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Show Lincoln in War Times Why the Grant Prenldent Wat So Often at War Dopnrtmenl Porprle la often expm,,,.,) ,y tl(0;. Ilgent pKipIo thnl ro Inrie 1 pniHi--Hon of lreaient Line,,;,,, Ht ,m. portnnt li diorama and ,., f n1 lett. ra lire dated frimi Hie , ,, p,m. nnnt llmtead of the ex. .,,, Illa. Ion. and none of them from the nnvv, troiiHiiry or ot icr a-lrnlnlMrnVvn b-i-raaua. Thla la ii,-m rally 0, ,M very altntnlar fnrt. and fi..rn writ-era writ-era bare plaualbly drawn the mnrl i-elnn i-elnn Hint Lincoln peraonnlly j, h,.i aerretary of wnr better tliaa any of Iho rablnet olTlcera. While thla Indeed appeara tr bavo been true. It iluea not nerraaarlly try follow. Ho certnluly held Mr. Hevaril In high regard, yet he acldom welt tn the alHtn depart meiit. In thn rlrruniatunrea It waa not At all lingular. Tun explanation H War waa thn buaineaa of that tine, and Lincoln a ryea were alwaya lnt to Iho army, raperlally when gnat military evenla wero Impending. n- habltuully haiiuled the adjacent wir ilepnrtlneiit ami nrmy lieailiilartern, where abode Hen. Ilnllerk. lila nillltnrv advlaer. for nevia an.l vlewa. 1 1. -ml pnd heart were a'reiiuuiiily ronren-t ronren-t rated 011 Hie f.lt, wherever l( InlK'lt be. H!a fertile brain anw. Ino, tho rrltlril pulna In Hie game nftciitlnvi Inr r:nre 'lenily than ani.io of bla fl.l-eiilled "nhl'-Ht penernla," lie not only wlalied lo know ohtt waa going on In the flKht, but pn.. formed hla own part 110I1I In th bent of action or at crucial moment! hla ordera, aiiKgenliona and Intpilrlci were Hred off aMintnnioiiaIy from wherever he nibtht bo at tho moment, and at auch pcrloda ha waa generally "over at tho war department" with Mr. Stanton. That la tho chief reaaon. aays I.rtl-He I.rtl-He J. Perry In I.lpplncotl'a. why ai many of hla dlaputrhea are dated nt that department, and not lierauao ho perhnpa held Stanton In higher e-teem e-teem than the aecrtary of tho uavy, or atato, or trenaury. |