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Show CHITICAL STATE 0; ,rUIH AT POHTO CABfLlO, VENEZUELA l"'"1"11' "" '"li .rm..'e t .rli "" ..,!-. Minihlrr Itimeu l, l,ll the atale department 'rom r,rl(a,, Venriusla, that I lie rev.iliiii,,iu ,, Clll ,n. ralile al llsici-lu,,, minister llowen says the cable nM Immediately after the rrcclpl o( , mrsaago slating that the revoluiiui,),,, tra entering the clly. Minister llowen ,0 advised tha sfata department tk,t tha licrmane Intend to land a nt., urra at 1'orlo CaUllo lo prolci-l tertian lnleret lliere, which sre llireateerd by tba uprising up-rising now In rr"X"sv l ha mlolstet ailvlsed that m follew mil. After a conference lieiiv.-cu tk ollclala of Hie stale and navy lcpsn,nit. Inatrne-tione Inatrne-tione were cabled to ('etnisinder Nicholas Nicho-las of the 'Inpeliir b, giH-rrd fruin l.aguaya-a to I'ortu f.lrllo and to land a nav:il furce in eMH of attack. The Toptik baa alrcadjj fi for l'orlo Caliello. The Irouhlcat t'ort ( ibello growa out of the uprising that hat convulsed Venezuela for some mt It Is directed di-rected agalost I'rcaldtnl feetro and haa kept the country in a gila of ferment fer-ment for many months. Our consul al I'orto CsW-llo sent word recently thai the Uvea if aoma of ttia American residuals, including members of hl family, were lo perilled, and two of the ladles of th consul's family wera lakti away In s government govern-ment ship, Nlnce then llwrahaa been no word of a critical coodilim of affairs, af-fairs, but the dispatch of loiey indl-catca indl-catca that a crisis haa bees reached. There apprara to lie no queitlua e to Iheriglitof theflerman sanl forces to land fur the protection ofl-erman Intcreau. It In no way hi voltes the Monroe doctrine, tirrmaay hie been keeping close watch on Veaeorla for some months, and al ooe tlae etntum-plated etntum-plated taking a Venexuelm pirt la order to compel the payment of striata Herman olalraa. II waa in that connection Hint the Herman embassador al W'uhligton, )r. Von Hollentien, made htqulry of I'realdent ltornevelt and Hie stale department de-partment aa lo whether auch ft msve by tlermany for the sole purpose of collecting col-lecting a claim, and not for the ptrpoae of territorial expansion, would meet with any disfavor by the American government. The response ol the United HiaU-i left tlermany free In act. aa the assurance thai no territorial extension waa Intended removed ttie case from the operations of the Muurue doctrine. The prcaent landing of a Oeruan force haa no connection with tier-many'a tier-many'a former movement against Ven-eteula, Ven-eteula, although Hie aiiiraaces heretofore hereto-fore given by Heruianv aerve In the preaeut eaae lo ahoie that there Is no atwvtor pueaess:bahUd t a ereirVow of Oeroieu loteresta al I'orto L'aello. |