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Show WOJtK OF SCIENTISTS NEW INVENTIONS OF WORTH PLACED ON THE MARKET.' Will Rid Cattle of Flloo that Torturo Thom Whilo in tho Stablo Homo Exercising Machine a Novelty. Cevles-tha- I t Machine. A competent authority on the subject would probably admit that a large proportion of the ailments ordinarily Homo Exorcising .attributed fo"tfretoinart have 'their origin In a weakness of the muscles cavity, surrounding the abdominal with attendant flabbiness and Inability of the digestive organs to perform their naturar functions. Adolph da Clalrmont of Topeka, Kan a., has BlmpIa' TGlf m of eg , ercialng apparatus wnlch he claims will tend to strengthen the muscles above referred to, assisting them materially In the prformance of their work. The device needs little explanation, owing to Us simplicity. Tbere-t- ig "hirged board with to raise it from the floor and n latch to maintain the sections rigid whilo' la use, A cushion Is alto provided for the head and there are bracks secured to tho footboard to enable the person to rise to a sluing posturs by a sheer pull with the feet. To use this exerciser toe patient takes the position shown, with bis feet inserted In the brsces, when, by raising snd lowering the upper, the body slowly the muscles are exer-c-i I throughout the entire length of the trunk. Care must bs taken cot to Indulge too freely In the exertion at the beginning, w 'overstraining the sup-'por- ts jarj. Strengthens muscles of abdomen, muscles would muse Injurious effect Instead of benefit. The special tendency of this form of exercise would he to dissipate the surplus flesh of the .abdomen, as welt as Increasing the muscular power, thus lightening tbs load to be carried, also. Now an Automobile Sled. An automobile sled, says Electricity, is tho latest Invention of tho Nuernbergen Motorfnhrxenge-FnbrtcUnion. Jt is to be driven by a ben-xin- o and cooled, motor, water sparkequipped with electro-magneti-c ing dcriccs. Tbe cooling water circulate In the body of the ld through pipe which are so disposed as to constitute a The Bteerlug gear includes a tiller, which is connected with the front runners. A single lever controls the direction Tho sled of the shaft's revolution. la driven by a spiked wheel, which bites the ground and la geared up to k foot-warme- ttkAA- aa k&K, d- J i No Cred.t In the Bill. Dr. Jalap Well, you may thank yxmt fine constitution for pulling yow MERRY JESTS THAT WILL DRIVE through; nothing else could have saved you. AWAY DULL CARE. The Convalescent But I cannot see you have made any reduction In ,thst Husband Kntw What to Expect When your bill for my fine constitutions He Waa Called Good share in the cure. Darling Scheme to Make Time Pats Away Extravagant Wish. Quickly. "Have you selected a play for next season? Mrs. Noah Up to Date. "No, answered the sensational so., Noah., finding hla wife- weeping on tress rthat Is a matter of some difthe quarterdeck. Inquired what was ficulty. I would give a great deal if 1 could find a the matter. playwright whose imagIm afraid people will say our ination Is as fertile as that of my fashions came out of the ark, she press agent sobbed. "Never mind, he returned, "we can Had Been There Before. have the apes to d neUh.ua UK THE The Dawn of Peace. Put off. put off your 0 Sad beat your brenrt, t du.t!king. Tour band, null lear Tour hearts s batter trust. , - And victory, fair victory. Our enemies are ours! for all the cluuds are clasped In light And alt the earth with flower a crtp i Aye, still depressed.. amt 41m wltfe dew, But watt a llllle while. And with the deathless, radiant rose Tbs wilderness shall smile. rpou the grassy mountain yaths The sintering hosts I ri They come! They com;, HlW flr their And every tender, living thing -Shall feed by streams nf real; Nor lamb shall from the flock be lost. Nor nursling from the nest. , ' feet! They come who publish Boon to Tortured Cattle. When cattle are running at largo in the field there la an opportunity for them to rid themselves of tho Insect pests which annoy them, but when the animals are tied In tho stable there it little chance to swing tho head around to dislodge the files from tho forward quarters, and to tho troublesome pests are free to torture the autmala at will. U Is the object of O, B. Gibson of Thayer, lad in designing the strante looking shed here pictured to provide an apparatus which will enable the cattle to rid their bodies of the flies as they enter the stable, the latter place prena It ought to sumably being be, at any rate. The shed haa at Its inner end a aeries of brushes, so arranged ns to leave an oblong opening . er thaa the feojfr hr order that the files may he brushed off as -the animals pass' through to gain an entrance to the Interior. During the passage of the cow the only place from which light can enter the shed Is through the overhead chamber, to which the Insect fly m they are brushed off. An automatic gate In the shed opens and closes the entrance to this chamber with the passage of each animal, .thereby making j Jaha-Kustta- -- .- nlghr""- . Why. So Often tat War Department -- s, it At Home All Day. Why weepest thou, woman T' My lord will be burled this day. "My wife was burled yesterday. Tomorrow I must get me another. Whereupon the widow shook the ashes from her shining fc&ir, dried her eyes, and, looking Into the face of the widower, smiled. I will be at home alt day, she said. Smart Set Stilt In ths Family. "I deeply regret It sir. but honor-anmy altered circumstances compel me to release your daughter from her engagement 1 cannot enter your family a beggar. In a recent deal in stocks I lost my entire fortune. Not another word, my boy not another word. I got it" Fitted for the Choir. . Pastor Your dauKh ter ,1s very hand- Progress of Japs ness Commerce. In three and a half years Japan has added to It merchant cavyTOO steamship and 100,006 tonnage, and also 3,000 tailing vessels of 50,000 tonnage. la 189$ the country possessed only a single steamship over 5,000 tons; It has now twenty one of this class In 1898 Japan owned $2? steamships of 429,774 tonnage; and 174 tailing . -- vessels of 24,014 tonnage. In 1899, (79 steamships of 407,534 tonnage; and 1,483 sailing vessels of 165,110 tonnage. In 1900, 753 steamships of 498,375 tonnage; and 2.783 galling vessels of 370,161 tonnage. In 1901, 943 steamships of - 657,166 tonnage; and 3.416 sailing vessels of 315,767 tonApparatus to brush pests from cattla. nage. ,, a trap from, which the files cannot The number of sailor baa Increased escape, and in which they are des- until In 1901 therefwere 15.413 officer troyed by the cattle tender. The Il- and engineers (304 foreign! to the lustration shows tbe shed complete, merchant fleet Tbe small number of with a cow in the act of entering, foreigners is as striking as the inand also presents a view of the inner crease of the commercial naty. end of tbe shed, with tbe brushes la Peculiar Snow, position to do tbelr work. A peculiar snow observed on Mont Labor Saver for Farmer. Malct In the Alps, baa been reported The farmer of must have his by M. A. Burns It la called Caulabor saving appliances Just a much casian snow," and Is very porous, with as the woiklngman of any other class, grains reaching an eighth of an inch and, really, there seems to be greater in size. Tbe alight adhesion of these need of machinery on the farm than grain gives great liability In any other field, as the manual labor lanches. to-da- y -t- o-arw An Infallible Prescription.- -- Patient Doctor, tell me something to make the time-pamore quickly. Just now It drags so that I have aoth ing to think of except myself. Doctor Indorse a note falling due In three months for a bit more than s yourjresentlBCXma.affordaj.-rn,"- r some, Mr, Smith.' Recognized ths 8ound Father Yes, she la. Im thinking It wa her first ride In an nutemo-bil- e of having her Join your choir. and sbe was deeply Interested in Pastor Thats good. Is she a fins the born that waa used to notify peovocalist? Father No, but shes got a devil of ple to clear the way. . Papa, she said. a temper. Well? he returned. Make it snore some more. A Great Boomer. Its really astonishing the' busiPleasantly Situated. ness success that young Calliper haa Poor man!" said the lady visitor, attained, and hes not much more than addressing one of the Inmates of the a little lad now. come to when think of It, insane asylum, dont you often feel Well, you theres nothing better to boom busi- very sad to be abut np here?" "Oh, no, the patient answered. ness." "The lunatics wbo come to look at us Better than what? are generally very amusing. A little ad. 1 Bloody Civil War Battle R.afied Around the Derrick Operations will shortly begin In a d In human blood, and more than new field of the Kentucky,toll belt 1,000 men who had been cut down In CapL 8. D. Bottom, who owns the Hie bloody fight lay In heaps around noted Perryvllle battlefield, ten miles file bole in the ground:-- ' Six hundred west of Danville, has contracted with f the bodies were buried on the spot, l New York syndicate for the boring nd nearly 600 were brought to and interred In Bellevue cemetof wells on the field, which la claimed to be rich In surface Indications. ery. Here In 1863. a well was drilled to From that day to this nothing the depth of 500 feet by New York whatever has been heard of the drillparties, wbo leased many thousand ers .or the head promoters, and It Js acres JnJWest.RQyle.fQr. .development exposed " thejrjjQlhedlthe.Jarmy- - or On the tnofningTireceding vers killed In the conflict Repeated pur pose the bloody conflict between the forces tetters addressed to their former of Buel and Bragg, the expert drill- pice In New York were returned to ers, who were boarding with Col. Co! J Bottom by the postal authorities Bamuel Bottom, father of CapL 8. D. Portion of the old machinery are Bottom, as usual went to their work. Kill on tbe ground. The well showed During the day the soldiery of the s small vein of oil, which has been north and south met, and by 4 am lied by the farmers lor some the . soil years for the lubrication of their oclock In the afternoon around the prospective well was soak- - aa hlnery. Cincinnati Enquirer. t Dan-Dl- -- i Dust Saved Washington City. i ever tell you how clouds of dust once saved Washington City from what many people believe would have at thw handr'Of been certain-captur- e the Confederates? asked a member of, the old Veterans Reserve Corps, which was on duty at Fort Stevena during the war, to a ciowd of companion In a downtown hotel the other day. No one In the assemblage had beard the story, and so the veteran ' continued: of Northern the when was army It Virginia was just outside the capital city. You may remember that Gen. Early, wbo was In command of this particular division of the Confederate forces. In writing to refute statements published In Northern papers to the effect that he could easily have inarched into Washington, said: T knew the defenses were weak when I arrived, but my troops were so exhausted from the enforced march that a halt was absolutely necessary, and the next morning I knew, by clouds of dust that reinforcements had arrived. That dust, gentlemen, was raised by a few men, not exceeding one hundred, of the Veteran Reserve Corps. The temporary commander of this 'company, a stout man of tnelltua height, whose name or rank I dd not learn, because he wore no bIoue or Insignia, placed the nun In line of the vessel wed bdwwrTBfT'Stc on and Fort Slocum. After making a short speech. In which hs uiged every man d Honesty Vaccine. "Doctor, said the wild-eyeyoung man, my wife is a kleptomaniac. Do you think you can do anything for her? Well, we might try vaccination," You know replied the young doctor, that keeps people from taking things. -- Fought on Oil Field Did Hint ' -- ? stroke; Thuf A Gentle 11:30. bow she said, although the reYes, mark seemed a little abrupt "I alThen she paused ways sleep welL and plaintively added in a hopeless murmur, When 1 get a chance." Whereupon the youth, who had been overstaying himself took his hat and softly stole away. "You can mall It, cant you?" asked her husband. No, Indeed. Ive seen those large signs stuck np all over the city which read : Post no bills. e lr It was self. prls-ener- thft'hipaiL'-aftcresc- Loving Wife Darling! Suspicious Husband Well, much? Wouldn't Post Bills Dear, dear, sighed Mrs. Nullwed; 1 suppose Ill have ,o take this receipted bill down to the milliner my- Under the Prison Floor eliminating fully half of the labor of operating the machine. The washer le clamped on one aide of a common washtub, and wheh not In. use can be swung out of the way, thus leaving the tub open for the rinsing of garments as they are removed from the water. When the washing ts finished the machine can be folded up and placed Inside the tub, or may be from a nail In the .basement or stairway. 1 Why She Detested It. Again, complains 9 the devoted wife, "lam told that you have been flirting with that odious Miss Masbem on the piazza." "Bah! retorts the gay husband, thinking to ridicule tbe suspicions of his wife. Eah! he repeats. "it Isnt so bad, asserts the wife, "for a man to be guilty, but what I detest is w ben he acts so sheepish-abou- t Surprise Is often expressed by Intel- department and army headquarters, ligent people tbat bo largq where abode Gen. Halleck, his military proportion of President Lincu.ns post Im- adviser, for news and views. Head portant telegram and som pf bis and heart were strenuously concenletter are dated from the gat depart- trated on the fight, wherever it might ment Instead of the ex ('naive man-tlobe. Hia fertile brain saw, too, the and none of them from the navy, critical points In the game oftentimes treasury or other administrative bu- far more clearly than some of bis reaus. This Is generally deemed a "ablest generals. He not only wished to know whst very singular fact, and from ft writers have plausibly drawn tbs eoncl'i-sio- n was going on In the fight, but that Lincoln personally Hkd tho his own part noblV! In the Wescfer attachment for cultivator. of war better tha my of beat of action or at crucial momenta secretary 01 aJ.l'9rlL equally well when the cul- the cabinet officers. bis orders, suggestions and Inquiries tivator Is moving In either direction, While this Indeed appears to have were fired off spontaneously from it Is mounted on n swinging arm, con- been true, it does not necesaariqr so wherever he might be at tbe moment, trolled by n crank within easy reach follow. He held Mr. gevard and at such periods he was generally certainly a crank of the driver. By giving the In regard, yet he seldom west to over at the war department" with half turn In either direction the rake thehigh state department. Mr. Stanton. Is lifted from one side of the culIn the circumstances It was not at ' That la the chief reason, says Lestivator to the other, or can be elevat- all singular. Tbe explanation itotsy. lie J. Perry In Llppincotts, why so ed to drop a load o( weeds at any War was the business of that time, many of hla dispatches are dated at desired point In the field. Edwin P. and Lincoln's eyes were always beat that department, and not because he Clapp of North Rush, Pa., Is the In- to the army, especially when grist perhaps held Stanton in higher esventor. military events were Impending, Be teem than the seertary of the navy, or habitually haunted the adjacent war state, or treasury. Tbs Latest Washing Machine.- i There are two very good reasons why many housewives continue to do their washing over the tub and scrub the clothes on the washDaring Attempt at Escape board every Monday. Instead of makFoiled In Nick of Time ing use of the modern washing mamaIs chine. One the cost of the One of the hitherto unwritten expired. He only asked If a certain chine and the other Is the necessity stories of the civil war is that of Ihe cell had been examined. It had not of finding room for na extra article on the Dry Tortugxs, In It six well known desperadoes were of washday furniture, which, in the military prison near was used to confine confined, ' It Florida, majority of city houses, la no small soldiers I went to the cell. There were four sentenced by court martlsl, Item. To both these reasons the bare atone walla, some Iron cots and was and toward close the of guarded washing machine Invented by Leonard tbe war no other furniture. All the by a detachment under Capt a chair B. Brooks of Independence, Is, gives W. R. Prentice, who relates In M- cells were floored, with heavy flagtbe very good answer that It requires cClures some of his experi- stones laid In cement, but this one only a small outlay of cash and takes ences atMagazine had also a good board floor above the ' hla lonely post. a up no extra apace when not In use, flags. While I talked with --the r One uniforms daytwenty-fouand It goes without saying that It will on various subjects, 1 examined do its work quits as well as tbe ms-- were stolen by one of the prisoners fiiat floor. It seemed solid, and all from the quartermaster's storeroom. the cracks were filled with dust But It was understood wbat such a theft there vu one. short piece- .- Iiltch tag meant that twenty dour of the most nqr chair hearer to It, I inserted my desperate characters among the prig ktlfe-bladunder that piece. It came oners, disguised as soldiers, expected tap. The search waa over, to pass tae guard some dark night,' 6 In an excavation made In the flag seize a schooner snd escape. pmg were the Uniforms, and much The plan looked very feasible. For nore cold chisels, hammers and days a quiet but careful search was taws, stolen from the masons, and carried on. No clue could be obtain- plenty of dirks made from chisels and ed. Tbe guard at the postern wtsj In case of failure to doubled. At last I took into my eon-- pass the guard the prisoners Intended fldence a prisoner whose term had to overpower It. lift - Reassured by being thoroughly up-t- o date, she dried her tears and went down toc swipe some plumes off tae ostrich. Lincoln irr War Times the Great President Was Fastens en the side of tho tub. Jorljy of machines of this kind now on tho market Tho Inventor, no doubt obtained hla Idea from the clothes-pounde- r which It waa customary to use in connection with a email cask, to hammer the dirt out of the clothes. Instead of rubbing them by hand. The pounding bead I still used In the new invention, but with thte decided Improvement that It has ..iprln to. SPiCE OF LIFE) - Oh, bend shack the Ian-- , point. And break tht helmet X Dulse la in the morning tnd, But not the sou of r case-knive- Hjach-seaSt- & performed by the farmers far exceeds in amount tbat of most Induo tries. The cultivator has been an indispensable farm Implement for years and In its office of loosening tbs dirt between the rows of plant greatly facilitates the billing up of corn, potatoes, etc., snd the cutting out of the weeds with a hoe. On the machine shown In the Illustration will he seen n new attachment for gathering np the weeds from between tbe rows of plants after the cultivator has loosened them from the soil. In the case of weeds which are about to go to seed, and would, If left on the ground, starts new, cro tax the farmer to light later on, this device will be especially useful, as It enables the farmer to gather up the weeds and burn them before tbe seed la deposited. As will be seen, the gathering rake la designed to travel In tbe row Just cultivated, and In order-tha- Lit do his best, he directed us to tttrch down some distance on the grts past Fort Stevens. Once there, hf told us to Jreak. ianks and right taut, returning in the middle of the fctln road and kicking up all tbe dust t possibly could. We doubled on the hs. marching dowfi on the grass and roaing back In the dusty road. It was s try season, and we all had on hroad-siteshoes We made the dust fly, I teg you, and It Is no wonder Gen. Early thought reinforcements by the thou-asi- s bad come to the relief ef the Wash-fcco- n hndful on duty at the forts, Star." to d 8ure to Be Prejudiced. Ths Biggest of Tips. Friend Dont look so blue, "I tell you wbat, grumbled - the have a good case.- - pessimistic waiter, people aint givJlmsoa No use. Ill lose. I know ing tips like they used to In the old 111 lose. Every man on that Jury days or bought a house of me either rented That's right replied tbe when I was in the real estate buswas there facetiously, waiter, hla iness Esau, for Instance, wha-"avbirthright for a mess of pottage. -- good-nature- d Teeching.- A -- Wise Preeauttort. - Slops? Don't you wlah' you were Midas? Borroughs Who was he? he f touched Slopay Everything ' turned to gold. Borroughs Huh! I Everybody touch turns me down. 4i Insult to Injury. He (reproachfully) Perhaps yon forget what happened yesterday. - I was cut by my dearest acquaintance, the one 1 love best In all the world j in fact . She (coolly) The ideal- - Do you really shave yourselt? There Wasnt Redd He took several good-sizesticks and beat his wife. Green 1 cannot believe he could be guilty of such Cruelty. Redd Cruelty! There wasnt any cruelty about It They were playing golf together. d In 1905 A. a Mrs. Uptodate (to maid) Marie, you need not set out the capsules for Mr, Uptodates dinner., I have re Mexican War Veterans. celved a marconlgram that he will not , I make It a point never to talk The heroes of Texas of over half a more than ten minutes with until 10 oclock, as his San any one In Fort enrhiry ago are gathered has had a breakdown. person." TVorJi in their annual reunion. So as not to tell all you know, I They Judge. ' ai the veterans of the Mexican war, suppose." No Wonder. there are but few of them with tt elastic step and the straight, erect Church Wbat makes your neighThoughtful of ths Children. fol. The greater number are bent I suppose."- - said Mr. Olds, if I bor so haughty Gotham Why, didnt you notice, 4 age, and the heads of tbe majorit- were to start smoking again It 'would y tr as white aa snow. There are set the children a bad example." he waa carrying home his own beet It would, indeed." replied hla sixty of them. Tbe youngest la 71 ers of age (several being this Not Too 'Much. wife. "It's thoughtful and unselfish A woman likes to have her hus- and the oldest has passed the of you to consider that etasty fifth milepost It Is a grand Yes, so IVe decided to send the band treat her considerately, but not 4 glorious little band of patriotic children right off to boarding school, so considerately that people will taka ho were tbe lighters for Texas where they wont see me." her for his second wife. Puck. If In the 40s, and who by How to Judge. It Would Cool Them Off. gallantry and bravery enabled u to throw off the yoke of tyran-tyo- d Hewitt I tell you, Itb too hot to go Flnnlcus You cant Judge a man by ' er. to become, as they feel, tne of the clothes he wears If great-fixat- e not the Indeed, t'ireatesL Jewett Oh. come along; th play Cyrnlcus But you can by those his in all America. Dali as News, wife wears will be a frost any ay.- e ? t-i- the-theat- 21. |