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Show I" T0 YGDNIADIES. From thn Trpasurrr of tho Young l'onjileX lirlsdun Tom-i Tom-i tif-rancfl Atsorlallon, I-llzabcth 1 t'alno, Fond du Lac, Wis. 'PaaaMm. VtKMM: I want to tall you and all the vouti; ladles of the country, bow grateful 1 am to you for all the benefit i have reeeived from using I.ytlla. K. lMuklimn's Vtre tatblo Coiupouud. i suffered for ' IflSK KLIZAOOTt CAINt )tgh months from supprciiaed menstruation, men-struation, and it eiTccvad my entire system until 1 heroine week and debilitated, debil-itated, and at tluiee felt that I had a hundred aches In M many places. I only 'ued the Compound for a few weeks, but It wrought a change In me which 1 felt from the verf beginning. I have been very regular aince, have no ' pains, and find that my entire body it M If It ws renewed. I gladly re-enm. mend LtiIIi I-:. IMtiklmm' co-tAble co-tAble Compound to everybody."-. Mum Kluaueih. Caiks, 09 W. Division . Ht., Kond rlu l.ac, Wis. g jooo fttm It UllIIIWIilrnn. At auch a time the grcnteat aid to nature in I. villa I'.. lMnklimu'i Veiretnlile Compound. It prepares tha young sj atria for the coming (change, and Is the surest reliance fur vomin'l Din of every nature. Mrs. lMukhaiii invito all young women who lire 111 to writo lirr for free, advice. Ad dreaa hjun, JjiuaSa ., PAY tfl WHEN lL&u CURED- r J If f nmt from anr r VvJnt;- " - NlC!v I v .a4. I f W bar. pro4 -mtr t)V . W. IHiilM, hill In rrm H Chfml MKroMfirli of Tnlnntary t(lm nlais pau- Kltti nan.a. fir air. and ..Id-a-aea. Wa nan l i-ubu.a aur rmaa la irlaia SlaaaaM Mcaia It would batrar m IV fcava io pn.a oar .hill In f ' ' Yv 11,1. rl... ot lro.,l.l.. I. f V enflthsr way. Taialauur .wwe-ww-w 1 Wa rare ya Seat and I Tu aaia fae whan ran are I "SSI v earee. Taa aaa da- jVVf eT7 ! c:; r.via0.:,".'. i'.'X Urvrdaf aellrnia j, "jf wrutiwM ril aian. t'unaulfailo I and advise Irea, er laiiar or lu iiaraoa. Call ur willa. WE CURE CATARRH 4 all itliNwi fff lb I.trnt. Hrl. (H'omfb. Uv.r. kldnoTi. llr.iMr. Norv... Kkln. ItrKiu. a.a4 avii Camalo rtimm of nuu, wvomb u4 oafinri r."rnnn, ' fHuiMUr.sDd iiuiidM-lOtoll DRS. SHORES H. SHORES, cxoiar apiciALiara. LYON BLOCK. Sk W Saoond So. St. SALT LAKE CITY. utah junk M.a'rr.sr.ni.s-rr.'c ear. autiaar. btaaa. al. Halt ltaa I'll), I lata. Mother flrer'e (tweet rowdera forCbllflree Huoceaarully uaed by atntlier tvrar. nurae In tha Cbll.lren'a Homela New York. Cured Ke ertahneas, Dad Htomarh, TeatblnK I'Uv ordrra, move and regulate the Itnwela end Deatn.y Worma. Over DU.Oiai teatlinoniala. AtalldniiTUta. SJo. Han.pla KKKK. Ad dread Allan H. Olmated. Leltoy, M. V. I To Cure a (Villi In One, day. Take Laxative Umtno (Jiill'lne Talileta. All irugglatarefuiKl tnuuey if it f alia to cure. Hfu ltU8IM.8S COLLKGK CATALOGUES Now ready fur dlatrlhutlnn. Send for free iimy. Addrvaa Salt Itke tlualueae Colli'iiu, Templeton. rleaaen to Suepect. "Sometlmee," aald Uncle Eben. hoy hat reaaon to auiperk dat he'e be-In' be-In' irolded fob doln' what hie falhuh would do hlue'f If he weren't too buiy or hadn't the rheumatti." Waehinj-ton Waehinj-ton Btar. novre ThlaT WaofTernna Hundred Itollara reward for any eaae etf Catarrh luat oauooi be euroU by Hail a Cetarrb fure. K. J. (.'IIKSK.Va nrx, Propa.. Tnlado, O We. tha unJr.lnr.l. bare' known K. J. rrieiiry for tho lat la ;ur and brllerehlm pnrftn'tly bonorabln In all ltiiNlnr.atraiinarlloiia and uiianrlallr aiila to carry vul any oollaa-tlona oollaa-tlona niailr by their tlnn. W entATruax. Wlioleaale Pmrelata. Toledo, O i W.ildlnir. Klnnan A aUrviu, Whuioaa llnitllala. 1'iiledo, Dhla Hallat'atarihrura la takan Internallv. aet. tng dlrertly upon thrlliKnlaiulmucoiiaurracoa orthaavalrnL 'rnllnionlala aenl free, i'rloe bo per bottln. hold by all ilriiiraiata. alail'a aullv I'illaara the bab Mra. TtlnatoWa Nmitblne Hymn.' F'w rhlolrrn Irrtlilna, aollrn. (lie iI'ihib. rl.ire be lauiaiaUua.allatiixui.ciiroaaliidoollc. UnalaitUa, Canvaailng by Proxy A company haa Jitet been formed In France to relieve parliamentary can dldatee of all the worried of a general election. I'netera. agente, orntnra, au dloncee all are found. Votcra, however, how-ever, are not atipplled, but It the candidate can-didate la not elected the company guaranteee to return a third of whatever what-ever be mny hi-vt paid to aecure bit return. Children Overdreaaed. There waa a time when the email boy'a greatoat haplneae ronilated In going about In lila bare feet. The prcaont-day boy wean ehooe, and It la quite a novelty to aee a ahoeieae lad. Whereat In former timed the average boy underdreaaed, today be la overdreaaed. The fotnier grew up Into a sturdy lad; the latter la tail and ccrawny. Ilow time change! Cheater (I'a ) nepuhllcan. IPIao'e Cure for Coaaamplloa la aa lafetlthle aiediatne for eouetia and oolite. N. W. aajiaau Ooeaa Orove. M. J., rvtk IV. twa ldlae t'aa Wear ahoee One elaeamallerarter using Allen 'a Foot Kaae. a powder. It makea tight or new ahoeaeaoy. tureaawillen,hot,aweating, aching feet, ingrowing naila, come and bunion. AlltlruKglalaaudaboe atoree, t.'.o. Trial package KUKK by malL Ad dreai Alien H. U.mited, Lelloy, N. Y. le ii i I,- , - --.J WHY A-3 IpffA WS COUBSE! (f) 1 "THI3TiOiJ9MlOf li 1 IVa'ATlRpROOl-' J J Boiled clothing u atouiuyiALWAjmouan: I ,i rt. fiUotk or .yt! W tVl-TV 1 ' nvrial ond I ' 2 H our tvorrBnt Loid rtlblt daWrs cvvrwttcrt. A, a). TOWrB CO.. 03TON. MKbi. BOYS WHO MAKE MONEY I In a dainty lltlUrMalrt, n out ol awna yn brilllit bora till In aw awn way Jaat now Mar hava mada a aucteiaf arllliig TUn SATURDAY ft) EVENING lX)STr)?l plnurrool Ihabn t'fzjll I Ullara tailing hoathey i... w r V built up e payinf bra. f 4 neaa oaliUla M abol I K 1 bra. Inlarrilla, eeSl- il Mmleaol ,.al laTO1.---' Jj Wa will foml toe wilt 1 jf ,. Tentop'ratlwlinlae-liPira a, I of tnaidc to U aal at Plva It I t'ama a Copy: rx ran ll.rn J I I aendirattiowhoHwtvpttrefia f I J ' aa many aa vo M )na tan III arlllh.n.lwrAU,ouwa,.l J if to liy II, adJirai t l llova- PaniraawT CM TTia Cartta rwwatine Ceaiyawy. PalladtlyaU ED UCATIONAL. THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME, NUI.H UAMH, IMM4NA. OHtHft N UmIci, L4ttwr. new fwtHMici and MIer-, iMtrn-iitatit. Art. 5c . fkarwiK. Mm. Civil. MKl-ailtl ftl bt0-lrk:al bt0-lrk:al l.nf lnMrff ArchlttKtur. mm. Prm u i tut1ntw n-tio bTt tHin ptntMl tha it'll rtNiutrnS for iml.aloo lni Ibjj Junior or S4io VNtotuj f U.OuUfll !( to tVfrf, nKKlvrmt hrff in (orients mrr Ttt)lrmi rrviiii fort VllatHUilXjur. A llDHtd eMBtwriaf tlll.)ltae,(Ur th t.t U-ltlrftl HlaTa H Bill lM MCflNl At -pCll r.UaV t. ti.w.'f.Hpll. ortJT umlrt H U ODtqilf Is ii'lftfWM of Its qtt)mf i.t. Tl.r BVt. Vm will of-n 5frtMiwtf 9, I Ml. CetlfJuwuraS (VeM ArtttraM ST. MARY'S ACADEMY. worn daub, Indiana. t$M arit j Utw I!alr.r.tLv r Notr D.m.) ThrMih Knp;lkl.Bn4 4'laaiH.I .dnfftllon. iBrlutlin'Urfo)!. ,iln. Kriu h nrtt .srm.n la rvrt-ir in uitvr ollfl;l..t llKr. Thf CiMMrrilurr mt Hml In hd(1uiim1 ob tb plfl IM Ummi UlMivkl CuuMr? irlaol k.ttrn Th Art lprtm.n U nodallfd titer U trat Art H hirf, ( rump. riH.rt4.rr id H I nlm Impart mnt. Pu, StU ri hrrr Mtrffullv pr parvtl rf ll A nnto tid A'lTtiot1 i tiurtfi (idihiIum un-lr un-lr rtlrt-ciion or tjrtyou.t ct ft. -ion Normal School of (iTnumntlr-v, ll'alikf-)lnif Phonoaj, r.phr na f Ti""-rtltn -ir. Kvitt vrlitf uf Kac.rf Ncadlravrl: Uufbt, lor J-Ulyu atV drM OWfCTWJiS OP TMB ACADTMY, & tklavr'a to tit Dmm f. a. WUatv liT Why ' X BccaMSc ' : :,j I VtrieTI fr a.1! pi AC t component parts ore oil wholesome. Li't , f'- dtaeyj VlleV.-'' I I eW jt nets gently without unpleasant after-effects. lfr T.i'fy ' w., j I, .. ' It is wholly free from objectionable substances. ' Sll '' ' . f$!j . tKbt ftimily laxative. .Hncipiesofp, ' .If i, j . It contains the carminative principles of pUnt, Ii1) ' -( ' It is pure It coutnins wholesome aromatic liquids wliich are ' !' - Villi ' agreeable and refreshing to the taste. ! ' : ' ,1,1'' It is gentle. J ' " V - ,;!.: - All ore pure. ' ' ; :;!!' It is pleasant. All are delicately Wended. ' ; !, : It is efficacious. AH re skillfully ud acienlifically compouixltd. I ' . ;'J,jH;' It is not expensive. its value 1 due to our method of manufacture and. to I , . ;;! --Itisgoodfor children. ; . the originality and simplicity of the con.biuatiou. j, . . ' H lj. ' It is excellent for ladies. ' ' To get its beneficial effect buy the genuine, . jj.j)?:; . ' I '' ij' It is convenient for business men"; ' ' ( Manufactured by . i! It is perfectly safe under all circumstances.' a ' ' - a. jf A !J ":: 1 Itisusedby millions of families the world over. I A I 1PADNI A fli aVDTID B Ml I' It stands highest, as a Wive, with physician. ' ALirU(rilA JN1; ill If you use it you have the best laxative the world : ' "i Tl! ' --' : I J r 5an ravrioieco, t-aL- i; itc, -.li produces. Loulevllls, Ky. Naivy York, K. V. ' why live hlonf? s.zr.r.-J.r:,-.' ITAeVrrj, eWMjl plaulual lur IO liaant A Uavu4. lialiteaav Ut4, HFI-lAllir AMAVH. 111 t .w j JI..W ';1lVr-',.',r i m rHnMi'KfTt'HNH Uri MAIL bAHI'I-fS. OGDEN ASSAY CO. ISZX'iS: m-1. WANTED-.?,!, ,S r,i.T..' S:'r?,"!-"i- Ills nrollta Wne ..r iriin 4. A. I'k.Ml-h.tl.L I'k.Ml-h.tl.L 4 O.,U0a Mint. I Hi., Dm Mot. .fa, low rViien Atiowr.rlng flilvcrtleenicnu Klndlu Mcnlluu Itils Pdpcr. W.N. U.. Salt Lake-No. 33, 1802 L ..ieliaA. I'J.' T.vi'AJi'vA'iai- J rfeD.li Attend School Crrjaper ft " rtWrV? Itisr. Asssnsai tt4 C.il.js Agsasy, Utticevg . ao ai.tlarwb.ltit.iirvi,,.,,..! f.nawullo buy, 1 L.-.-rt.l .nat N ' da.l ton l.rfn.rlm ....li, aaiTKyiaHibut. Ad.li.Mwllb.lans a. si. saajsoi. Saw. agura asso. la. |