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Show the F'&nfo&r''Ii,6tiX r. ' " : o prmgs ofj&nmmas i stairs, sines h had never, received . her letter. Bbe rushed frantically about, got lnto a jam, had her opera hat crashed out of shape, her purse stolen, and the better part of her Indignant wind squeezed into gasping protests; Finally,' she got free, but hiving neither umbrella nor money, had, to walk, home unsheltered from be arrived tn a drenehed,' the rain. MiiiuuuuuiiiriiHiiniuiuiiuuiauliuiiiuuiiiiiiiiuuiiiiii ' . .. J , . ' . By act of congress In 1832, the government became owner of seventy-twof the hot springs 01 Arkansas and dedicated them to the people of the United States," as a tationa! sanl- , tt&riam to be fprjevar free ,Xrom tale ' t ior alienation.' ; , Hot Springs is a case of Uncle Sam. Wherever you turn government proprietorship and government regq-- . . 7ation confront youl U fa Uncle Sam all around until you begln td feel. that at de li ext turn you will meet the benevolent old gentleman himself. With hla high bat, spike-tal- l coat and spangled banner trousers. . He has done more for Hot Springs than for any other spot In the country, except Washington. He has filled it with beiutlful paftig, planted trees, shrubs and gardens, erected marble fountains and pavilions, constructed fifteen miles of drives, splendidly graded andiwirdirg to the tops of the .mountains.' affording cbainiing- views of the surrounding country. Tq the " "south of the Springs is the great Ouachita Valley. The city is built like a huge dumb bell, witi Central avenue or Bathhouse Row, as it is commonly called,- - for the handle. Hot Springs is a city of hotels. The Arlington, Park and Eastman repre- . . v-- s v v- - " r - , 000 short tons of hard coal and of soft coat Together these operations represent a trifle over half of the country's output. Illinois holds the scond place with 27,000, 000 West' Virginia comes third toi)s. with 21,000,000, and Ohio fourth, IU 20,000,000. Alau&ma ranked sixth' for-- , few years, but last year moved up one notch, Uqr production ready ed .VOO.Ooo tons In of J Kansas thi Targest output comes from the state of Washington, which mined 2,500,otH) tor.s last year. THE TRIUMPHS OF WOMEN. . any oo-hi- s ene-etep- t -- Displaying Qualities Many Had Not Supposed They Possess. . Every day womeh are displaying traits of chnract r that e.flto both surpiise a ill admiration. In Brooklyn the other day Vrs. Lent ie Kelley saved the life of her aged father by climbing oyer the dashboard of the buggy in whith they Were driving on the Coney Island boulevard and sel.ing the reins that had dropped from bis hands and were dangling at the heels of their ruraway horse. Would Panielia or Clarissa or1 'even Mine. De Staels extraordinary heroine, Delphine, have done that? - .whin to his country seat, made a pilgrimage Tennyson ' was heated on the front steps, smoking atf old plpe.'when they appeared In the distance. The old poet watched them crossing his lawn and his brow lowered. is this Lord .Jennyson? Well, wer so sorry-t- p Intrude'.'" We wUh to apologize for entering to this unceremonious fashion.' ''Then ' Why don't you go? said Tennyson,' enfroundirrg himself vlth a. cloud of tobacco smoke. AND -- .I f j, LONGEVITY. - . - - . I 22 mnimnimtmnmK: laws,. You know the story told of Tennyson?, Several to young women BRAINS Ycsle rday, imdvT.o-Da- y .' vinitii r Are -- , i. ?Kedag, t tv I' ' im 5 t j'1 wpent holy thought, in calm content taldet the terns anti grasses sweet; k here,, her sad there, Wbout my feet, t found this tittle Bower. 1 4Ja4.'-4ai- 4 longed for such 9 ' disgusted and hysterical condition, and sneaked up to her room Ilka a truant child. ' Next day, E. Wilbert Marsh presented himself at the bleachers, as hs had agreed, with the ransom money for the overcoat. Aftey the, game he found precisely tha same sum la the pocket of that garment, together with six of the choicest flfty-cen- t No cigars aver swaddled tn wonder he thought the world must be growing better! - He had totally forgotten that he did not mall a certain letter that was handed to him by a young lady. - He will never think of it again, for the evidence necessary to recall the matter to tbs masculine mind had, in his case, entirely e a day to be vhi and bush and tree don Ita robe of verdant hue; jkhen'evry Should then -- gather. dear, for you. ttttts purple Dower,. And "bdw "my 'Mr fiai passed cwsjr; 'TVs but a Memory y My happiness to you I lend,- - la that these vlolgta I send s klsy brighten qp an heir., , This- - Mm tln-foi- L - with all Joys, their reign is short Ns pleasure that hath e'er been sought; , however great, bid permanently satiate We're happy but an hour. As t( de -- Mental Industry Declared to Be Positive Aid to Healthy Old Age. ' ' It is asserted that men of science live long, and that mental industry Is a positive aid to a healthy old age, sajs a writer In Modern Sodety, The belief is certainly borne out by the fact that four of the gentlemen seated at the council table of the London Iron and J? t eef insULlt.r.6CaU)o.er-ver- 0. Sir Lowtblan Bell i th his 87th year, and still carries bis extraordinary experience of British iron and coal as lightly .as other men carry the aii Overcoat. V 4h kspt planning all the morning. In the early afternoon hq got away. Hu just went . It wsr a glorious day and a glorious game. The rain had let up. EveryThe grand stand body was there. waa jammed. The bleachers groaned, The entire field was shut In by black parentheses of humanity. The. visitors began to score briskly in the first inning. They made four funs in succession, with out a man out At the end of the fifth inning the score stood alx. to two la favor of the champions. CHINESE AND HIS PEN. Little Anecdote that Shows Deftness of th Oriental. " A certain newspaper man, who wan Induced to try a stylogrsphic pen, got it out of order by reckless treat for ment, and took It to a repair. The man there toon showed him that there was nothing serious the lodgtrrg' housl aad the station where matter with it, the only trouble being be - was wont t climb up to that abominable incatenlence, , the elethat he had neglected to do some little ; A young lady he ebse-vevated, thing in using iL Then be began to take the pen apart for the newspaper dart down the Font steps of one of man's instruction, so that he might the most impothg and least "flaked of ' the veneerel brown-fronShe see bow very simple a thing it ia. carried a letter h her hand. On her "Simple!" cried the indignant owner head was , nothfcg but a great gloef the instrument, it is as complicatrious mass cf )i.ed-itsaffron hair. ed as a Chinese puzzle! 1 dont wonShe wa - striking' pretty and strikder that I cant make It 'go when I want It to!" ingly conscious of the fact, if one and The penman laughed. might judge fnta her make-u- p manner. It vaj trident that she was "You remind me." he said, "that bound for the narest letter-box- . there is a Chinese hr this town Who Hardly, howeer had the little kid used a stylogrsphic regularly. He came slippers of this pleasing damsel triphere to buy one several months ago, ped along the pavement a dozen and when I showed it to him he began yards when, witi the exasperating unto take it all apart I hurriedly expectedness wtlcb nature sometimes stopped him, supposing that he would displays In her cost perverse moods, do it an injury, but he at once put it began to rah. The attractive figdown the value of the pen, saying ure stopped itort. wavered A mothat It was his, and then continued ment and then turned hack just In hla dissection of it 1 give you my time to meet yemg Marsh, struggling VIEW OF HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS word that he handled that pen more to rafae his umbrella over his , $25 than the man who made it. deftly Bern-harto In in Mrs. E. their buttonhole. Sir Sarah cent an Investment amounting 1 McCoy, gardenia overcoat Pittsburg five minutes he bad it put toin and Samuelson is 8. Time has left excelled la fl2, 000,000. With their Immense ro- In a law court, hav-jim- t With a silverj laugh and, apparentgether again, so that it worked better on and the ha his and marks Intellectual drawingdeeper figure visage. ly the most perfect unconsciousness tundas, brilliantly lighted fegtof Portia, than it did at first Those fellows-bearooms and handsomely true, hut he Is still hale and J of any Impropriety in thus accosting decorated, SUTESSShd .majii shinin- g- masculine the world at understanding little dining-rooms- , they provide' a luxurious lights of the bar, for she managed hearty. Sir John Alleyns stands as is stranger, the girl exclaimed: details,.. Now, an - Irishman' .or ah' ow-and did breach a as in her he fastidious. At tase of square . "How sudden home for the most sturdy promise 1 beg your American pardon could ErWilhercShraK smiled, end raised the boarding stables one can find as sultahd proved, too, contrary to the when at the head of the great Midland never have dona that; and, rememlhUadrle tron which rolled the fine as lage,.,thaL-he'4iand girders' his saddle.! with blush. hat ft ;tiot;""hliye:A elegant carriages gratified ber, It waa the first pen of the kimi uounrmr foot for a client. There were some for all the British earlier Ironclads and "Would you lave the kindness to .horses ai.'ln Ute w"Yrth- -Chines i'hiuuelptata ocean liners, and cast the huge Iron drop m Jyletf-- la. the fleet ho you Walked away against a drizzling rain. U In the earlyeighties the government novelties In her methods of examinRecord. Pangeas railway' sta- pass? ssbeUtlie girl, putting the . selected Hot Springs as the seat of ing witnesses, as., for instance, - her sketotow-of-et- ." Then It waa that an eager face was little square missive Into the young of its army and navy hospitals. "teuingbne of them point blank that tion. A Childs Faith. to E. Wilbert Marsh from man' n constructed- - group of buildings he was a liar. In the first case there aklrta and her upturned believes hand, Sir John not gstherlhg mightily only One of JSi politicians for the treatment - of sick soldiers was a triumph of nerve and muscle, In head work, but In hand work, and preparatory to flight Jhe next In- the tier- - of seats below. Three to who was aPhiladelphia's looker-oIn Harrisburg Inwin! one In and second of nerve the that the stant she fled, rustling end laughing, and and sailors of the service of the repubChlcagos follows the same dally routine of manrecent convention told a Ill take you, replied Marsh, with during ofthefriends lic. The hot ..water is administered tellect The obvious conclusion , Is ual and mental labor as he did a score back to the shelter of the brown stone an Incident that IlIn ali its forms at this institution. It that the era in which woman was. a of years ago. He himself says that-hfront and K. Wilbert Marsh found s fierce, desperate thrill of pride and group wee daughters firm lustrated hit team. home 1b in the to confidence They has an efficient medical corps and dis- downtrodden creature fully past, is getting old and stiff, but it would himself saying With pleasure! ability. The would win yet! Anyway, it would be faith in his And the record of cures tor, with qualifying experience of the cut him keenly if anybody else were the empty air. The young lady lookpenser crescent moon had excited her amazeon in their them to back ah ed back as waa go cowardly and reaches the vanishing materially benefited ment and wonder for the reason that nodded. 1 wonder if she would ree extremity. He would try to turn astonishing figures of 90 per cent It theretofore she bad always associognize me, if she met m again T' their luck by betting beyond his usual ated Luna with a round was on account of these health-givinand cheese-lik- e be exclaimed. Xs!" be Let It Marsh. mused Then briskfigure. be walked waters that this site was decided on fulness. she into the rushed So, All the eager bouse right! responded ly on. , by the army and navy authorities. and Informed her mother that below. voice of Th an rattle train waters spproachtag flow from the side The hot the moon waa all broken up," and The Chlcagos won. fell on bls( ear. He had just time to n f one of the Ozark mountains, in that only a very small piece of It rea!d for that X," reach the station and catch It There Tll trouble you 1,000,000 approaching gallons mained. The mother, not thinking would not be another train for five the young man sitting at Marshs feet, daily, the springe are held as a govchild old enough for an explanathe at a rose with as howl, the bleachers and It minutes, happened that he was ernment monopoly, just as the making somewhat late that morning. With an the completion of the last Inning., The tion of the lunar phenomena, simply of postage stamps, and the Income deInward vow that he would mall the champion of the home team Jto muttered: rived from the use of the water by "Too bad, dearie too bad!" young ladys letter immediately on gan to search In bis pockets In a the various bath houses is all expendThe child seemed downcast for toleaving the ear, he made a wild dash dazed way. He finally gathered ed in improving and beautifying the moment; then, her face illumined two and coins of a handful for the and the 'rushed gether stairway upon with joy, she leaped up and exjeservatlQtLUncle Bam tanks and platform of' the nearest car just as bills. "Im stock at $4.75," he said, claimed: pipes these waters to' the different 1 so was Didnt suppose the guard was closing the gate. Then ruefully. O! it will be all right when papa houses and In every instance he reguhe slipped the letter Into his over- short. Ought not to have bet But lates the fihw of water, fixes the price coat pocket, and straightway did what say." He looked desperately at the comes home, ' mamma he'll mend It . of the baths, according to its equipall men do under inch circumstances resplendent overcoat lying across Ms again." ment and facilities, .prescribes rules, coat In arm." IL "Youll take this pledge, forgot BATHHOUSE ROW. governs the managers and attendants, Thorough Paced Economy. another young man left wont you? Ill meet you here A young man living In Cincinnati even to arranging the fee. .Then he world, she Is now quite capable of to assert the. fact The fourth octo- hisPresently afternoon right here on th seat, came up the aisle, and stood is a close worker In money matter, , runs a free bath house- for the poor defending her own and of bolding IL genarian is an' American, Mr. John smiling down upon Marsh. Going to bleachers with the cash to redeem that Is, he - and needy. The average temperature stays close to the thereFrits of Bethlehem, Pa. He openly the ball game, this afternoon? he il" -He had the THE OPEN AMERICAN YARD. The other young man hesitated. with his expenditures. t of the springs is 13S degrees Fahreni preaches the doctrine that applied asked" luck to marry a girl whose-parent- s good heit The waters are said to have E. which science gives men healthy activity of hello!" took Then the b garment replied Marsh, recogWhy, - better effect in" summer than In the are quite wealthy, and la One Feature of Our Life That Im- brain and supplies that salt and savour nizing a chum In whose company be Wilbert' Marsh tragically handed to . Bring with his wife In one lo-4l-f winter on account of the even climate .which we all need to render had aforetime done his part toward him, and disappeared in the crowd. presses Englishmen, . of his fsther-tn-law- s houses. - during those months. Ap interesting One thing that impresses ' the our life worth the living. tba temporary A few hours national later, eulogizing the hoarsely not One while disT fact is found in the presence since, day long of ice stranger is the houses without fences a overcoat want Yes, I to go. Shall, II owner of the new pulled game. with a friend, the latcold springs not twenty feet from around them,' remarked an EnglishI v:an get away. You going? letter out of a pocket of the garment, cussing affairs Shark Towed Them to Sea. ' " - "Not much chattel man at the Waldorf-Astori- a to a New From all parte of Mississippi Sound . Two huo nd sUred - at the envelop ""With ter asked r helling ones, of old Did the give you ff gentleman know A delightful ride Is, that through York Herald reporter. Id In England, an d , th - baytrar-'Othe dfled and fifty pieces iQ last nights startled and flashing eyes. wfeen - we build' Otlf houses, ' we put Louisiana and Mississippi coast come mall! ,v Dont know how much larger her writing anywhere!" he muttered. that house?" the Ozark mountalns. WelLer-no- , not exactly," was the And addressed to my rival, Sam Nto $uard Mils' city of springs. The Iron walls around them, and build the walls wonderful stories of the unprecedentanswer. Differed He It to me, but 1 It!-no route so can one skirts the precipitous look over. I Mountain haum. Confound It! - ill open high that ed saltiness of the Gulf waters and -wouldn't accept IL enthe Not that we are ashamed to be of the appearance of d J banks of the -- Mississippi, then tore open Impetuously fish Hows that? asked th friend. 1 . . plunges into the beirt of these ever- - seen, but because every man'i house hitherto unknown there.' At Horn velope and read: -t answered the man who had c "Well," i , Dearest Sam What a shame that made Island, Harrison county. Miss., a numthe lucky matrimonial venture. tober of devil fish, some of them measto th theater, your Invitation "You the house really belongs to see, night, came Just after I had accepted me. Im living in IL rent free, and uring thirty feet from tip to tip, have been harpooned by fishermen. There a dernier xessort, one from that Ill get it when the old man dies. has also been an Invasion of odious Fred Crombie, who has been g accepted it now Id have to pay tbs of sharks , , persecuting me with attentions taxes. late! I should not have accepted his A party of gentlemen from New Orleans while fishing at Ship Island fasInvitation, anyway, If I had not been A Unique Procession. i S tened their three boats together and just dying to hear that particular of the London A correspondent welcome came hen your steadied them with a heavy anchor. The Church of the writes: conGraphic a What note. but tantalizing A shark became entangled in the andel Rosario at Valle dl Pomtretemps! But, Sam, J will go with Madonnaas It la chor, carried al! three boats out to called, the Madonna dl or, we will peii, how will I tell yon and sea and finally wrecked them on the you, Is the best known shrine of Pompeii, the him slip. outwit Fred and give shore. The fishermen narrowly esr' Madonna In the south of Italy, on the of the bead the or be near, Do at, yoi caped with their lives. New York account of he wonderful miracles stairway at the Brooklyn entrance of Sun. which are supposed, to be performed the bridge at 7:30 sharp, tonight over the stairway, there. People from all parts, far and . i V fan tar will Crop . Vivid Imagination- .i aa Fred and I are going up. He wilt near, comb on pilgrimage from the J&L Th lady at Cape May who wrote a back "tq get IL I will far distant mountains, and even from of course,-rumessage, sealed It up' In a beer botENTRANCE TO ARMY AND NAVY HOSPITAL. seem to be pushed upward by Sardinia. Some most wonderful costhen seen In and about the tle, and cast If upon the waters, to tn crowd. ( Meet me at the head of tumes are reen. hills, through the beautiful Is his castle, you know. 1 suppose the get It again after many days from contadinl come on foot, church. lh Fred. Mr. the stair. Then, adieu. rcadian Valley and the famous Pilot Americans build their houses having the captain of the British " or In carts often drawn by white oxen, "How sudden! yours, wafshjp . Lovingly nob, past cotton' "plantations, in Imind the maxim of the' old Roman .Thunder, who found It in the belly this OLLIE. ' singing and playing on musical Instru, mail will he. But say. will build my house so that all of a shark caught off the mornings rough great timber regions into the run ments, tambourines, pipes, etc. Of ted f Indeed coast of Mr. Fred Crombie did can go, you want to. Ita the wojld may see my everj action.' a case of lines, girls with their evenPortugal, must be, a near relation of Will, if you In jarming Valley of Ouachita, 'where that fan for the back " As going to he great bait Hutchins will dutifully walked down a residence that other citizen of New sties the famous down and barefooted go in proresort, Hot hair It from who OllJe Miss street the other day I saw the family reports that . he distinctly Jersey pitch for our felloes. The champions ing when stairs. Butdropped irings of Arkansas. cession to tne church to intercede with of Instead felt the the bridge are and t only just a notch sic.t person. F. E. A. WRIGHT. eating breakfast, and through the win- shock of the earthquake In Martin- play ns, he buttoned hla coat, raised the Madonna for tho ahead, you know. dow of another house ique.' the drizzling By the time E. Wilbert Marsh left bis umbrella against ' Great making beds. On the lawn of a third State. if there be a want of concord car his head was completely full rain which bad begun to fall, and the were a score house of the the members of the same family, In odds playing order to secure a woman's for car. Of among Pennsylvania Is by all street a to walked away the great game wbhh t0 will take advantage of st abundant producer. Last year neighbors children. other people "dearest giveness a man must make a bluff at of, no found Miss Ollle ceme off that afternoon. jj9 wag course. An Englishman is like a bear If not wanting 1L mined (in round numbers) 67,500 head of the It to injure them. the at her Sam how awaiting he could get away. He planning - - ' 223 o ....... - - or BY JAMES BUCHANAN. (Copyright, leo by Dully story Pub, Co.) K.- - WU t?rt Marsh sallied forth lit a brand new light n morning, overcoat thrown Jauntily over his left arm;' About !hlt way between his lr pen-sho- p . p 5 Itl p t to-da- y tt W n e d g vol-iim- r ' it which-JealQusj- t y He - eep-wat- Tl. tJ man-eatin- ' play,-And-t- 'r S Hi n i . fl -- |