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Show BRAINS AND LONGEVITY. Mental Industry Declared to Ce Positive Posi-tive Aid to Healthy Old Age. ' It Is ni-ii.Ti. that men of science live long, and Dial m. ntnl Imlusiry la a pislilve nl. I to n healthy lid ao. saja a writer In Modem Soi i. ty. The belief In I'. Tl a I it ty borne out by llic fact that rour of the gentlemen scited nt the council table of the IaiiiiIoii Iron j and fteel Institiita rcrtintly were over I a". Hlr l.outhlnn Hell Is m his KTth I year, and will cnrrlea his extrnordl- nnry experience or Utitlnh Iron and coal as lightly as other men carry tho Rardptila In their buttonhole. Blr Bern-hard Bern-hard Hamuelson la 2. Time has lett deeper marks on his figure and visage. It Is true, but he Is still hale and hearty. Sir John Alleyne atanda aa square and aturdy to-day aa he did when at the head of the great Midland Iron foundries which rolled the girders for all the Hrltlsh earlier Ironclads and ocean llnera. and caal the huge Iron akaletoa- uf Ht. Pan era a railway station. sta-tion. Hlr John believes mightily not only In head work, but In hand work, and follows the same dally routine of manual man-ual and mental labor as he did a score or years ago. He himself saya that he la getting old and atlff, but It would cut him keenly If anybody else wore to asset! the fact. The fourth octo-genarlan octo-genarlan la an American. Mr. John Krlti of Hethlchem. Pa. He openly preaches the doctrine that applied science gives men healthy activity of brain and supplies that aalt and aavour to life which we all need to rondor our life worth the living. |