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Show ARE AfTLR MARCUS ISLAND. i ARMED EXPEDITION LEAVES HONOLULU TO PLANT AMERICAN f AO. Plirnrr ft 11 and lit rmfttfkfi1 f Kl minn. dhfi lrlarM Will MaU riN attl Kp It I p iMtll Inrn lnn by Hufvirlar are. Aerordins1 to the llnnoluli. mm ht ftra lotrr.til In tli Mnrctia la land , o; im no tRpetitlnn (faln-.t which .tapan has Mnl ft wr wtftrl, the rurl which Ir ft Honolulu for Ui ialaml carried ft complmnt of MaiiMC rirtra, ma A her captaiu had Instruction fruru tha company com-pany to plant tha American flag on the lalaml ami hrep ft Ho tin if until compelled to haul II down. Captain A. A. How Mil, lha dlaoot erar of the lalan.l, who left hla claim to tt on a cocoanut tree nn Marcua taland, la lMHt. U In rnuimaiid of the expedition. The company clilro la baaed on thit title which la ou record with the atate department at Wanhltiffhin. No lut1-malion lut1-malion that the veaael left Honolulu with any amti on board waa given out until the newt waa received that the Japanese government had laid claim to tha laland, and had ditpatched a war veaael there. Colonel Thorn Fitch then made public the Instruction fftveo to Cap-tain Cap-tain Kohill which, while deslyaad to prevent any con 11 let, were Intended to compel the Japaneae to allow the Americana to land, and to ue furce to drive them away. Captain KoaehlU'r Instruction from tha company are to Inform the Japanese on Marcua that hla expedition la a peaceful one for thi purpose of malting a actsntlHe laveatl gallon of the value of the guano deposit de-posit of the Island, and to attempt to make a peaceful landing. If the event that the Japanese atlll refuse to allow him to land, Kosehlll U lo sail away out of aitfht of the laland and return under cover of darkoee, land an armed force aod raise tha American flag and keep It up unlit tt la torn down by a attperlor force. At the lame time the captain -waa told to avoid a conflict In every way posalble. |