Show FANKIE KNOCKU out IN TH THE EIGHTEENTH ROUND I Arena San Francisco June 19 Monte knocked out Frankly Neill in the round of a scheduled battle at arena afternoon The Tho contest was waH for forthe forthe forlie the lie bantamweight championship of tho the United States Nell Neil was tho the aggressor throughout anti and he forced Attell to lo break ground time lime aud time limo again His punches lacked their theli force however and In only two rounds did he appear to have hae a chance chanco with the brother ot or orthe the featherweight champion Attell ALloH hind hail everything eer He peppered Nells NeIls nose and ant mouth with straight lefts brought rights on the jaw and md occasionally rapped I In the mid section with a solid soll right cr left I The lIle he knockout in the eighteenth had been only a postponement from Crom the precedIng round when the tho gong saved Nell ell from defeat Nell came I out of his corner cornel in this round with witha a Battling Nelson trot but was stopped with a straight l lra left heft on tho the I face ace He staggered around tho the ring with following him anti and an send sending ing Ins In haro right and lefts to the Jaw No 0 one punch did the work Under a fusillade of blows Nell Neil sank gradual gradually Ij ly J to the floor door and anti was wa counted out From the ulie le second round until tile the final gong Nells Neils nose and month mouth bled continually from froni punches |