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Show Shark Towed Them to Sea. From all parts of Mississippi Hound and the bays and bayous off the Louisiana and Mississippi coast come wonderful stories of the unprecedented unprecedent-ed saltiness or the Clnlf watora and of the appearance or deep-water tlsh hitherto unknown there. At Horn Island, Harrison county VI.. . her or devil tlsh, some of them measuring meas-uring thirty feet from tip to tip, tl,vu been harpooned by fishermen. Thero haa also been an Invasion of man-eating man-eating sharks. A party or gentlemen from New Or ana while fishing at Hhlp Island fas-tened fas-tened their three bouts together and steadied them with a heavy .,.ar. A shirk became entangled tho anchor, an-chor, earned all three boat, ollt to sea and finally wrecked them on the shore. The fishermen narrowly es-raped es-raped with their llves.-.ew York Suu. |