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Show rr Madam Cooking. Aa a mutter of uwful iiifniiiiutliui, it may boatateil that whenever a cook- i lug rerept culls fur abukliiKxivilci tlie "Rciyul" should he iim"I. Th rorslpt ' will be found to work better and surer, I and the bread, biscuit, rolls, cakaa dump- j llnga, cruala, puddinga, doughnnla, or ahatever made, will lie produced aweeler, lighter, finer flavored, more dainty, palatable and wholeanrue, Be I aldea, th "Royal" will go farther or liM i g eatsr leavening power, and ia there- ! for more conomical than inyot1 r pw iu. Tb frsatesl adepts in the culinary art ar particular u as the Royal ouly, and ) the author of Um moat popular cook j book and th leathers of the successful ! cooking achoola, with whom Ih beat re- suit art Imperative, ar carulul to Im- ; press their leaders and pupils with lb 1 Imporlancoof iiaexclusiveemployuienl. The Royal Baking IWIeria thcgreit- eai help ol modern liinea to perfect cook- '; lag, and tverv receipt requiring a quick-rising quick-rising Ingredient should embady Its use. Mr. Ilsker, in "Kltchun Magssine." |