the revolution Wlt-n- the f - STATE 0r-AFr)URS AT PORTO t 1 mast The wh!, eta tawwaUt aimw.t u.s rear vt oh- ra"tc.'il ia.r:Vmld7t 1, cable at say the after the that th the Uy. htt, Cut tj,. BarceliH,, gloiiUr jwen cable ' wn egt receipt of grsssg stating revolutioi,4l were entering ISUND. EXPEDITION LEAVES HONOLULU TO PLANT AMERICAN PAG. I, tennste ef Discoverer mt US Deelaree He Will ' Keep IS l lie lee rta Imteuiy lain tern tees toy m Enree. Ueperlee - Minister Bowen t!ul adyiaed tb, etst department U,t th Germane intend to land a ,, kre at Porto Cabello. to. protect Ceresn InteresU there, which are tluatted by the now in progrt. yhn minister advised that w foli mit. After conference between ika oficials of tb state and navy depsrtmmU. Initrue-tlo- n were cabled to Comunnder SIchos lee of tb Topeka- ff0ceed from Laguoy.-- lo Torto C.tello and to land a naval force In tkM of attack. Tb Topeka baa already Mft for Porto ' . Cabcllo. ap-risi- ?'" lha trouble at Port cello grew out ottb uprising that ha convulsed Veuezueia for aom time it Is directed against Preside Castro and ha kept tb country in k (gte of ferment for many month. Onr consul at Porto Catollo sent word recently that tb Ueif eom of thi American residual, Including member of hit family, were io perilled, and two of the ladles of tbt consuls family wefe takln away In government ship. Since then t berths been no word of a critical eoufiitiia of affaire, bnt the dispatch of tolsy indicates that a crisis baa bee reiched. Thera appear to be oo quatlon as to the right of tb German isvtl forces to land for th protection of German Interest. It in no way Evolves tba Monroe doctrine. Germany has been keeping close weteta on Vsaemela for some month, end at one tine eoutem-plat- ed taking a Venezuelan fort la order to compel tb pymn(of mrtala Germaa claim. . It was In that connection thtt the German smbssssdor at Wisbligton, Dr. Von llollenben, made bqclry of Preeldeot Roosevelt and the atata department M to whether such mvby Germany for tha sol purpose of col-- 1 looting a claim, and not for ths par pose of territorial expansion, would meet Ith any disfavor by tha Amsrleaa The response of the government. United Slate left Germany free to act, tba aMuranoe that no territorial extension was Intended removed tho case from theoperatlons of the Monroe doctrine. The present landing of a Germaa force ha no connection with Germany's former movement ageinvt the naeureocea kerato-fo- r given by German? aerve U the present ease to show that there no uttevtoy ppvunne hchLaAi.t'hwy-'tVo- w of Ueruiaa iaterU at Port tatello, According to the Honolulu men whs are la teres led in the Mareu island guaao expedition against which Japan has scot a war vessel, the vessel which left Honolulu for the island carried a complement of Mansec rifles, and her captain had, instructions from lb company to plaot th American flag on the Island and keep It floating until compelled to haul it down. Captain A. A. Rosehlll, tb discoverer of th island, who left hla claim to it on a cocoaout tree on Marcus Island, In 1889, is in command of'th expedition. The 'company's claim is baaed oo thi( title which is oaxecerd with tb state department at Washington. No intimation that the vessel left Honolulu with any arm on board wm given out until tb news waa receivedT that tbe JepaneM government bad laid claim to tbe island, and bad dispatched a war veaael there. Colonel Thoms Fitch then mad publie the instruction given to Captain Kosehill which, while designed to prevent any conflict, were intended to compel the JapencM to allow tli American to land, and to use lore to drive them away. Captain Roneblll'r Inatructlona from the company are to Inform th JepaneM on Marcus tbal hla expedition is a peaceful one for th pnrpoM of making a scientific invest! gation of the value of th guano deposit of the island, and to attempt to make peaceful lauding. If the event that the Je penes still refute to allow him to land, Rosehlll 'is to anil away out of sight of th island and return hddef cover "of darkness, land an armed force aod-- rala th American flag and keep it up until It is torn dowa by n superior force. At the heme time th captain wm told to avoid a conflict in every way possible. -- UNCLE SAM TAKES HAND. -- KENNIFFS BUN DOWN. two large pump tb wild ehoora. which tboir mojettlooao- head of Jordan river, and la a abort know Wetorlone Mew twlssi Oallrs (Upturn lodged by repeatedly bowleg. Alma will b oa tho parched forma of ' at Lut, , Tbalr majesties arrived at tha abbey Salt Lako county. aenes at 11:13. m. Victoria, B. C., ad vicezper steamship Th eneiatiog la tha abbey wee conJoha Miller, of Salt Lake, waa robbed tat that tbe Keuuiffhe New Zeala a peculiar way loot wook, hi aaaall ducted at 13:37 p. m. Th news of the crowa'og waa an- land outlawa, have ben captured after aat throwing pepper la hla oyoa aad nounced by aa official outside the ab- a ehM of three months, which coat going through hla pocket whit John bey. It was received by elgaal through the government 830. 00. These brothwo making a effort to rub tho blind Loadon aad waa received with eheere ers, having committed murder, took to which epread tbrougl oat th etead leges balance from hie eye. the wood. Two police officers who aad treats, aa tb Clnndn M, Ridges, a school teacher at belleerewda far up th pursued them were killed, their bodies pealed joyfully. Salt Lako City, wu killed la A their majesties were leaving the burned and the allies placed. the Crook eaayoa, while' oa an rale commenced to fall abbey la and they saddlebags of their horses, with a ante outlog deferred thalr until hla wUh the departure rala v compaay brothr.a4 wife, by eoased. at, 8:06 p.m. The stating that other pursuers would be being throw from a bom, death being return They left The horses wanwhich was journey, alow, waa treated elmllarly, duo to coocumIob of tbo brain. marked by ace use of enthusiasm. dered beck to the police camp sad tbe A gratahopper hunt has hunt wm continued with renewsd en-Tboon outlawa were surprised in Lyaeblaa Marvowly AvwrteO, matched betweenElsInor aad Joseph. K from Flee Fork, Small Mltle-me- their setup, their Torses were shot ao There will bo thirty moa to tba old, that they had to tax to the woods on about iso milea northeast ol foot. with fiftooa balloon, and a dance and One stumbled and fell Mb wm we auppor to bogtvoa to th victor at th Lqadville, states that Joe Perklae,' a rannlnpv-nii- d captured without homo town of th dofoatod aide, gambler, narrowly escaped lynching any difficulty. The other v ur. rounded and surrendered. James Dsnsle, agtd 10 year, com- there Sunday, ' There baa been a number of Inceneattl Mill Head Crvnmtv mitted suicide at llorlman by hanging Brea recently end a half doaea diary J. M. Kidney, r u employee f the hlmaelf from a polo placed acroaa aa miners eabin were - Perdestroyed. mill, at Seattle, WM Opening la tb coiling of hi boo. kin wm suspected, as be bad a worn to Steteon-P- os be revenged for being beaten at cards, burned to death la a Daaalo frequently labored Bndor th furnace wa from bia cabin and a used to consume waste roaring balloelnat'-olumber Woodsy that other wore Making rope. tied taken bla erouad neck and then afternoon.- While1 In' an to kill him. takep to th woods, epllpti0 g where he wo given a Th taploaloa of a gaeollae-etovlie stoutly denied bae-In- g he grabbed bold of a wire conveyor bearing. la committed. the outrage, hut waa cable aad -- he residence of Mr. Jenai dragged more tb .oo Piek, a guilty. feet to tbe furnace, Bla charred Bilvor City eouaod a fir which did found The rope wee thrown over a tree, body damag to th amount of 9l?,000, aad hut before be wa pulled up cooler wm later recovered. While Kidney's wm bead th Injury of two porooua. Tb build slowly traveling up the conprevailed and he wn given thirty body veyor, Albert Alsou made ap effort to lug burned wore frame and tho fir mtnntesaadto leave the towm- - I! left at Jrcscue the unfortunate wauv bot osea, a ( bullet' were Opread very" rapidly. ueeble to loosen tbe tenacious frtewii sent wblcaieg after htta. be bed on the eable. rnMmwwmMaaawwmm Sevier eounty 1 all worked up over , , evea Meet KwtS la Uatal rtf. aa attempt to burn th ChrUtlanMa Bheepnsea Lm EvvrjrtNiai. The Laedoa hotel at Sea Angela, opera bouao at Monro. Tb plea woo Tea,-wa- a has beeu a destroyed by Are, Mvea New South Wales terrible drouth ill discovered and fruatrated through th and QueeDtland, . Thera amell of coal olL A fuse atteebed to a people meeting tbelr death- wore Mventy.flve persona la tha hoaae, Australia, which hM devMtsted tha packags of powder was found, sur- sad ell of them sheep raachee of that section. Wil'toua emerged eafely except rounded by paper saturated la coal U. theeevee named aad thr others who of sheep have died, aad men formerly Andrew Andsraoa and Barmad Nord-bor- g have net been located hut who are be- considered wealthyhave bee eom-pellto seek employment. lost their llyea la th Anchor abaft lieved to be safe. The atvea womea Semitei .The sheen king of Ausat Park City last week, botng atrnck aad children got out oa a email baltralia, lost over a million sheep 0f hie by a descending eage. Th two moo cony aed were appealed to to jump herd of a million and a quarter woro working oa a platform, aad th Into blankets were being held other large herder, have, lie, "y aglooor failed tootoa the cage quick for them, but whichfailed In one district ths resito do ao and Unfortunate. they enough, both tha bodies being badly delayed until the dent erected an fell back Into erch of sheep gallery crushed. cm the occMioe of the vlrnt the flame. . of me of - Peter, William wee Instantly klllad cabinet . th ministers. 3aaae of VoMaate ftrspttaa. Is tba ore houae at tb Mammoth min The Santiago, on of th M assays Striker Hal, Farms sa4 Trm Wm q . at Mammoth, There were aa eye wit m FiMme CaUM AgrirahniMpM, nesses to the fatal accldeaCbut It la volcanoes ta Niearagaa, baa been emit, baa been made to brigade Complaint loot bit balance while teg vapors, accompanied by groaning supposed that he ascending a abort flight of steps aad souada, for th last twenty day. The headquarter that atrtekera are tong-In- g fell onto the belt that rues the or commissioners and la the rich agricultural district tb govern meat of crusher. of Shenandoah, Fa. Thlifaof north the of department Meeeeya, one farmer hM MIm Lucy Hovlag, state ta which been threatened oi volcano tha it located, organiser th Socialist party la Utah, was killed report that la their opinion there he attempted to protect hi la a Ogden Thoredey night of last weak, danger of as eraptioa occuriag erty and the raid have reached prop. uch Tb town of Saa Fernando serious proportion that the farmer being run over end trampled to death shortly. da is situated tha Massaya at of foot by a borae. Miaa Hoeing waa going, to tbe volcano of M assays. It baa a are preparing lo lake some popeonrtrd her room when n rig driven by a boy ulation of ftctioa lo stop farther depredation nine-tent- h 83,000, of n whom etruck her aod k socked her dowa, the are natives. l not unlikely that la The volcano i about cavalry win h borae trampling her to death. 3,000 feet high. KP S2radlth dUlrlct M onc Cli 1 he et . 'll a ARMED Minister feM'l,led the elate department from Cr- -,. Venesoela, Frintiss. iDbanodM, rrril laUtaa Ialawt (ltw The Ringtteg .Bros. circa took 86,00o 1 Prom 811 Lake City hu IS, 46 child r ol School egs, T,S6( bo tod 7,828 glrle. There bT Wee mo public gather-In- - CHARACTER. CRITICAL P-)- UTAII STATE NEWS. - MACNIFiCERT OF UTAH. TCOALV1LLE. , DECORATIVE KLNQ e u !Wr - ed lenh3r. on. . . ts be-cn- uM WUl Slop Haltlcsi Rvolntlalsta Caul a Cbl The United State and natttea Tele graph and Cabft company bM appealed to the state and navy departments to prevent the cutting of He cable at Cepe Haitian. According to Information received by the cable company la Kew York, the Baltien gunboat te which la nnder the command Crete-w-l'oln- afrAdffiiiArKmtok;:,?wM"baasaiiia himself with the revolutionary government f General Fiomin, aad who' has IJpi'oinled secretary of war, under the revolutionary government. Intends to sever ths companys cable between Cape BaiUen and New York. Tbe company appealed to tbe author itiea at Washington to instruct Commander McCrca of the gnoboat Macblaa to protect tbe ceble from violence. Acting Secretary of 8tte Adee end Acting Secretary of the Navy Darling held conference over the matter and decided that it wm proper for this government. In tbe protection of the international Intents involved, to Imu the Inst ructions aad accordingly a cablegram wm sent to Commander McCrra, directing him to prevent the cutting of the cable. Irssr Faya Tribal Dlt la t Brav TrxBivmaU MINE HORROR Thlrtaaa U i Miaara Klllad by tba Kipteatea r a Fawdar Haua. ' Senator James McMilUaof Michigan-lmost disastrous explosion occurred dead from heart trouble at Na 3 mine at Bowea, Colo., o small The mineral prodoeta of th United camp about tea milea north of TriniStates for 1901 amounted to 81,092,-234,38- 0. dad, in which thirteen Hvm are known to have been lost. Tbs exact camber feet long A Viking ship forty-nin- e of men working on tbe night shift end on tbe island of nucerthed been hM in the mine et the time of the explo' KarmoeT sion is nnknown. Two factions of the Home Rule party Thi mine Is worked by the Union in Hawaii are both caaviMing thw Coal compaay ef Denver, and ill stop island for support. mine, situated pn' lbe mountainside ad about 400 vsrds .rom tbo tipple On man waa killed aed five injured' below Tbe explosion occurred about by Abe explosion of a boiler Jin a laun- 100 feat from tbe mouth of the stop dry at Adrtaa, Mich. and was caused by firedamp. A hebooner has gone ashore at FarmImmediately after the night shift yard islands, N. F. Her crew of tew had started Into tbe elope a terrific person were drowned. explosion occurred, entirely filling the Three men, supposed to be tbe Mar-cu- e, mouth of tbe elope aed shaking buildIlia, train robber, have been and breaking windows for af. mile ings . , . ll . captured at Wmera, Minesdistant. The volcanoes Irexu and Poas, Cost Owing to the mouth of the elope bear now quirt, but Turrialbn I Rica, ing Ailed, tbe rescuers were delayed reported to be In eruption, f for some time, but succeeded in reachAa Amerioan syndicate hM pure baaed ing part of -- tbe men through an old tope, and eight dead bodies were 40,090 acres of Canadian land to by converted into a wheat farm. quickly brought to the surface. Tbe powder-houia the mlee, aa Tha Columbia Southern Railway ually containing 1 ,000 pounds of powcompany bM given order to bava all der, blew ap, aad it ia this which angipea equipped for burning oil. caused such greet disMler. There have been 138 busineM failral belief ie tbet tbe entire mine hM ure ia Cuba Intbe last twelve months, beenruteed, end if not it will take against twaffly-thre- e the year before.' -moethe to get it ia working order Tbe government bee ordered that again. the Marconi wireleM telegraph apparatus be established on all Italian warSTEEL MILLS PROSPERING. ships. j Oaaaat Fill all Orders aad Maay Orders The political altuatlon in Venezuela Will g Is Uarmaav. President Castro, remain It ia learned from a reliable source with aa unchanged. of 6,000 men, hM ararmy that the Union Pacific ha placed a big rived at Cue. order for steel rails with a firm in GerNlos of the gunboats of th moaqui to many, Part of this order ia for the which baa been used in the past fleet, Southern Pacific, though delivery is to be made Union Pacific at Omaha and for patrolling th PhilippinM coast, such other points westward m it may have been put out of commiuton. At Webb City, Ma,' City Marshal later instruct. Tbe order ie for 100,000 Rich was shot end killed by Joe Gidtone, premiums for early delivery eon, who wm then killed by a policewere quoted ranging from man. Gideon was reacting arrest. to one per cent. A prominent man connected with Three persona were killed and the steel industry said it waa not surseriously .injured a a raault of prising to bear of the Union Pacific or- the derailing of aa express train beder. Domestic mills cgnnot deliver tween Charleville and Lilly, Franca before tbe third quarter of next year, Returns received from over Teanee end, aa they are etacked up with or- Me ehow tbe election by large majoriders, millions of dollar in steel and ties of the Democratic candidates tor Iron order will have to go abroad besupreme judge and judge of the court fore long. All thie shows great prosof appeala perity In thie country. Seven Bulgarina brigands who wera surrounded ia tha filing of Volka by GLOOMY PICTURE DRAWN. 330 Turkish soldiers have eecaped unMlsarabla Condltlans Eilat Snsaag Afriinjured, after having killed four solI can ura Laborer In Eastern Uallaia. dier and five villager . Afters special investigation among Cholera continues to decree la the agricultural laborers in Eastern Maoila aad a majority of tha Galicia, the Vienna Neu , Frol Pfcaae tbe 'diaeM- and tha prodictlea that tb woui4 la tha month mtaerable'eondiilons' which' led to the of has been not fulfilled. August existing strike. Tbe average mortalf . Trafya body bM been hurled ity froni famine for several gears past, Vitrei was according to the paper, aggregated Dragon penitentiary. 60,000. Laborers wage range from 8 placed oa hie face to destroy It in order to 16 eente a day, and women earn 4 to to provent any attempt to steal tha 9 cents per day. The peMante rarely body aad place it oa exbibitloa. taste bread and axial chiefly on a soup, Prince Recked, heir apparent to tha th principal ingredient of which are throne of Turkey, and Prince Dilmst, water tad herb. the next In eucccMion to the throne, A Vienna dispatch on June 30th Mid have been arrested end Imprisoned, that a great atrika of agricultural accused of assisting tbe Young Turkey wm tu progreM in Galicia, the party. laborer demanding an increase In tbs Torrential rains have flooded anck wage of 6 cent a day for men and 3 devastated the low country on tha cent n day for women to double that cooet of the Black sea, especially in the amount neighborhood of Tcharkamba, Lckke-ku- d, Terms and Sam sum. Many Uvea COLLIERIES ABANDONED. were lost, trike has Seine Flea Mlaa aa. Will A general review of the whole strike Laav Tw Tkaaa4 Man la JUIaaaas. ' William Stein, state mine Inspector region ehowe that unleas the operator for the Shenandoah, Pa., regies hM can break tha rtuka of the strikers by announced that' five col Her ie under starting a colliery here aad there, th men wiU be inclined to remain out for his jurisdiction, which have an estiaome tlme yeL mated total value of 81,000,000, have A uaw commercial treaty between been rendered uaeleaa by reason of beRusvi end Germany ia regarded aa ing flooded end have been permanently abandoned by the companies Uwaing atil! a long way off, but Berlin Tage-bla- tt them. Mr. Stein estimate that out of think this if one of the subjected. collieriee tn hie district to be diacuiMd the thirty-elthe emporere at only fourteen are in a condition for their conference. by Immediate operation If tha strike wax ended. The other ere in each n conB. Evelyn Baldwin, the Arctic ex- dition that It would require anywhere In aa interview, characterize from one to four mouth to clear them plorer. of water end make repair. U Mid the reports of the differences on board the average time would be about two the America during the repent a A St'rtCMjM.U. B. - -- BM dS M Tb-ga- n ons-qnar- ter pro-vlae- ea, e la-bo- rers Former President Kruger of the Transvaal republic, accompanied by a number bt Boer leader, visited the exhibition at Tbe Hague Thursday morning, lie Mated hlmaelf opposite the portrait of tbe Dutch and French commandants who fell during the war, and m he Mt there, young girls etiewed flowers at his feet. Replying to a speech made by the preside at of Abe exhibition, Mr. Kruger paid a tribute to tbe "brave men who sacrificed their live fa a dis' interested struggTe for justice.' Ha month. Tbe abandonment of the five collierthanked all nations for their noMlfiah ies will eom 3,000 mieere to eeek Aid la contributing to the exhibition. employment pelt in other pert of tbe and they may have trouble In 'region, Ar liavaj 8trri(l finding it If the tbouMnd of men who A Durango, Colo., dispatch aaya tho have toft' the roglon during the strike hould'relora. Navajo Indianabave sever been ia aucb now since M Case Martials la FkUlynlaa. misery 1868, when Kil Garaoa had them rounded up la a A receat mail front the- Philippine at corral at Defiance. The extreme-hecou lain aa inte resting summary of and drought la the Neeejo country ike result of court martial cases in have ruined the raegee, and entile the Philippiee island. It Uhowe that beep, poetee' sad goats are starving the accused la 237 cases were dishonorby scores daily. Tbe Indiana have had ably1 discharged; ia 231 case forfaited little 1m than bone meat to eat for pay and allowance; ia 113 casMsuff-flre- d some time, and udIsm the government other punishment; la 110 cases will come to their Meietence they war fiatd, aed 330 ease were senmust starve during tbe coming winter tenced to confinement. The c bargee thrpwa upon that r inelnded murder, maaeleeghter, , blanket ind and tbla baa aad attempted rape. Meat of never done much for their eubeteteaee. the chargee were for trival offenses. . h Battle With IksHFl Fasee Ear To Mark Strike Braakat. Oklabaaaa Oallawa. Rev. Cbarle Edwards, pMtor Of the Morrison of Bobart hM church at Shenandoah, arrived ia Guthrie, Oklahoma, with the Presbyterian aad formerly state proaideat of Pa, Information that" another battle wm th Yeuag Mens Bibl society, aaya fought with' the Bert CMy gang of that th yenng men in hla congregaoutlaws Thursday at th Hughes reach which ta made ap principally of tion, la Klewa county, with the result that mine workers, knee Informed him that four of the gang were captored, with have determined to cut off foreigners a big bench of etelca horsaa. fsiif aa ear of maa who returns te and two otbar escaped, breaking work so ovary that will forever be they through the line of aen trice placed workmen. Th around the ranch. There were Mveral marked M enfairthis la the cMleet thiak rounds of ahote fired, Lnt ao Serious foreigners method for preventing attempt to wounds art reported. break the t trike. pro-Bo- er HEWS SUMMARY. IN COLQRADO. x ttlte entry-alone- Ex-She- riff f I -- Pole expedition to the North J incorrect. A rolling mill for tbe manufacture of railroad appliances, and employing from i50 W 200 men- at firxt. ia- - to b erected In or near Ksdsm City, to he in operation by January next. The com- pany capitalized at 82,500,000. - . ALvbint Richtuond, Cal., William Mass field, eged about 23 years, was burned to death in tha'jail, where bd wm pieced for disturbing the peace. It Ie believed that be started the blaze by setting fire to hla bunk. The Tabasco River Navigation eom-pea- y, Mexico, which bM passed Into control of Americana, will increase the number of its steamers ao a to eucour-age the agriculture development of land lying along tha rivers navigated by tha eom panye boat. At Chambroy, France, crowds mad demonstrations against commissaries of police who were closing, echoola conducted by aaoe. The tocsin waa teag and th aistera who refuted to open their doors to the commissaries were cheered by the people. Professor Curtis J, Lyons, govern-mee- k meteorologist for meay years, Mys that for tbe pMt three month there have been unused movement ia tbe ocean surrounding the Hawaii, island The movemeete referred to' nee la the nature of tidal waves. t -- . |