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Show Aseaaamenl No. 9. Copper Coin Mining company, olflre and principal place of buelneae, Coalville, Coal-ville, UUb. S.rttea Is Vterettv alv lt a a lent. log Ol lite OVtewme, m esfe.w .1,.,.. . , iHA.v ' of Auguaf, ltKiJ.auasaraeiiiuntuf one and on half mllla per ahare on the capital alock wm levied 00 all outstanding vharat, payable on or Irelora 8eptumbr lUlh, 1902, at th oflice ol the aecreUry, at Coalville, Utah, Any stock upon which the swarm nt may remain unpaid ou the loth day ol September, 19U2, will le. ileiinqnmii and advertised lor tale at public auction, and nnless psynsent Is msile bcloie, many ofthaiharM represented byeaibcer- ' liflcstsof the s'ock so ilelimjuent ss may 1 ' , bs neretaary will be sold on theSOth day . nf Hepteimber, IIK)2, al 2 c'clockp. m., tu pay the delluquenlasarssnieiil, together with the coat of advertising and evpenM olaalt. Fmamk Caorr, ' Secretary. By order ol Ihe Hoard of Director. Coalville, Utah, Auguat 7lh, 1902. |