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Show UTAH STATE NEWS. Th Rlngttng .llro. clrrui took In fAOoo al Provu. (tall Lake City haa 1 J,4 children ol arhool age, 7.111 boy anil 7,f.'l glrla. There have Wen no pulillc gather Inge of any kind In Richfield for over a week beeeua of tha dlphlrla. Tha merehenta of lehl cloecd their plana of buainew Friday of laal waek nd touk an outing to Saratoga eprlnga. Tba Halt Lake City council appropriated appro-priated the aunt of 14.000 to tnlit In defreylag ilia eapeu.ee of the Kike' eoavenlieo. Mai A. Patera, tha eeroad victim of Joaeph W. McCaelln e murderous shool-w shool-w Uf In Halt Lake City on tba let, baa eureuaabed to hla Injurlaa. Jamea Tlmpaon and Florence Nelson atn aararaly Injured In a runaway accident Hunday night, tha accident being tha reeoll of eareleaa driving. Tha paal week In tha ore nod bullion anarket of Malt Lake allowed aallle-ejnnnta aallle-ejnnnta amountlog to 1401,900, ee cora-stared cora-stared with lifll.voo for lha previous week. Peter Hulllvaa and John Ionoss4cW, vainer employed at tha (Jnlnoy, la iPark Clly, war Injured by Ilia enplo-Ina enplo-Ina of several (laat rape one day laat week. H. F. Morgan nnd Barney Itnyle, charged with robbing a email boy of Mpealah Pork of a email sum of money, bare been hound over to tba dletrlot aourt for trial. While bunting aparrowa with Ileal Il-eal I bra rifle near Malt Lake Clly .Charle Aleloa, aged II, accidentally ahol Arthur Ar-thur Hmllh, aged 10, In tba abdomen, tianlallng a aerloua wound. Aur Kvans, the eon of Moelah Evens, f l-ehl, met with a painful accident the other day. Ha fall from a lumber wagon and waa run O'er by tba bind wheel, breaking hla collar boa. Barrelling baa jual fairly began In Sevier county, though aoma of tha far mere at llrooklya are now a 1 moat ready to begin Ibreehlng. In other parte of lha valley tba grain la allll green. While attempting to board rapidly anovlug train, t'harlaa Itodecker, who had been warned to leave town by the all Lake police, mlaaed hia hold and fall beneath tba wbaela, losing bla I right fool, Tha body of Julia McDonald, of eiaaOatoee, Minn., waa found near 'Koho, w lb ilia head badly mangled and a bullet hole In tha back. It la b. Jleved the man waa murdered aad robbed rob-bed by boboee. l vs ' p.on .iim w . - . r j,fr .coau ie now paaelag through tha two large pumpe at the ' head of Jordan rlvar, and In a abort time will be on the parched farms of Halt Lake county. John Miller, of Kali Lake, waa robbed In a peculiar way laat week, hla aua Ileal Il-eal throwing pepper In hla eyea and going through hla pocketa while John waa making an effort to rub the blind-Ing blind-Ing eubelauce from hla eyea. Claude M. Klilgea, n ai'hool teacher ol Halt Lake City, waa killed In Cleat Creek canyoo, white' on an outing In company with hla brother and wife, by being throwa from n horae, death being due to cnncusalon of Ilia brain. A grasshopper bunt hae bean matched between Klalnom eod Joaeph. There will be thirty men to lha aide, wllb fifteen balloona, and a danoa and nupper to be given to lha vlctora at lha home town of tha dafealrd aide. Jamea lanalc, axed l yeara, com' milted aulatd at llerliuan by hanging hliueelf from a pole placed acroaa an opening In the celling of hla houaa. Usual frequently tenured under the liallurlnal'oo lhat otliara were eeaking tu kill him. The explosion of a gaiollne atova lb lie retlilenoe uf Mra. Jennie 1'iuk, ah Hllver City, cauaeil n fire which did damage to the amount of l7,0oo, and tha Injury of two persona. The build-toga build-toga burned were frame and the Are npread very rapidly. Heeler county la all worked up over nn attempt to burn tha Christiansen opera houea at Mnuroe. Tha plau waa discovered and frustrated through Ilia amell of coal oil. A fuse attached lo a J package uf powder waa found, aur- 1 rounded by paper aaluraied la coal oil. i Andrew Andereoa aud Harmed Nord- j berg loat their Urea In lha Anchor abaft ' at l'ark I lly laat week, being atruck v jy a descending cage. '1 ha two men ; were wurklug ou a platfuru, and the 1 eogieeer felled to etup the cage quick v onuugh, both tha kodiea belug badly 'j oruelied. I'eter Wllllama waa Inatantly killed " !a the ore houae at lha Mammoth mine at Mammoth. There were no eye wll- ' aiceaee lo the fatal accident, but II le 1 nuppoeeil lliat he loat hie balance white i aei-viiUliig a ehori flight of alepe eod ', fell onto the bell that runa the ore crusher. Mis I. ury Moving, atale organiser oi J the riociallet parly In L'tah, waa killed j f n Ogilra Tburedey night of laat waek, i belug run over and trampled to death 1y a bores. Miaa Moving waa gniug.to I Ver room when a rig driven by a buy J atruck her and knocked her down, the j iioree trampllog bcr lo death. |