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Show A QOOD POINT. iMMTklM r B awwttvr a-kkawl fke Built Bw. Thar la ob point la strawberry culture cul-ture by Uw natted row ayatcai that Is rarely understood as It boo Id be, and this la la regard to aot allowing th plants to sat too thick In tba row, ays B writer In Rural New Yorker. A strawberry plant la a weed la a strawberry straw-berry patch wner It Is not Beaded. It It tha flrst ar earlier plants that act that produce the big berries, while the late planta make the little things that ar a Balearic to tba grower, the picker, pick-er, the dealer and the consumer. Ths average strawberry grower Is too apt to let the rows mat ao closely tbst on of the plants raa do Its best nor nearly what It should do. After the plants hsv passed abowt the let of August tbey probably will bars aet enough new onea to Oil th rows twenty Inches will or a little mors provided the ruaner nsvs been trained length wlee of th rows and placed so as svenly to flU ths spaces properly allotted to them. About St Inche apart Is cloee enough for them. W ben they ar thus set. It Is a mlstaks to Ht any mora tak root between them, ss they are aurs to do If sot pro-vented, pro-vented, set fed of apendlng time In keeping th ssMdle apace between th row clean of weeds and strawberry plants It Is better to est thee space alone for a month or two and glv cloee attention to tba centers or bearing bear-ing spaces. With a fork bo pull loos or dig np whatever tries to grow between be-tween the early plant and drag th runner Into th a pa pea between the row a. tlninttlmea H may be neceaeary to cut them oft. This may need to be don more then one In order to prevent pre-vent the thick met of plants la ths rows that ar to do th bearing. Tboee that ara aet In the middle Bires will do no harm, or tha weeds either, for the time being. When the root weather of autumn come on, plow or cnltlvst ths middle thoroughly, thor-oughly, leaving th bearing apace about twenty Inch- or two feet wide, and let th Held go Into winter quarter quar-ter an, ricept that a light mulch the lat of December may be applied. (aula Wheat. The proper time to rut wheat, ss well as osls snd lisrtey. Is when the grain turna to a rich golden yellow. At that time It will yet contain soma kernels In the dough ststs. It la claimed that wheat cut while the keraela ars In ths dough, or at least a part of them, will make a superior su-perior quality of dour and mors of It than If It Is allowed to become dead rip before It la rut On thing la cer-tala cer-tala that nine tlnH) out of ten th yield per sere will be larger If tb wheat la rut early, while at least a part of ths kernels ar In tb dough, ew MRU eliewed to Waannu dead rip before being cut This lata cutting cut-ting la the direct cause of ths larg amount of grain that will always shell aut In th handling even with th beat of care, and another frequent aonrc of loss Is that If a heavy rainstorm occurs oc-curs after a Hold of grain Is perfectly rip there le alwaya mora or leas dam-ag dam-ag don by ahelllng out of grain and breaking down of straw. What Is true shout wheat alao applle to all other klnda of email grain, although In a aomewhat Ivaa degree. Ohio Farmer. Welsht Foe tlaretaeh. A correspondent aenda the Iowa Homestead a aketch of hla method of weighting hayatscks. It la vary simple. sim-ple. Two poles are tied together at the email ends with wlr and put on JV - ......-',---.'-isJ'i V fc - WBIUUTIXO A BiteTiCS. aatrlda of the alack. This losvea no drpreaalon In the ceutvr of th stack. If tb pole a re cut and put on while green, they will bend with their own weight, and It will take a pretty etrong wind to blow off tb top of ths stsck. |