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Show r h- TIMES. COALVILLE 'OOALVI1XE. OUU. 10U. 10CU 1X0 U, KM. OTHER HEWS. i A Mor Co-o- p u rod bran tbia week. can play partiM bav gseaout weak. Mr. A ante Salmon re- y Oak-la- Kaalbal went down to Ogdeo Tneaday to Ukt ! lb Buffalo BiHtbow; wm a paaacnner 11. Commissioner J. J. Bowen wm quite tick yeeterday, but iaen tba improv again. a train to Park City. Wa would ilk t baar regularly from and Jo Ball rotaraad to our Upton, Echo and Oakley correRob spondent. lhair work la Park City Tuoaday. tlo Tbolitilo bird baa anarriagM Boy bee dc be old never be until tb eoU to thoroughly They ara hot weather plant. Immediately after planting corn la generally a good time to put tbe teed ia tb ground. If planted for aaed, aow with grain drill, stopping np tbe bole to ineb-M to make row about thirty-tw- o apart When grown for bay or aoii-flathey may be (touted Ilk wheat nelng about fir peck of seed to tbe acre, but they ire vtgoroo plant, and n for bay better result will genii y b obtained by giving them room. They may be cultivated a weeder or on bora cultivator 1 tb outset Later they cover tbe ground and taka care of themselves Util reedy to cut Tbe cutting can be done wltb a special bean harvester If tbe coil la aoft enough to permit or with an ordinary mower, though It should be remembered that tb item become tough and bard to-caa tbe plant ripens, and on this account it la well not to deity tbe harvest longer than la necessary. For bay tba plant may be cut aocn after they begin to bloaaom; for allage as toon a tbe pods ar developed and before they arc ripe. If grown for teed, it is well to harvest as aoon as tbe eeeda are ripe and before tbe pods dry out and begin to g, Hr. Ira Eld rod ga ru do an from A. mutf WW- - oa Toaaday Wkr tba flrat of tba vaak oa a viait. Robiaso went to Park City into tba bill tbia load of floor ceived by tba lliiir ippttriM. Tueaday ear told aa of aovaral Mr, C. Bagnall retarnad boma wbare that ara to taka plaea la Upton Cumborland Buaday, been for Mvarl aooo. fro aba bad Do not vegatai. whataver you do. f f you can not b ( lop man be a high up M Too can. The froat bind up the aagnant pool, hut not tba rippling brook. bu again broken out in Diphtheria the family of Fre(. Taylor, on of tba email boy beikg afflicted. Aright quarantine baa bean Mtabliahed and it i hoped the diaeaaa will not spread further. ik Tber ia no 0i room for advancement ia every hotioaaa, but employer do not grab me by their coat to pull them np until they have demonstrated that they bav the neceasary knowledge split Farmer are liable to make tbe misend ability to fill more reapootible poe- itake of aMumlng from a first years experience that tbe toy bean will not develop tubercles oa their land. In Theeoanty eotsunatiusera should have 1900 four varieties were grown In our nuat yMUrday to leer tba report of the forage plot, and all made a fin committee appointed tp investigate the growth. But none of tbe plants developed nodales. In tb spring of 1901 eooaty aut removal pillion, bnt owing three of these plots were planted with to the illnaec of Coramiaaiouer Lambert seed gathered from them in tbe fall of tba muting of the board bu been post- 1900. Tbe fourth plot waa some distance away to 1900, and It waa decided poned anti! ha ia well enough to attend, to plant seed obtained from It next which wiB likely be tk flrat of tb week. tb other three. Tbe plot chosen for this seed bore to 1900 an Imperfect Tb ooamittM examined tbe petition stand of bine lupines. To my surprise, but Tneaday. tbe plants In tbe three plots that bad borne toy beans to 1900 produced tuA man who bad, been arretted for bercles In 1901 In large number, while on thoae of tbe third plot, which, ao murder bribed an Irishman on tb jury for one hundred dollars to bang out for a verdict for manslaughter. Tbe jury wm out a long time tnd finally retarnad with a verdict for nanalanghter. Th man want to tbe Irishman and thanked him and aaked if b bad a bard time, "Ye," Mid the Irishman, ua ball of a time. Tbe balance ail wanted to arqnit you. t weak on a viaiL -- CowK)iaionar McDonough earn down J. 8. Balmoa cam Coalville Coop COY BEANS. Mrs. Carl All woo bibwa viaitiag io Ogdaa tb pMi aaok. lit not decay Frail peddlers ar bsginieg lo make Him Ell May Birch is viaitiog Id Salt Lake. Not very mu y of our people wont to Balt Laka lo tb Eika caroival. - Th only jawl which la kiow ledge. ilk Him ia from Combs nd Wedneaday morning, and haa goo from tba Park tbia awroing on eouaty Baar rivar tor a lew wMkaouting. out on boalaaaa, Tba bmt pkytlw CbambmiaiBe Tba waatbar baa apparaatly Milled and Lirar Tablata. Eaay to Stomach again, and tba atraoapbar la cooler than Plaaaaatia effect. For eale by take. H waa bafora tba atorm. John Boyden A Son Druggists. Dont forget to call at tbia office whan Attention le called tbia WMk to tba ad yon need anything In tba Una of paper, of th Univaraity af Utah. Thom who envelope, ate.; wo bare a goad anpply. ar iateraalad ia tbiaecbool will And Tba Park City Eika carried off flrat good facta ia tba ad. prie 1350 for lb moatnniqaadlaplay Th many friandi in tbia county of fa tba Elk parade at Salt lake Wad nab Fowlar of Heaafer will be pained JamM J7- eed will ta hear of biaaaddan John Booth and Willard Hobaoa 'rant hope for a apeedy recovery. down to tkelr claim BMrOgdaoTueaday 1 for be to bom from gone moraiag. They aspect Miai Amy Boyden returned aoma WMka. Evaneton Tuaaday, where abe bad been for revaral WMka. Hr. Fred Don't bare any dealinga with an un- vieiting Beckwith accompanied berknd will riit dertaker aa long aa yon ran help it. They for B abort time. berw are a ttraoga lot of fellowa and lika to acraw a man down. Mrs. W. J, Cooningbam cam in from Kaaaaa City, Mo., but 8atorday, Bad Chamberlain Colie, Cholera and wid will remain bar for com tlm. Tba Diarrhoea Remedy baa a world fall never for km It it ear. reput a' lady wMarMldentofthleplacelormaay Th farmer of Upton ar contemplatand la plabMnt and a fa to take. For of Mra. 8. M. Robyaara, and ia a Ml by Jobl Boyden A Son Drngglitt. to locate three reservoir aitas In tb ing in ton. bead of tb cut lark of Cbalk Creek. A Coalville girl uid that her lover bad All dlaaaaat ttart tt tba bowl. Kaep W understand that tber ar com takes a aoft plaea la hi heart for bar beeaur them open or tber and a good place to build a4 iarge yon win b aiek. , be claimed to be alwaya thinking of bar. act lik nature. Kaep liver reaervolr. W ar glad to sea them sickening Make th movakad ad boaeU. active withe!hop'1 they till .'to think with bit heart. The aoft place ia griping feeliDg. Six milUoaa paoplo auceeaalul In storing up large quantity tala and recommended CA8CARETS, in hi head.. .. r.. T. of water! Tb building bf reservoirs is TOC tsolAIt druggist. a try t tbe only salvation the ' people of the Tba rani atoi in which atruck bar W received tbia WMk tba catalogue Weber valley have, aad th eooner they Monday waa indeed welcome, and did of tba Agriculture College of Utah for get together and start th work tbe touch good. Everything waa very dry J ' 10021903, alio from tba tame Initito-tio- n bettor. and tber was not water enough to do bulletin No.77 on "Ilona Feeding," much irrigating. A great deal of bay and the "Twelfth Annuel Report of the Town killer, or"koockcrsar classified will klao be eauaged, but not very by an exchange into nine separate Experiment Station." badly. banebes, a follow; "Flrat, those who world tbia done of ia the Moat kicking go oat of town to do tbeif iboppieg ; secA man wm found dead tear th Alia don at tbe wrong paraon. When a ond, tboM who ar opposed to improveliance tunnel at Park City yeaterday, talk to ments; third, thorn wkoperter s qu'tt with a ravolver under hia band. He bad man want to kick be waually aid business ; fourth but bumU be of to town on every tbsrighton. eonaidar-abperton la pnsh been dead aeveraldayiand bad If you muat kick why dont you huntnp IhoM who Imagine tbry awn th town ; money on bia paraon. Attorney to fifth, those who dm ids Oallla want up today to iavMtigate th tb right one and do tour talking public spirited him. man; sixth, those tbo oppose every movement that doe mtoriglnate with Ana Lawton of Unua Croak wm i- Henry L, Bbattnck of bhtllibnry, tbm;Mventh, tbaavwiooppoM every amloed m to her unity tbia morning by Iowa, wm cored of a tomeh trouble movement that does sot appear to bear-f- it Dr. LaOompta of Park City and Dr. with which b bed been afflicted for tbeu2:'ghtb, tbo pho seek to ia-j-uro ranch of tbia place. A complaint bad year, by foerboxMof Chaaherlain'i tba credit or reputation of individ- Stomach and Livar Tablata. He bad bun mad by bar titter that aba wm praviouuly triad many other remedies ; ninth, those ho iak the town laeana, bat the doctor decided that aba aad number of pbyaiclane without repaper and do not pap it," wm all right lief. Fot eale bv John Boyden A Son 111, Tbese Suits Cannot tie equaled for tbe Price. eoAbvitaLE - eo-o- p. Big Clearance Sale Ladies Sbirt Waists, Cambric Underwear, and Bab; Bonnets, Cheaper than yon can tray the material and make them yonrself. Also have a fine line of ' SUMMER DRESS PIECES. M. R, Salmon. 7 ltr 77 CAB-CARE- TS GRASS - 1. ; CREEK. -. bot nxax soon snowino ruBuumxs. far aa known, bad never before born toy bean, pot single tubercle waa to a be found, Just why tbe tubercle should not appear the Drat year and should appear in large numbers the eecond la not at present easy to explain, but tbe fact la Important a offering an explanation of tbe di8up;ointment which some farmers experience with tbe plant Plant Ing a second season on tb earn laud appears to be necessary- - to get tbe oy bain at work aa a nitrogen fixer. In Bolls deficient In combined nitrogen tbe crop is at first likely to languish because of failure to develop root nod- ule. Tbe nodule can be grown artificially season. It waa demonstrated to ouF plot In 1901 that tbe tubercles can be grown to great numbers on tbe roots of aoy beans by tbe use of pure cultures of tbe tubercle bacteria. H. thf first WELL SCBEEITEX). Gorman, Kentucky .Station. k ' I' f J Druggist. received and pat Before tb etorm came tbia week the t ptae a An new bow cau. It ia a did not her much eaou lo comgood cMad add to tbe attraction of people David . th store. Quite $ number of lmprove- - plain about tbo dry weather. a ago a letter received torn day Friaby tumle in the dry goods menta hero been from brother bia Arltona H. is J. Frfiby department liece tb new office bav beea built and tb good ara arranged in which stated that all tb river near Snowflake war dry except one, and that aasucb more eon rinant shape. abMp and uttle ware dying for tb want Ward sonfesne wm bald at But of water and feed. Coal rill but Sunday. Tb mutiaga Tbe average temperature tar the week were well attended. Several change ended Aegnet 11th wm practically norwere mad ia tb officer, on of them mal Fairly good abowere (ell over tb being tbo placing of JamM Stopto eouthwMter eouetiM tb latter part of In the biuboprle, ta second eoeatekw. Ward eonlereoo will b bald at Uptou tb WMk, bat tb roat of tb State Data mad au average waxt Sunday . crop and ar row being harvested. There bM been come talk et vanning W beat harvest la wall advanced and aa excursion from tbia eoaaty to Saltair Utraablag ia ia activ progreat. Tb aoma time ihl month, W understand second mop of alfalfa made a very light that tb railroad company offered to give yield, bnt wm hameted in good cond-lSlate of 1.50 provided tbe promoter tioa and ia now all ia tb stack, Cora weald guarantee that SOO people would potatoM aad sugar beets continue m ' 1 take tbe trip. W think there would be bo very good conditio, considering tbe extrouble is getting that mav to go from tended drouth sad th shortage of tbia county, and bop tbe thing will' b water for Irrigation. Tomatoes ripened , pushed to B aeoeea. About tbe 29th of rapidly and canning will anon begin. tbia month would be a is time to ge Tb rafcSM are badly drid np and hep down and take a bath in tba briny and ratti thereon are generally in poor condition, L. H. Murdock. waters of Balt Lake. Tbo Co-o- p tbia WMk v vA i L i t ' A No Shoveling. Grass Creek Coal Co. Car for CMn Iwftatwa. Uat May, mji fin. Curtle Baber, of Book waiter, Okie, "an Infant child of oor naigt, bars watwffrring from chol- GesMs stuns! C C C. lever soil balk. era infantum. Tbsaoclor bad gtven up - Bcwtrs of tk taaferwto tries to hMb all bop of recovery, J took of Cbam-berla- ia M good. "something Colic, Choisra aad Diarrhoea Remedy to tb bnnt,, tolling them I GO TO THE . felt euro it would good If ua i). h two dayV tim tbo child bad fully racoverad, and la now (nearly a year due) a vigorous, healthy girl. I haw rt commanded tbia For Stjlisl Hair Cit never Remedy froqaently avd beav known it to fall is Myalngl inatanea." Clean Shite. For 1 byJohaEJea A don Druggirt L B. URIEL, Prop. Faw paoplo v rsally want a Uiag aatU tbry aeeotkw, after it. jt accora-Iogbdircto- GlielarbeFSbo-ptsd t i X t cm a o o a oo t UmVtUkvm wm Maw yea, Wa-- W tost are tMeowdkioa II wevlectcd, JW nnrl at stMj, vomO be Uraagh Shilohs - Consuniiption fffa tomttri LUI 'i'. ns, Ss Tvosbks, fob cer Cm aad alt mjjadcoMatssdar-ato Boy. X. T, bottm. lk trialc vma JCarfs Ctovwfcwra frtga Co, Itsmode tk Btoad Csl villa. to 4 p. m. All whocan ahould obsnre thee boon M near m posaibi. Office hours from 2 Ssuza-UiuMi- x Its Cf fCr Pjlztf io faint buildings with, inside and outside. Its made ready for the brush. Ifs made for home use and for practical painters too. Its pure lead, pure sine and pure linseed oil, mixed by specially made machinery at residence, corner Main and Second North streets. . m tmfk, Mod of the world dots and most of tXi CJFOfiBce OFFICE Cy : VmBmwii i WWmm Nhm Omm world uses Coalville, Utah . tartk Do Vou Use Paint? Dentist. O. W. FRENCH, M. D.t Pkyticlaa and Surge, tk$ O O O Dr. W VISICK, RESIDENT You Could Look No Waiting. operated by experts. Jfs made for yoo. A 7- fcxfc) 7b Sbsrwfo-tVUta- , Him Omm Dfj (3 L ts rtto For sale at BOYDENS - ?? 3 Urn SkmmU WUOmm fatm Cmw tfo re. DRUG' STORE. V |