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Show i 1 I.ihU riratant, I'lraar. l'hotographar 0. 0. Harlan, ol Katon, (., cn do ao now, though lor year ha eouldn't, bacaua hr aullerad untold I Bguny Irom tha worat lorm ol indigeat- Ion, All phyairlaiia aad mediclnea fall- ad to halp bin till ha triad Electric Bitten, Bit-ten, which wurked aurh wondera lor bim that ha declare they are a godaend ' to aulTorera Ironidyipepala and atomBcb troublea. Uarivaled lor diteaea ol the aai Ktoiuach, Liver and Ktdusye, they build fil up and give new life to the whole aya- crl tem. Try them. Only tOo, Uuar- 1 antced by John Boyden A Hon drug- the gi't. bah ty i TcBchetV IliBaalttBllari. m'n A taacbera' eiamlnation will be held un U Coalville aud I'ark City on Aoauil Sth,2Vtb and Stltb, commencing at I o'clock a. m. All pereoua holding cer-tiUcatea cer-tiUcatea not fully eodoread and who expect ex-pect to teach In Summit county will ba required to take thla eiaaalnatioa. W. M. B.m.a.'., j Supariutaudent Couuty Bcbuola. Hoeveetles Coweeoa. Cowpeas cau be cut with a mowing machine, cured, put Into the shock, after which tbey ar usually hauled to a thraahlng machine, which removes tb eeml. An ordluary wheat and oat eoparator Is used, a foot of the cylinder and concave teeth being taken out and tb machln run (lowly. Th hay la then baled or la atacked under cover. A. D. fcUiaruet, Illinois. orurrBBBeTToTanar. wbsbi BO-H.g BO-H.g II is perfectly (sar,taod by .very tick aiaaor womaaiam,gtheyeaoget aome remedy that wl atoy tb gradual tee ol deab and etrengtc,!, recovery ie an-tared. an-tared. People Ua t ere eervoui and nn-atoady.havedluyaaalla, nn-atoady.havedluyaaalla, with weakened meaory,sndloei(imbltloa their blood ie It" a and try. It show la their aallow ooatplerlea wd tired manner, eooa aa they eoatneiestogainfleabthsy look better and assy better. To gala Imm ens so threa b, of good arilid flesh per week, th blew auet ba mad rich and pore. Dr. (Hnn'e Blood and Nerve Tonic pate In the the very pith ol what make part rick blood In th moat direct way, and caret ditesee by making trangth. Thla Toaii Is In tablet lortn, lobaUkenrlghtalterawals. Itenrichea the blood, makleg lore wLrr there was letnlnsea. for cornea' wesknea a better remedy M wver mad. 8oH by all Drnggltti lor Tkli. per boa. or Hire boiee lor Mf),V mall. Write us about your ekes. Adirees, In. Gunn, I I'blladelphia, Pa. fir sale by John Boyden Sun CoaMlk Utah. Thla alesaiara U a atari to ef the geaahM Laxative txooo-OulBlM Is. reaaadv thai aaara, , ja ao ease Bar A FREE PATTERN (rear ewe ealeatln) eeerf eat. o'r i-.a a year. A LADIES' IIUGAIINE. . UMi,.ie h'Mi.l1, VI? lata, Ccnar.Mcaliid XbsMltUl rMtactrit(tc fa par feturat. wb BAZAR I 7-, J Omlf M m4 it ewtt ot mm t Mf few. A It, it. 1.14 it Mai, atte tltp aet -. m ar otll M THE MeCALt CO.. ItVIH-liy watt Mat at. ( 'SM. Scientifically Distilled. Nturall)r Aged, . Absolutely Pure, But tnd itftit hr mil viii. fir Sail It Cawrifs 1 J. H. BALL. Ws pronptly ota U H and Snrelirn MM 1 (rt-riort on iMrautitlitT. fne trrm tk, 1 mm Oppoalt U. 8. t'etmnx Otlio The Sat Lake Tribune UTimt BRFTK"T DAILY SBvTMPArEB, Refleets th newt of th world, ges-sral, ges-sral, But, county and city. ITMlIslg AKkET KKPHRTti Ara Inll, fair and eonclaiv. Republican Republi-can la politic, It Is lust, and It prints all tb newe, both political and commercial, without leer or lavor. THIS U A CAMPHOR TEil Aad you cannot be without Th Halt Leke Tribune. TERM OF SOBHCRirriON Dally and Haaday Trlbnn, on week, 26 cents: Daily and Sunday, on month, $1 00; Sunday Tribune, one year, 12 00; Sunday Tribune, tig montha. 1 00. The Inter-Mountain F irmer and Ranchman rubliibed by The Tribune Publlahlng company, will contain each Information reepaeilng the farm and ranch ol Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada and Colorado as will make Invaluable atock rsialng, at well si sgrlcultuis, Irult and flower culture, and the truck garden and hennery hen-nery being espsclsl attention. It It 11.00 a yaar In advance! la published every Tueedav, and will be mailed on vearwIthTHK WEEKLY TRIBUNE lor fl.oO In advance. 8 ALT LARK TRIBUNE alone, J1.00 per year. AflDRKflfl 3AI.TLAKK TRIBUNE PUBLISHING COMPANY, Halt U City. PERRY H. IIEATII, I'uhlleber and General Manager. Reduced to FIFTY I CENTS A YEAR New Idea Woman's & Magazine - THIS Is th cheapest and beat Fashion Marutne now before be-fore the American public. It shows New Ideas In Fashions, In Millinery, In Embroidery, In Cooking. In Woman's Work and In Reading; Desalt fully lllaetreled In colors snd la black sad whits. Abova all. It shows the very lash I enable New Iocs Smcs, rnade from New leu Pat-nasiv Pat-nasiv which ooat only lOc. each. Send Five Cents To-day hr a ehttt caev at ika New leae Weoae't tot lae eaaev a lu ft. a ram. a' " M araaSwaf, law laik. . T.' BEST SERVICE. EQUIPMENT TRACK. VIA The Union Pacifio FOB ALL Eastern Points. THREE TRAMS DMLT THROUGH CARS t( tblrt, linsu City, St. Piul, llm-tpollt llm-tpollt j . : WITH Direct CDKtloii or lb list u SoutbeuL Detailed Inforniutlon cheerfully ftrr-nlsbed ftrr-nlsbed on application. C, I. WHEADON, Agent. Coalville, Utah Sy 2ersYE3 TIME, y enVESIlAIOi SiVE WRAPPERS, Pnzniuna ciueii. A opta oatalosiie abowins over suO preniume that may be eeeured by earn, ,na wrapper, fnrniahed free opon requtet. Hend your oaaa pwu rsrd, sod ws will auU yo ths ostalogue. eldafreae." Premium Dept., THE CUDAHY PACKING CO., 8outrt Omaha, Neb. . Dimmmi "C" & rer ealeayaa OroMr i At our Store) you ca buy Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats, Suits of Clothes, :Tinware, Flour, Groceries, etc., Cheaper than at any other Store in town: COALVILLE, UTAH If you are going to white wash your house or do any plastering you should use the very best Lime in the country. We are now prepared to furnish PI LIMB Of the best quality in any quantity. GRASS CREEK LIME CO. C'O A B Always On Hand at the WASATCH j- MINE Lump, - - ee $2.25 Stove, - - 1.50 Tab LmM Pit ft Delay. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY Weber Coal Co UNIUeRSlTY OP UTftH. Bwwwswwwwwww Ths Univemity ol Utah includes the School ol Arts snd Science, the Bchool olMinei ami iheHlate Normal School, school of Arts aael a-lrnr. Hale (school ot Minna. The School ol Arte and ficiencet ol- Th School ol Mine offer courses Ini (srs courses in: i. Mining Bnglneerlng. 1. General Science. 2. Electrical Engineering. 8. Liberal Arts. Preplry Bchool. tot. Wor.nl Bchoo.. A Vtvptnly 8choo, m.in,.ind Tha Normal School offcra: which give preparation tor the conrae 1. A Four Year," Normal Courae. in General Science, Liberal Arts, Min- 2. Advanced Normal Coursea. ing and Electrical Engineering, U". Course, in Kindergarten Training. Medicine snd Bualneas. Ths proximity ol greet mlnet, induction works ol various krnd, and power houses lor the generation ol electricity ; afford advantage lor thorough and prsc-Itii-al work in mining and electrical engineering, not enjoyed by aay other school ol nine in the United Htatea. I BlIOP WORK 14 HOOD AMD JKTAI.1.-Stadents in engineering eoursee are given two yean' wnrk in wood acd aietal, in welUqnipped ,hop snd under the direction ol thoromhly competent niachluiata. AXIAL TlillJ AND DOVII'.HTIC MIER are real ore, ol the Normal roureea. No tuition is charged, but a email annual regietrstioa Ie ia reuuired. Kegittration ol ttudents. September 12th and ISth. The Unlvertltf Annual, which givet lull iiilnrmation concerning couraet, requirements lor d-ntiaeiou, d-ntiaeiou, etc., will be sent tree on spplicatioti lo ths UNIVERSITY OF UTAH, Salt Lake City, Utah. |