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Show COUNTY NEWS. Iltms tt Interest Gathered bj Our Correspondents In Virions Toms of County. Kama., Utah, Ao. 12, 1002. Edito Turn: There were lour baptieim performed lo Beaver creek laat Saturday. Elder J.J. Howen and It win Critten-den Critten-den were mieelonarlee here Burnley . A goodly number of the people ol thle 8" tI ley ar through haying, or nearly to. Mi. and Mr. L. Fitch and Mr. Wir, Evan want to Bait Lake today to attend the carnival and viait with relativee, The Mieaea Anol and Nettie l'ack went to Hall Lake Monday. The latter le troubled with hay fever and bopee lo Improve by th change. Everything look treeh and green after lb itorm. It look 1 clear at present and th people will likely be hauling bay again tomorrow. Mr. Hay Lambert baa been quite poorly for tome time with bay fevar or Mlhma. Bishop Lambert ba taken her to Park lor a change of air, which it ! boped will greatly benefit her. Hupt. C. A. Calli and BlakAidMy Welsh viiited tlie Woodland ward last tjanday and were preeeutal the Sabbath acbool and afternoon meeting. The eeinta of that ward had a treat. Hupt. Hansen and Aid Ellxa Barber vieited the Francis school. rOA. PiOA, Utah, Aug. 13, U0? Eiimii Tine 1 Alter a week' delay th maaon le again at work ob the ward home. There baa been uil enough rain tliii week to lop Laying and to lay the duet. ' , J. A. Merchant went to Holiday Park '-..i u iitbl family thflrtot thwk. . y ' o WitV.i. t tnt:t Uitei-. Uitei-. . " ' Ian arsiol the s u V-anis an.l pleature. ' .' '", ' A number ol our )."'; ben getting oal lock yeeterday 4. nil today forth ward houee. The Quaker Medicine Troup gave ptr-turmsuces ptr-turmsuces here every night laet week and coined money. Mr. Amanda Isackson Jeneon was a vteitor bere laat aeek. Mr. Jcneen it bow a retidrntof Montana. Quite an amount of bay will be ome-whal ome-whal damaged by the rain. Th alfalfa and timothy M about all (ecured before be-fore the aiorin. Most of lliapotatoe re juel coming into blossoui. Th f rot et them bark to thai not mora than a balf a crop, If t tat, will ti had tliii eeaaon. ' Aeon ol F. U. 8tvaus, th well ka 1 wn ' attorney ol Halt Lake City, wa taken 3 down with typhoid at tli bead of Weber j and wa Uken to Hall Lk City today. I Oalne to the abort wataraupply many j ' ol our farmer do not expect second I rop of alfalfa; those .bo were favored i with water will reap the benefit. Two 4 to one twice i a little to rouch of a good I thing. ..! Cattle are becoming a little troublt- ieome Just cow and one baa lo guard bla field to keep tbeu from breaking in and 1 doiag damage 10 trope. Tb dry rang baa drove many ol the range itnck dowa from tb hill. Sarah A. Milliner ram down lr.m Caldwell, Idaho, yslerilay to hav a abort vit with relative aid friuil. Mr a. Milliner wa n old reeldent of Peoa and removed to CaM well a year ago. Tb lady waa joyfully welcomed by old friend. II. It. K. Viva. aocnroKT. Km ki-oht, Utah, Aug. 13, 1902. Emma Tim: William Ktambrldg it quite (irk at till writing. Mr. Bunting and daughter of Spring-ville Spring-ville are bere Celling Mr. Hortln. Unit threatening weather atpreeent and it look like a norm licoming. . A lineman pse-ed through hare latt werk-repalrtng th telephone wire. lie lett Ilro. agent paaaed through town Sunday uking ordeal for good. Mr. Jack Smith mad a trip to tb capital lat week to vliit her mother, Mr. Mollat. JoehuCosey ha returned home from Idaho, where lie bad been on bueine for about lao week). Mr. Maria Rbead ha returned bom to Coalville altar (pending a few day with her parent. Io Mulr of frail Lake paid Korkport a vilt on Kundsy hut, and alio male a trip to Kama loaeebi wife. Mr. and Mr. London ol Croyden re tnrnod bum ltit Saturday after viiillng a week with thrir aunt, Mra. Horitn. Quite a number of the Halt Lake people, peo-ple, who have been camping In 6laker' irtivkd'.iriij theomtnr,.hej retnrnri Alfred and Jaaee Beainona, whar working al the content quarry in Farley ' canyon, paid their parenta a vieit laat week. WADHIIir. WAnemr, I'Uh, Aug. IS, l!Ki2. Koima Tmaa: roiue ol our people have gone to Hall Lake to attrud th caroival. Mi. Le aui daughter, Millie, are apeudiug a few day in lloytavlll with Mra. Etkeleon. Mr. Krauann and children have returned re-turned bom alter a pleaaant vitit with th lady' mother. Bme gentlenen are in our low giving ntertalumenl aud edver.iaiug their jQ iaker nioiiclue. I Mr. Maggie Taylor baa returned to j Bait Lakeafter a pleaaant vieit aim rel- iativra and friend bere. Mr. Heed killed two bear in the mountain north of her a lew day agi . , He lake. great deal of pleaaur with hie gun. Mr. Llul Neir, Mr. fcarabCapeon and Mr. Lydia r uber of Mill Creek are her vialting tbeir iter, Mr. Maggie Ulaeon The Iriehinaa aay: "More rain, more reel," tut whew th farmer hu jaboot twenty ton of hay cot and laying ! out in tu Held hi mind I not at real, I I.l Friday evening a dance w a got-j got-j ten up l.y Mre. Wil.cu and Bertha Hi, j ton. loe cream a aeivel by the Ue-. Ue-. lief (Society aad a neat (urn waa ralaed, I which will he asiit to Klder Monro ' Hilton, aho haa lieeu releaaed from lua I uiiailon ud will hav to bear part of hi eiMiie Inline. Too much caunot be I aaid in praie ol thota ladiea who mad vervthiag a aur.ee. niTaviLLB. rlovrriu.a, Utah, Aug. 14, 1V02. F.Drroa Tina: (fall a number ol our peoplabav gone to attend th Klki- eaiiilvtl. The four-year-old child of Wm. Brown, which ha been nick with typhola lever, 1 now tloaly lecovering. The weather li much ooalrr aiuc the rain, It baa done a gieat amount of good to th crop, aaenme ol them wer very dry. W ar pleated to report that William WUkinton, Jr., who wa errtoualy 111 at our latt rilling, la bow on tbe Improve. Im-prove. Home of our peopl would be pleated lo hear ol tb road (npervieor removing ill pile of rock from the road, a they are very dangerou to patting boggle. Mr. lleber Brewa and Mr. Sophia Lambert left here Monday morning for Kali I eke where they wer married Aug. 11th In tb Temple. We all Join In w lining them a long and proeperouallf. Mr. Edwin Crittenden, Lucian Crittenden Crit-tenden and family, Mr. Mary Btone-braker Btone-braker and family of Evanilon and Mr. ad Mr. David Naff left her Tnexlay morning for Vernal, where they eipect to be gone tor three week or a month. Hnxarne, Utah, Aug. 14, 1002. Enrroa Tmaa: Mr. and Mra. I). Black ol Morgan are vUitlng heie. niahop Uarri baa been quite (irk again tbi week. T. 8. Brilton mad a bntine trip to Ogden during the week. ' 1 A number of our people are In tb city paaluring with the Elk. j John Francl full from a wagoa Wednesday Wed-nesday aud 1 laid np from hi Injuria. Tbe epeaker bere Sunday were Elder Duncan Merchant of I'toa and 0. R. Jone of Coalville, Jaue Fowler, Br., waa etrlckan with a paralytic, etrnte about 0 o'clock, yrU r- condltion.'"" .." t j Th Primary picn'a on III Ilth aa marred aoraexlut by tb rain, but the childron made th bi ol It and a (air lime waa had belore lL urm coui'-meuued, |