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Show As the Famous "Hot i " Springs o f Arkansas. Py let of congress n 1 the gov-rnment gov-rnment became owner nf Ki'vi-uly-two of the hut npriiiKN i Arkansas and dedicated them to the people of the I'nlted States, us i.utlonul until-ttnrlum until-ttnrlum to he forever free troni sale ' . or alienation. Hot Hprlnga Is a rase of Cniie tfam. Wherever yon turn government proprietorship nml government rcgn-Jatloris rcgn-Jatloris confront you. 1? a Vw Sam all umund iititll you begin Id reel t tint at trie ni-xt turn you win meet the benevolent old gentleman himself, with hi hlKh hilt, splketnll cunt nml spangled banner troupers. He hen done more fur Hot FprliiKs t inn for nny other spot In the conn-try. conn-try. except Washtnrton. II.. ha tilled ' It with hcriutlful pnrks. planted trees, shrubs and gardens. rr. -led marble rmililatlie nu. I pavilions, constructed IIMocn miles of drives, - l -nl 1 .1 ly irrclril nml wli K to t, (,, ,,r ,;,' mountains., nnnnlliiit ilmimlnif views or tho Bur.-".ndlng cuuiory. To the 1 south of the Hpiincs In the groat Ona.iiltn Vnlley. The lty In limit like a huge ihit.ili hell, wh i Coiiiial . Avenue or lliitMi.iine How, nu It In commonly culled, fur the hiimlle. Hot Springs Ik n city of hotels. Tho Arlington, I'urk ami Kastman n-pro- VIEW OF HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS ecnt an Investment imuuntlng to tl.OOO.OOO. With their Inimcnso ro-tuiiilae. ro-tuiiilae. hrllllai.tly lighted drawing-rooms drawing-rooms and hui:dsomc'y decorated ; dining-rooms, they proline a luxurious home for the most faithlloua. At 1 the hoarillnK atuhle, one ran find as I elpKant rarrlagoa and at fire saddle ( horses as In New York. ,' ' In the corlyelKhtloa tho govprnmcnt y aelytetl Hot Springs as the seat of T ..- I. ow of Its army and navy hospitals. ' r ana constructed e wroup of buildings for the treatment of nick soldiers I J and snllors of the servlre of the ropub-! ropub-! 1 lie. The hot water is administered I In all Its forms at I lis Institution. It I has an efficient medical corps and dls- I pensary. And the record of rurcs materially hem.flte.l e....l.... it.. astonishing figures of DO per cent. It was on account of these health giving waters tint this slto was di-clded on by tho army and navy autliorlllea. The hot waters flow from tho side of one of the 0ark mountains. In vol-nmn vol-nmn approaching l.tiuii.iin.i gallons dally, tie springs are held as a government gov-ernment monopoly, Just as the making or pnntkgu stamps, and the Income derived de-rived from tho use or tho water by the various hath houses Is all expended expend-ed In Improving and beautifying the reservation. Uncle Ham tanks and lilpes these waters to tho different houies and In every Itmtnnco he regulates regu-lates the How of water, files tho price of the haths, according to Its eiulp-ment eiulp-ment and facilities, prescribes rules, governs the managers and attendants, even to arranging t ie fee. Then he runs a free hath house for the poor and needy. Tho averago temperature or the springs Is 135 degrees Fahrenheit. Fahren-heit. The waters are sold to have better effect In summer than In the winter on account or the even climate during those months. An Interesting fact Is round In tho prenenco of Ice cold springs not twenty feet from belling ones. A delightful ride Is that through the Orark mountains, whlca Jealously guard this clly of springs. Tho Iron Mountain route shirts tho precipitous banks or the Mississippi, then plunge Into the heart of these ever- reen hills, thruuch tho beautiful naillun Valley and tho fuuiuuH Pilot nob, pant cui ton plttiitiitlnns, rough great limber region Into tho arming Vnlley of Ounrhllll, where sties tho faniruirt " rcnort, Hot "'lugs of Arkntisni. K K. A. WltillHT. |