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Show Tht Winning Prospectors. In a. nr. Mm n.r B..I.I In Hit. hill .if ttir W . .I The liin.r an- nun who .ul f,. rv- In Who "i,i'rVl nnn nrr.l ti.-v.-r any t'lltll wllh Ihr (,, k Ihey Ihr Ir.nMitf v. lt, hit Anil re In thr at-nri-h (or ueii.ea nf earth lh- tiiwiri nr.. t, ill.ru .if rendu!.- .irth Wi.i ihli.k there hi,. I. a Hi. iiiMun. 1..U1 uf link Am- p.io.l na tln .(..i.j.. .tore ever IlllVf ftrm k. Toe nirmv there lirr whu l.ut akini g'n thr ki-.Miii.l. Wh.i n-t.r -Ink itnwn here Hi.- Ir.nrnre I t.Min.l. Who .Irlkr a .l k here anil aiuilhtT mir there. Anil niniilier one I.'t, lli.n quit In il.-lMlr The n. i tiiiiii who r.illtovx nniy l".ik at lie .Imm. Mill- Ihlnk l li.y urn I an. I t-t.ilillith IllH llll". Thru fnll.iw tlm ir.iH.t until hi' him utru.k - A r I nujlhic Iru.l In I lit' lll.iillllliltl nf link. Though it. xi.l In lh irMi.H-i-t, thn ro-k tlmt lll .,i Anil yield up the proltl In nut reiiehid In n lay. Hut iniiiith. fvcti ytam. often luiis elr Urn vein Hhtiwn vuluea thill priiiule III' coveted Vain. H.. If In life's It. I.I yen are eet king a "tlnil." luah iliiwnwnril with nerve, ami leap evrr In mln.l That yet thorp are li-nila In tht mountain i.t lurk Aa ""1 na Ihn irnii'i'tnra ever have atrm k. Fishes That Carry Torches,. It 1h wonderful to olmervo hnw na-turn na-turn has adapted the vnrlniia creatures to Ihn f'lrctiiiialiiiii'f'H and atuto in which they are pluccd. Instances nf thla are aa curious na they ant nunicr-oua. nunicr-oua. Nowhere la tliu law nf adaptation adapta-tion belter UhiHtrntiMl tliAu in the rase tif fishes. It la known Hint membera of III" finny irlhu which llvn In tin' water nf ili'i'p ami dark caves am fount! lo bo without eye, bet-nuiia In spheres no mniracttwl they tmvo nti need of light. Hut morn remarkable la tlm fart disclosed ly those who devote their tlmn to researches amongat tnarlno forma of life. Away down a mile or nuim lHnt-ath Ihn surriit-n of tho water nalies am. of courtic, rut off from tlm light of lny. Hut thny am not on Hint ncroimt cxlHtlng In darkneaa. In deep sea sutiti'lliigs of thtt ocean II has hrrn discovered that many tif them am furnished wllh their iwn light. Blnco thny havn no sunshine sun-shine and no organised gas companies each flah rarrlra hla laiiturn nr torrh with him. Thny havn orKana which give out a ihoMphtreannt Rlram and fiua aliod IlKht on their path. Boinu of thi-m tllaplay I It t lo ton lira 'In the ' ( ahnpn of tuntarlna whlrh rlno from the " ' uia of thplr htwtla. othnra tluve rt?a- iilar aymmntrtral rnwa nf radiant autita along their aldna. Aa thoae Illuminated Il-luminated t'maturea ro flaahlnK to and fro throiiKh the water the effwt la at nnen dazzling and atrnnne. The ap-fiearanre ap-fiearanre preaetited la that of mlnla lure torrhllKht paooeaalona. When aurh torch-hearing flahea are brought lo the aurfat-e the axta gllmmrwlth light for II 1 1 lo whllo, but the bright-oeas bright-oeas aoon tadea away. How Thompion Killed Himself. Will Thnmpaon committed ault-ldo near Houliler, Col., owing to 111 health. Dlulwllam Itaelf niuat have poaaeaaed . him. for the deed waa rieruled In manner that reunited lo almoiit roniplete annihilation. In preparation for the end, Thomp-aon Thomp-aon too a atlek of dynamite from the store of tho Champion City Mining Min-ing company. Climbing In the highest high-est point of the nearest mountain, Thompson set the fuae on the dynamite dyna-mite slick ablaze. Thoro was spluttering splut-tering as Hie line of flame crept closer and closer to the oath-dealing Instrument. There was a blinding Bash and a roar that echoed down the valley. Hlrcdlng flesh filled the air, and a little shower of human blood talned the ground where Thompson bad stood. It was some time before be ill missed. Then frlemla went out to find hint. Self -destruction had boon feared. After a long hunt the almost al-most flesh-denuded breaat bone and part of a shoulder were found. A ah red of clothing near by gave Identification Identi-fication to the fragmentary remains. The remainder of ThompHon body was never found. Bear-Proof Wagons. Iteara are moro numerous In Yellowstone Yel-lowstone park this year than ever before. be-fore. Among the objects of Interest the bear-proof meat wagons, used to transport meat over the mountain roads to the park hotels, occasion no little comment. On fl ret sight Ihey are taken for government ammunition ammuni-tion wagons, as they are built along bombproof lines. The wagort beds are about three feet high and are covered with heavy sheet Iron, Iron gratings on the ends providing ventilation. ven-tilation. The bears are ao numerous that these wsgons have become a necessity. An ordinary wagon bed with a wooden box would be torn to pieces In a single night and the meat taken or carried away. It la doubtful It even these bear-proof wagons would withstand the test If eiposed too long, owing to the Ingenuity and great strength of the animals. Cathedral Blew Up. Speaking of the manner In which the big basalt cathedral of HI. Pierre was leveled to the ground, Prof. Robert Rob-ert T. Hill of the geological survey stales that this waa accomplished by a aeries of gas explosions and small crnicrs tlmt Imrit forth tinder the ery Knurs sml walla nf the humllhga. Thla far. this tin. been a trllle hard to UhiltrMuiid from newapaiier ac-connln. ac-connln. Inn y,,f. inn, explanation dears up the matter, ao that It Is renillly conipre'ienallile. The liunie:ii.e alorn of coal which tl o Krt'iuh k eminent mnlnialni-d at thla ihiiiiI frcun which In ailpply the vesnels nf her i ni v, l. according lo Mr. Hill, biiii burning, and la bring mlaiakeii fur the t rater of Mont l'eleo by vcHKcia parnliiK that point at nlk'tit. The cnal wan set nflm by the molten lava. Shark Hid Gltl's Messnge. Mrs. licoriM. t him in 1 11 l'h of Went Cape May. N. ,1 . was the recipient the other day or a Inter which sho li I r-.li 1- prli-a. A Utile over a year nito, when she was Visa Mate, alio wrote a measage. put It In a rubber-corked rubber-corked buttle and 1'irew It Into tho waters of the lirinware bay, near her parents' home. Fishing creek. A few days ago she m elved a letter w ritten by the captain of the llrltlsh warship Thunder In gnawer to her mossiiKe pin I In tie bottle. The commander of tho Thunder wrote that while oh the roast of I'or-IukuI I'or-IukuI a shark was caught, and when It was cut open the laittle waa found Inside of It. The note being noticed In the bottle It waa broken and the tnesssgu was read. Philadelphia Inquirer. Rats and Commerce. In Franco, mom than anywhere else, the science of economy Is carried ai most to a fine art. The commiin sewer rats of Perls are raised to clean the flcfth from bones that are to be used In mnnulncturea, but that must not be bollrd to clean thrm. When full, grown rata are killed their furs are used for fur trlmmltiKn. their skins for cloven, their thighbones for tho hlgheit prnile nf "Ivory" tiMithelrk tm lr trillions and iHinea are ronl:e, uown to innke lliose heauilful gclutlnu eapsiilea which our physicians often give us medicine in, and their teeth are un-il fur tipping Urn hurnlnhers for bookbinders' use. Pcpulsr Mechanics. Me-chanics. Shotguns to Kilt Cstarplllsrs. The fanners In HUlppncb, Pa., havn adopted the HhotKun to exirrmlnalo the interplllar plague. After trying all the new methods to fight this In sect, the farmers declare tills novel one the c)ieaMst and most offi'ctlve. line lug a rhargn or two of powder In the muzzlo of Iho gun, depending UHin the size of tho caterpillar neat, the farmers advance upon the Insocta' alrouKhobl. Then, wllh the gun several sev-eral ftwt away, tho powder la discharged dis-charged by a metal cap. Tho shuck never falls to blow the nest and Its occtipanta into smithereens and extnr. mluale tbii caterpillars New York American and Journal. Bars Red Ties. Trnlnmen employed by the Ixing Island railroad company must hereafter here-after forego whatever pleasure they found in wearing red neckties. A few days ago Superintendent of Transportation Addison Issued a general gen-eral order notifying trainmen that they must keep their coats buttoned up while on duty, and that black neckties neck-ties of the four In hand ahape wore the proper form or neckwear. General Superintendent William F. Potter said yeaterdsy that many rail-road rail-road corporations had long ago undertaken under-taken to direct the men In tho matter mat-ter of dress, aa It wsi necessary that the trainmen should present a neat appearance. A Swan Ferry. On the 4th of September, 1829. tilt coaly Tyne was In flood. The rivet had risen lo an unusual height and the banks were crowded with sight-seers. sight-seers. Their attention was soon caught by a swan crossing the stream. The bird bore on Its hack a black object, ob-ject, which looked all the more con spleuous against the white plumage of the swan. As the latter drew neat Its burden was seen to be a rat. It was supposed that tho flood had borne It Into the water, and that It had Jumped for safety nn to the bird's back. As soon as the swan reached land the rat bolted. Badger Dislodged Family. A curious Inclilenl t.xik place lately at HalllhKarry, County l.lmnrlck, lr land, whore a hadfror took possession of the house of a farmer named John Casey while the family was absent. II hsd taken up Us position under bed, where It nad evidently slept com-f com-f -tahly during the night without being be-ing noticed, and the visitor was nol discovered until the next morning, when It waa found enjoying a quiet nap on the kitchen hearth. None ol the family would approach the animal until a dexterous neighbor was called In and succeeded In lassoing him and dragging him out. Rescued from Live Wire by Hit Dog. To the dog that has been his companion com-panion for two years, 16-year-old Hugh Morehouse, son of a merchant at Memphis. Tenn., owes his life. The child got tangled up with a live electric wire aud fell, screaming, while several issuers by were knocked down while trying to extricate extri-cate the lad. The dog tuggud away at the boy's clothes until the current from the wire shut through the dog s body and the animal dropped dead. Ilrfore the pet died, however. It had succeeded In dragging the youngster away from the contact. |