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Show Ooodwlo't Weekly Uaaad a areteouv e-itr edition last Rslnrday la a on of of tha Elk,. ItMntaiaed awes well written articles, which were evesd for te(erne. Sunday 'aTrlbun wu alas full at rotor-mitlm rotor-mitlm for end about the Elae, con tain -inf aoma good hall loses ol prominent ! Bain ban. ; Tb Park ReoordaeerntqulMconfl.lenl that the county aaat will ha moved la tha l'rk Ihl, IslH that there It no op- petition to th movement, ate. Wa ara sorry to eae then get their fa lin orird I ap tosuch a pitch, bcaue tliy will Iw I badly dlaapBolaied. Whan ttia facta Bra properly presented Is tha tai payers ol tha county tbey will decld by thalr ; vol that Coalville la tha prnpar plara j lor tliaroun'f aaat to ba located. i W hav bn ashed several llinaaol ( late what was going In be done for tha old lolka Ib tha Slake tblf year. Tha i Htaka preeldenry lalormt u that at tha j last prlrei hied meeting lb blahopi war I instructed lo appoint two lu each ward to art MS committer lor an enlertsln-i enlertsln-i want lor tha old lolka. Juat aa anoo aa all tha namaa hsvs haan aant In s meet-I meet-I Ing will be celled snd tome mesne bs sd- t optad lor tha entertainment ol iba aired, ' Wa bona that action will ba Ukan at ! onea so that tha old paopla can h pro perly earad lor and Biade lo feeil that tbey Bra not neglected and forgotten. Utah '( haatlia rapatatlon ol etiiag hattar lor -' v ad ttiit"tmrnwr -Kaw;wl Summit cuuntjr ahnuld Uka hold aoJ J naka an entrrtelonisnt that will ba a grand tueceea. i llo.'.ol the road, reaching the recently ) devoloiied oil Aalda In tha South weat ara actively encaged In making tha neocee- eary change,, or hava preliminary ar- - rang mania under war, whereby oil will lia nerd locomotlva 'ual on the equip- . mailt opiualinj lociilly In tola territory. Thart Ie economy In llieuteofoil iooom-parieou iooom-parieou with coal In thla diatrlct, wbara tha tort ol coal ! abova and tha quality below the average, but jnet how much It la yat Dnlartermiued Iron raliabla in-formatlnn, in-formatlnn, Coneervatlve ettimalee, ears tha Railway Age, plara iha saving Bt Irom It to 20 par oent. Thia rd action ac-tion It nut band on tha relative coat ol actually produciug one horsepower by un ol coal or oil aa lael, but Involve tba comparative cost of tha handling ol 1Mb, "lid It la Irnro thia aourca that tha grestrr proportion ol Ilia aconouiy mutt ta look I'd lor, aa In rtrua inatancee tha actual coat ol tha amount ol oil uied lor fuel baa ezceeded tha ooat ol coal In par-lot par-lot rnliigwrvlra, Thliiuay pu,illt hava beeu due to Improper oorubuatlon, but It llluatiataa tha tact that car mutt ba ' taken In ths eelertloa ol the proper ap- t plisnce lor uaiog oil to effect an econo- I tnlcal eonaumption. |