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Show OIL PHILOSOPHER SEES FORD AGENT .Declares That Selling These Cars Is Like Taking Orders Or-ders for Groceries. "They tell me that the constant dropping drop-ping of water will wear away a stone." This was the Oil Philosopher talking. He continued ; Kidding aside, now. water hasn't anything on the constant dropping of the tootsies of auto buyers this season. Xow, to prove my assertion: Take a peek at the pavement in front of the Alklre-Smith Auto company. com-pany. Why, the doggone tiling has spots in it like the family tablecloth. table-cloth. Myron Smith tells me that never since he has been In the business busi-ness has there been such a rush for cars as there has been this season: that while they are getting cars in at the rate of thirty to forty a week, they can't begin to keep up with their orders. Smithy says that selling Fords is like selling groceries. Then he gets this one off his chest to prove it. Says he went down to Sugarhouse a few days ago to gel the order of some man down there. He had signed the order and was turning away when a man rushed out of the Granite Mercantile company's store and yelled. 'Hey: Selling Fords? Well, I want one. too." Smithv's grin lasted all the way back to "the parage. He doesn't mind a little thing like having an order shoved at him you see he is getting used to It. They tell me that orders are being placed for spring delivery, and. as it only costs a little bit. it looks like a wise thing to do. for then you can depend on getting your car when you want It. And say. don't forget that about nine out of ten oars that go out are lubricated with Simplex Ford special auto oil. as it sure does make Fords run right. M(t?r appearing on the automobile pa. published a b news, but under th recent law passed by congroos Is classified as advertising advertis-ing because the deajers mentioned carry an ad In another part of the paper. In no aene are these notices paid ad- er'.'.f merits. |