Show I YOUNGEST JOURNALIST IN THE WORLD RUBY RHINEHART 1 I I II A 1 1 1 l t u t t tV V r rs I s rut i tt I t t tw i 1 I t I w r J 4 r rR f I F I R i r t 7 rY I I II I 1 Centerville la In June n IS ISTo To 10 the theof list of notables In this and other olner coun cOlin countries countries tries produced by b this cit city right light along alongside alongside alongside side such names as Theodore P his daughter the time Duchess Theodora De DC Chaulnes the Ih late laic Gover Governor nor Francis M 11 II Drake of Iowa Corse Corso Payton laIon Cecil Spooner and Edna I dna May blay Spooner well known mown theatrical stars on Broadway must II sL bu he placed the name of or Miss Ruby Hub the twelve 1 old daughter of Editor I 1 IW Iv W v of the thu Centerville Jour Journal nal who last week experienced time the unusual that won for fOI lieu her the time dis ifs distinction distinction of being time youngest news newspaper paper woman in fn time the world Each day a at tie t o press pross table In the Centerville courthouse sat little Miss Rhinehart covering the murder murdel case of or John Jun Jim JunI JunkIn kin I ln for her fathers paper All tho the horrible hor horrible details of the time murder of Clara Rosen by h John lunkin were diligently recorded by the thc little newspaper newspaperwoman newspaperwoman woman who covered the tho assignment In Inthe Inthe inthe the absence of or her father fathel who was otherwise engaged Little Miss Rhine i hart Is the thC youngest feminine report I in the world but hut this Is only onU shown hown I 1 her youthful appearance lien Her I I have havo that Ihal degree of or clearness and E t curacy that would world do credit to lo mar mit m I older experienced In the time kt 14 Her position at the pi press ess table labin I her ter er immediately In front of the at at atI cased negro who was sentenced se d I II I 1 j I hang but she was too much engro 14 In her h r work of reporting the cast t ti tibe tt q be bothered by anything like that thaI Miss l has been doing red rC ular ulal work for her father since 1 I Ideath death of her Imer mother some two ago and she hesitates not a moment in recording time Iho most delicate stories for her paper The youngster when but seven seen years rears old won the Dellar s medal in a declamation 10 m lion and aside from her talents as an elo ele elocutionist elocutionist r she possess a L strong stron soprano voice Her father has been In tho time newspaper business for seventeen years and little Miss Rhinehart has practically had nothing but a newspaper newspaper per POI environment her hor entire life |