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Show ACR.ICVLTVM.B AND IKeVIGATION. The director of tlierenua bureau ha eeot Ih Time a statement ol the pro-greaa pro-greaa in tgilcullui In Hie arid alatea and territories aa relates to irrigation. In Utah th number of irrigators, ei-clitslve ei-clitslve ol Imllaii reservations. Increased 1 from 0,724 ml HM to 17,024 In imrll, rj 84.1 per cent., and the number ol scree Irrigated from IM.473 to 0 V,m, or 1 14 8 per cent. The average value of farm ' land per acre wa fO 7S, of Irrigated land, $.17.40. Th ditch in operaiion In 18U0 had a length of 2,838 mile, cost 16,721.300, and Irrigated 614, ISA acre There war I 177 acre Irrigated from I wells. Tb Irrigated arva in cop waa 837,88 acre, yielding product valued al 17,481,870. The area Irrigated In pasture pas-ture wm 111,778 acres, Th namber ol irrigators In the United Stalea In 1800. not Inrlaillnilrrlialorsof , j ric, wm 108,218, increase la ten year of W,9 per cent. Th area lrrl;ated wa 7.830,148 acres, an Increase ol 107 8 per cent. 01 Ihl area, 8 X44,412 acre ware In crop, and 1.5M.1S8 teres In pattnre nd nnmatntd crop. Th coat of Irrigation Irri-gation ayeteuK In operation, eiclualveol thoae oa ric plantatlous, was 1X7,770.942 while the value of th Irrigated crone WMtm,800,4Vl. Tbe total lenghth of all th msln dllcbe In th arid and semi-end elates and territories wm 48,14V mile. Th average number of irrigated aire In farm in arid stales and territories wm 71 ; the average value ol irrigated land per acre, $42.88; tbe average value crop produced oa irrigated land, $14.81 ; ike averaga Aral oust ol water, $7.80; the average aaaual coat ol maintenance. $0 38. Ol tbe 8,711,006 acre In crop, hay and forage occupied 8,0)18.864, or 04.2 per cent; oaretlt, $l,Sli,709, or 24.6 percent; vegetable. 168,432, or t 9 par cant; orchard frnlta, 281,289, or 4.4 per cent ; other crope, 226,891, or 4 0 per cent. Ibe value of the bay and forage wa $34,834,066; crvala, $14,338,326; vegetable, $9,627,491 1 orchard hulls, H 0?fl,i0; other eropa, inrlndlng euh- . ijOai! linllBAllll'eel Oew i jwiewfce. sugar beets, eU., $16,713,246. Shortly after eendleg the Irrigation bill to the President, congieea passed resolution authorising lliedlreclor ol the ceusus to oompHe statistic relating to Irrigation tut tb crop year of 1902. With th data now assembled, tins work will txcoaipartlvely simple, uioat of II being dune by correapoiidence. To secure tbi Information inquiries willso m be sent out lo Irrigators throughout the United Stales, Th co-operation ol time in-lerealed in-lerealed in Irrigation I earnestly solicited soli-cited by lb tenant bureau for,umnllieli proupt reaponae will depend very largely the value of these statistics. This lain part a supplementary work, th raaulla of which will b utllited In the work toon t be undertaken by the depart-j depart-j ment of the Interior under the provisions of the irrigation bill. |