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Show t "' . I Notice, Vn'-u Sta-ies Lako Oruoa 1 Halt Laat Cirr, Utah, ( Aug. 7, lvta I r Hi ' My Ceiteem: I Noticm hereby given that th But of Utah ins filed In tbi offtc liaUof Un0n e vted by Uie aid b'sl under etclion of Ih Act . of Coiigre ap- r-..v.i ) nv 111.' Tt.e lc,l'..;x!n ' I v' dAw'Mcy,- ie eM- l-t,,.. t ... lowrtlHni rantsining miuersl eftlwisef tscofd, via. ; ' List Na. 1 1t, reservoirs tbe W lt H E ijBec. 10, Tp N., R. 7 E. l ilt No. 181, Reservoirs, tbe FW' MWt;MEt-. mi bee. 34, Tp. IH K. 7 K. List No. M2. Kewrvolrs.-tbt NW NWV;hKJ NW.j NWS fWK Kec. 34, NS' HWIa; KKk KW rlee. 20, Tp. 3.N., K.7E., . L. alar. Llal No. 21. Pchoolo! Mines, -the MW UXWtiA BEU Kec. 4, Tp.lN., It. 7 E.. H. I.. Wee. Copies of as id list, to .ar as tbey relate re-late lo said tract, b' dearrlptiv subdivisions, subdi-visions, hav ben oonsplruously posted Iu this office, for lopciton by any pr-son pr-son Interteted, and by th public generally. gen-erally. During th slaty day awit following the date ol till nolle under departmental depart-mental Instruction ol November 27, 1808, (23 L. D., 461) , proteaU or contests wainst th claim ol lb Rial to any of the tract or ubdivlion hereinbefore deaeribed, on tb ground '.bat the asoj Is mor valuable lor asinertl than lor agricu!ural purpotee will b received and noted (or leport to tbe General Land Odea, M Washington, D. C. Failure Fail-ure so lo protest or contest within tb Urn apeeiRed will be considered uf-flcient uf-flcient vdenc of th nnn uilneral character ol th aald trade, and ibe leolloa thereof, being otherwla free from objeciioa, will be rocommeodtd lor approval. Fa D. Uoaat, Register. Uaoaai A. barTM, Receiver. 8-16 10-10 |