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Show j Juel Look Al llrr. Whence csino that eprightly I ep. leultleee ekiu, rich, rory complexion miling face, blie look. good. Iteh, goo-l. Here' her ecret. rib uen Dr. King' New Lile I'll'- Ueeuii. " organ a. live, digestion good. ' " head-ui.ee, no chance for "Lines " .- t! 0111 tmu-iclf. tmu-iclf. OulySot JhiiB"ua & n. I I i .,.. i . i TO Ct UK A CtlLII IN 41 NIC PAf 'Take I -unlive lirouio Quinine Talilet. ! .til druymeta lelund the money if it fila ii ure. K. il'. liroi' eiguaiur ia on : ecli box li.'. I We tan do your job w ork. SliHltcr All ltct urda. Tice iu hoapiul, F. A. (iulleilxe, Verbena, Ala., paid a val uia to doctor doc-tor lo cur a eevere catu of pllee, cam itK 24 tmnora. ben all failed, liuck-len' liuck-len' Arnica SaK-e toon cured him. bulKluet Inflniutuation, conquera Arhee, tilla I'alna. Heat ealve In th world. 2oc at John Boydeu A Son drug tiore. Sure Car fee rilte Itching File produce luuinture nd cause iu hmg, this loriii.u wellaslilind, llleetling or i'rotrudliig i'ileeare cured by Dr. llo-tto-ku'a 1'ilr Ueuiedy. frU.pi I. thing anil bleeding. Absorb tumors. Mo a Jar al DragtitU, or Belli by uitil. Treasiiae f rev j write about your case. Dr. Uueanko, I'hilada. I'a. For aale by John lluydeu A fcou. J A VOl'HO LADY'O LirBIAVBD, At ranaws, Celaasasa y Ckaaskerlala's (tollO. (!! tmt ItlaFSkM Keaeif. Dr. Cut. II, VlUr, a prominent pbyalcian, ol Panama, Colombia, in a reoenl Lattar atatue : "Latt March I had m a patient a young lady (lateen year of age, who bad a very bad attack of dysentery. Everything I preecrlhed for her provd Ineffectual and sbs was growing grow-ing won every bour. Her parents were surh would die. rib bail becm o week that she could not turn over in bed. Wht 10 do ai thle critical moment was study for me, bat I though ol Cheuibtrlaiu' Collo, Colera and !lai-rhoea !lai-rhoea Remedy and a a last preecrlhed il. The most woumlerful result waa effected. ef-fected. Within eight hours the waa (riling much oetter; Inside oflhreedaya she was Ufxiu Uci frt atat the end of a week wa entirely well." For sale by John U)du it Boo. ALL WLBE 8AVi:n. "For years I Buffered such untold nil-aery nil-aery Iron Bmurhlliii," write J. II. Johnson, of llroughlon, Ga., "that often of-ten I wm unable to work. Then, when everything else failed, I wm wholly cured by Dr. King' New Discovery foi Consumption. My wife tntTeerd In-tenaely In-tenaely from Asthma, till il cured her, and all our xpriisos got to snow it la Uie beet Croup insdiclu In th world." A trial will convince you It'a unrivaled lor Throat and Lung dieeaae. Guaranteed Guar-anteed bottles 60c and $1.00. Trial bot-j tie free at Joho Boyden A "on. Th Lke Tribune. J Thle I campalga year and ayesr which promise 10 i ua muca ImporUnt nawa Id every avenu ol life. If you aant a great and (air dally newspaper, you should lak Th Halt I-ak Tribuns. Th Weekly Til bone I sn excellent neaspaper. And Tne luter-Mounuin Farmer and Ranch man published also by The Tiibune Fuhlulnng compaiy, will be Invaluable to fat intra and ranch-men ranch-men everywhere. Wiae le the prophel who does not alio al-io lua predictions to go on ictord. Il is SMy to admit that a man Is levelheaded level-headed If he Is l.elow jour level. True patriots work for tlieiroountry'a lulure insUad of bo. ting of Ita patl. uio m ail of Iho It to Injure tl t CtOriKTI CALLED HEALTH It lallkanyotherproperty,itrunadowo ' or Improves, Juet denendaon how it I - , cared for. It lathe m.i valuable prop- , 1 eriy we base, and should receive Ih j mnalconalderaiion. It hrlpayou in your 1 btislnesa, helps good looks, helps niak frlsnds helj gate situation and help . you hold lhein,ndlwaya make happl- ness. l'rowrly llks this, at tin. Oral In- , illcallon of Delng out of rcpiii , ihould be ' j looked after and a remedy applied at once. There are any number of eigne , i tnat ahow repair ar needed, lllhoua ; pella, Indigeatlon, dwp.la, belchlng- dlulneaa, alck-head, aallow complexlon- pimpleaand liver-apoienn the (are, a droway aleepy feeling after meala, our totna.k, etc These ayiuptome all shw weak neee, and the property needsrepair- Ing. Pruirgleta will well you for 2Vts., a boi ol Dr. Uunn'a Improved l.lvnr I'llla, tb beat remedy In the world for any of tbeee Ilia, or we will tend a box post-paid or receipt of 28, ctaHaiuplea free. Only one pill for a dose. Write Dr. (lunn, I'biUda., Fa. For sal by John Uoydea AboaCoalylll Utah. Ml one the I'uugh and work utr I lie old. Uiatlve Ilrouio-Quinlne Tablets enrea t cold iu one day. No Cure, uo I'ay. PiU ; ccnla. 3 f ! - - uutago of r-' r " |