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Show WUJIK OF SCIENTISTS NEW INVENTIONS OF WORTH PLACED ON THE MARKET. Device that Will Rid Cattle of Filet that Torture Than) While In tha J Stable Homa Cxerclelng Machlna Novelty. Home Exercising Machlna. A rompi-i-m authority on tno snli- Jert would prolmlily admit Cist a large prniHirtlnn of Ilia allinenta ordinarily attributed Id I In- atiimurh have their origin In a weakness of the muaiica surrounding the alidiimlnnl cavity, ! wllh alien. hint flnhliliicsa anil Inability of the dlgfttio organs to tierfurrn their naturnl fiincthiua. Adolph do Clalrmnnt of Topcka. KnnB., has re- renlly designed it simple form "f ax- I rrrltliiK apruiafiis wnlih he rlnlltia will tend io strengthen lite ninwl- above ri'fi rrcd tn, assisting I icui materially In priormanro of tlli'lr work. Tin- device needs 11 1 1 ttt explanation, owlim In I f ie plmpllrlty. There In a till gl-i homd Villi U- porta lo t:h x.- II ,'rm:i Hi., fl.i.ir ami a latch to mnltii.-iln tin H'Tiinna rlrl'l while III use. A rml li.ii nlj it vl.lrd for Ihn h.ul ni.it there am braes ii .iin-l In Iho f.M.l l..inl In i 1'iiniilp tin. p.: -i .11 to rise in a mi i i n n posture by a hit mll with Urn f.--i. To lino II. la i x. r. Isi-r Inn ...llll iil tukci the position ahowii, with I. In feet 1 1 -eertcd In tliH hracca, when, by nils-Ina: nils-Ina: anil lowering (lie upper part of the iHi.ly aluwly tlm niraclca am excr-ri excr-ri - I throughout tlio rntlra length of tha trunk. Care must lie taken not lo Indulge tiKi freely In th exertion at the oi'KlniilnR. aa overstraining Hie I strengthens mute lea of abdomen. mimrli'a woiil.l lauan lujurloua effort liiatrail of Ik'i.i'III. Thn api-cla! tendency ten-dency of Ilila form of Fli'rrl wonlil Im to dissipate Ilia Biirphia fltiah of Hi" ahiliiiiii'ii, aa well aa Increasing Hie niuanilar imiwit. Ihua lightening Ilia loail to In' carried, a I no. Now an Automoblla Bled. An aiitniiiolilln ah. I. an) a Klcctrlc It jr. la the latest Invention of His Niiornhorgi n Moturinhrxoiigo Fuhrlck I 1'nlou. It la lo tin driven liy a ben sine motor, water cooled, ami equipped Willi electro magnetic spark-lux spark-lux dovlrra. The rooting water clr- l nunlca in ilia body of the tluil j Ibnitigh plpca wlili'h are an disposed i aa to constitute a foot warmer. Tho I steering gear Includes a tiller, which J la connected with tlio front rnniiura. A single lever rontrola tlio direction ' of tlio shaft's revuliillnn. Tho sled 1 la driven by a spiked wheel, wlilrh 1 tilfea (he ground ud ta gaaraia up lo j Boon to Tortured Catlla. J When rnHle ars runnliig at largo In Die field there la an opportunity for them lo rlil Ihemaelvea of tha Inner t m'bI whlrh annoy them, but when the anlmala are tied In tlio liable lia-ble there la III lie rhaiieo to awing tho head aroiinil to dlalodge the lllea from the forward qnarlera, and ao the Iniiitilcaiiiiio pen I a are free lo tortura tor-tura the aiiinmla at will. It la tho oblert of O. II. Illbaon of Thayer, la. In dealRiiIng the airii".o bmklng abed here pi. luri d to provldo an apparaiua whlih will rnablo the rittlo to rid their bodlea of tha lllea aa they enter thn aluhle, tho latter plaro pra-auinably pra-auinably being fly proof, aa It ought to bo, at any rate. The a lied haa at lla Inner end a aerlea uf hruehea, ao arranged ar-ranged aa to leave an oblong opening murli entailer than (ho body, In order that the fllea may be brualied off aa the anlmala pane through tu gain an eutranre lo the Interior. Purina the paaaagn of the row the only plae from wlili h Unlit ran enter the abed la throiiKh Die oveihead chamber, tu Willi h the Inaei ta fly aa they are brualied off. An aiilomallo gutv In tho alio. I opeua and donee the entrance en-trance to thla rliainlier with the paa-aaKH paa-aaKH of each animal, thereby making Apparatua to bruah peata from cattle, a trap fium wbl.h tha fllea cannot earupe, and III whlrh tney are dea-lroyed dea-lroyed by Hie mule tender. Tha II-1'iHriiMon II-1'iHriiMon lioa tha ahed roinplete, wltlt a row In (ho art of enteiing. ami alio preitenla a view vt tho luiixr end of the shed, with tho bruabea to ' t pob.llou tu do (heir work. I Labor Saver for Fare Tha (m iner of loit" juat h-"i' H- i 1 labor aaving uppl f, , aa tlio w.,il.i,.vu , , ". rea'N ' a tu ei.e -. ! i r'i ..f re. ,h ,IU ,,, j '. :r' uv maiiuul labor j i I performorl by the fnr.n'ra far ,'f-raeila ,'f-raeila In amount Hint of mimt Indue-ti-lra. The rultlvntnr tie been aa In. dlpennnl.ln farm Inifilement fur yeara and lo !ta nltli-e of inoeenlng the dirt bt.-i n tfte roaa r,f plnnta gn ntly fa-rl'ltatea fa-rl'ltatea the hilling up of corn, pnla-loea. pnla-loea. elr , anil Hie rolling out of tha weeila with a hoe. On the maehlne ahown In the llliixi ml Ion will Imi aeen a tiew attaehmeiit fur gHtherlng up the wee. l from between the rowe of lilania alter the cultivator haa looa-enrcl looa-enrcl tin m from the aotl. In the caae of weeda whlih are aUiut to go to aeeil. and would. If lefi on the ground, atari a new crop for the farmer to flKht later on. thla ilivlie will ha capeclally nmfiil, aa II etiahlea Ihn farmer to gather up t!ie weeda and burn them before the aeed la depoalt-ed. depoalt-ed. Aa will be aeen. tiia gathering rnkn la ilealifned to travel In Ihn row ut rultliated. and In order that It t1-,'.':.1r-V Weerler attachment for cultlvatora. mny wink niinilly will when tha rub lliatnr la movli.K In either dlrertlon, It la tnoituinl on a awlnglng arm, role trolled by a rrank within rur rearli of ihn driver, lly giving thn rrank a half turn In either direction tho rako la lifted from nne able of tha rut-tlvatnr rut-tlvatnr to Ihn oilier, or can ho elevated elevat-ed lo drop a load of weeda at any dealred point In the field. Kdwln l Clapp of North Huah, 1'a., la tho Inventor. In-ventor. The Lateit Wathlng Machine. There are two very good rcaaona why ninny hoiiaewlvea ronllnua to do their washing over Ilia old fashioned lull and aeriib the rlothca on the waah- iHiard every Monday. Inatead of making mak-ing uao of tho modern wnahliiB ma-rhlne. ma-rhlne. (inn la the mat of tho machine ma-chine ami the oilier la Hid nereaally of finding room for an extra article of wanhdny furniture, which. In tha majority of city houaea, la no email Hem, To both thean reaaona tha waahlng maehlne Invented by Leonard II. llriMika of Indcpciidcnee, la., glvea Ibe Tory good anawer that II reijulrea only a email mil lay of ati and inkea up no eitra apnea when not In lien, and It goea without laying that It will do lla work ijullo aa well aa tho ma- Faatena on the aide of the tub. Jorlly of marhluea of thla kind now on the market. Tho Inventor, no doubt, obtained his Idea from the old-fanhloned old-fanhloned clothce pounder whlrh It waa mammary to un In connection with email rank, to hammer the dirt out of the rlothei. Inatead of rubbing them by hand. The pounding pound-ing head la atlll uaed In the new Invention, In-vention, but with thla decided Improvement, Im-provement, that It haa a eprlng to lirt the head after each atroka, Ihua eliminating fully half of the labor of operating the machlna. The waaher la rlamped on one aide of a common waihtub. and when not In uao ran be awung out of the way, thua leaving the tub open for tho rlnalnr of gar-menia gar-menia aa they are remove: from the water. When tha wai' In, ' Smalied the machine can bo folded up and placed Inaldo tho tub. or may bo unpen. un-pen. led from a nail In tlio buaemeut or atalrway. Frogreti 0f Japanoce Commerce. In throo and a half y. ore Jnpun haa added lo lie mirchnnt nnvy Sim) atcum-ihlpe atcum-ihlpe and liio.tiuii tonnnKe. and alao S.uoo enllltig venaela of Sio.noo tonnage. ton-nage. In IMtiti tho ronnlry Miaaeied only a aluglo aleamahlp over 6.000 tuna; It baa now twentyouo of thla claaa. In isns Jnpan owned G27 aleamahlpa of 4:,77t tonuagii; nnil 174 aalllng veancte of St.tlM loiinaKe. In ISTO, 67K ateaniHhliia of -lia.f.at tonnage; and 1.4SS aalllng veisela of Ili5.n0 tonnage.. In liimi, 753 aieamabtpa of 4'.i.a;R tonnaue; and 3.7SJ aalllng voa-aela voa-aela of 270,11.1 tunnago. In l'.iul, 43 ateamahlpa of i.',7.Hitl tnimnge; and S.4lti lulling vehaela of SI5.7U7 ton-unite. ton-unite. The nuinlier of Ballon linn Increased until In I 'i1 there'weio 15.413 nlilccra and englneeia Clot foreign) to tno merchant fleet. The aimill nuinlier of foielKiiera la aa atrlMng n-i tlio lu-cruaae lu-cruaae of the eiiniinen hil uuvy. t f' f ar Biiu. ' A 1 ;u!;ar .'w ..l.si-ve.l on Ionl . tai.'l l,i l.ie (.tja ha.; been report,,! ; . it. A leirn It la culled "run. h'3r- ene." and la very poinun, with ( tralua ren. hliig an e'r-.t'., ,-? ,i !,,ch 1 lu :..,. Tno alight adhenlon of the no I gralua Rlwa trial liability to ava-j ava-j leuihea. |