Show BASEBALL I I NATIONAL LEAGUE Boston 4 St Louis 6 St Louis Mo Tune June 19 r Hull Hill b error and two hits had hall allowed Boston Joston to score four Caul runs in the first t I I inning SaUce Bailee held the visitors safe while St SL Louis batted battet hard and over overcame came the tile lead Score R It H F E I Boston 4 5 1 1St 1St 1St St Louis Lotus 6 10 1 I Batteries Lindaman and anti Graham Sallee Sauce and Phelps Umpires Klein Jem and an Kane Chicago 10 Brooklyn 5 Chicago Ill Juno lune 19 Chicago 0 won another poorly played same gaIn from Cram Brooklyn today 10 to 5 Eleven hits were bunched off Wilhelm In three In Innings i flings s which with three errors nine lime runs Score II It H E VJ I I Chicago 10 It 14 1 1 4 1 Brooklyn 6 9 Ii I Batteries Batt rles and Moran lor n Wilhelm McIntyre and Bergen Urn Um Umpires lures pires and Cusack Cincinnati 0 Philadelphia 2 Cincinnati Ohio June 19 Cova held Cincinnati safe saCo during the entire nine Innings of game gamet t only ou cue cite lie of Griffiths men reaching third base oase Score It n H D H Cincinnati 6 3 a 1 PhiladelphIa 2 2 21 1 and ad Mc McLean lc Lean I and Doom Um Urn Umpires pires and anti Truby 2 New York 1 L Pa June Juno lO 19 I tho Jat gest crowd that attended atton ed a I game here lucre this season beason to today today day defeated New York in thirteen innings by br si IL score of oC 2 to 1 The winning run itin was made b by br Barbeau who leached first on a lilt hit second on ona ona ona a sacrifice by br Leach and home on a single by Clark Score Scole R H B I oJ 2 12 0 o New NC York 1 i 9 3 Batteries Dal Willis and ami Gibson Raj Itay Harmond month mond and Schlei Umpires ODay aud nud I AMERICAN LEAGUE I Detroit 5 Chicago Ch lea go 4 Detroit Mich June Tune 19 In a see sec seesaw saw an game in lu which errors and three buie e hits wore were ore mixed in the making of al nil the i tins inns save sae one Detroit de defeated der defeated r atel Chicago today G fj to 1 work ork at nt third some fine fielding in I center by Crawford and White and Sr cs hitting featured the game gamo I R H E Detroit 5 7 2 Chicago 1 1 7 3 a Ballerin Willell and Stanage Stan age Sutor Payne and Sullivan I Cleveland 3 St Louis Louie 2 I j I Cleveland Ohio June Tunc 19 Cleveland St SL Louis 3 to lo 2 in a n ten I I Inning game today toda The fielding of o Lord Turner and Wallace Wace 1 I If future f t the Rimie Score Soro R H ii K i oJ CI cl J 3 1 S 8 l I ISI Si sr Louis Lotus 2 11 11 11 1 and BemIs IDI Di I In n cn anti and I I Philadelphia 6 Boston 7 i Boston Mabs June 19 Boston won from Cram Philadelphia today 7 to C G in a I heavy batting hatting contest Nearly Nearl every everyone everyone one of o the visitors runs was earned carnell j I J 1 I Iby Ib by b good hitting hill but errors enora and bunch bunched ed cd hits accounted for Score R HE H H E Philadelphia fi 15 4 Boston 7 11 1 Batteries Morgan MOI an Dygert D ert Tick Vick Vickers Tickera ers era Krause and Livingstone LIln l tone Cicotte Arellanes and CarrIgan Washington 3 New York 6 New Now York Juno luno 19 Score R RH RHE H E Washington 3 11 4 1 Now N e York YOI I C G C 6 u Batteries Groom Altrock and Street StreeL Lako Lake and I Washington 7 New York 4 New York June J tine 19 Washington Ington and antI New York divided hed e a doublehead doubleheader I er el Washington won the time first game 7 to 4 New York the second 6 G to 3 First game Score R IL H 11 E H I Washington 7 13 i 3 New Ne York 1 I 3 3 a aJ Batteries Johnson anti and Street J I Chesbro and PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE Los Angeles 4 Oakland 3 1 Suit San Francisco Francl co June Juno 19 Los An Angeles Angeles geles won from Oakland today tOdar 4 to 10 I 3 allowing many hits In Inthe tho the third fourth and fifth Innings I Score R n II H E H ELos ELos Los Angeles 4 S 8 1 i Oakland 3 38 S 2 Batteries rozer foer and anti and LewIs I I ILos Sacramento 7 Vernon 4 Los Angeles Angelos Cal Ca Juno I Ion 19 Vorn Vornon on again suffered defeat at the hands of Sacramento today toda the score being 7 to lo 4 I Hilt was taken out after acter he ho had ha allowed two runs r ns In la tho the first Score R H B FJ Sacramento 7 14 1 t Vernon ernon 4 S 8 3 Batteries Whalen Ehman Ebman and anti Byrnes HItt Kinkel anti and j Hogan Umpire McCarthy I San Francisco 4 Portland 3 Portland Ore Juno June 19 1 A batting hatting rally in the sixth inning gave San Francisco a lead heath over oer Portland l that thal won woul the contest cont st Sari San FrancIsco co switched and Williams 1 in III IIII Iho ho I hutting butting ing I tho the had boon been given to tho al ai although though tho time change was as before tho the game actually began As 5 a are re suit Portland protested the sam game Score R It II I lIE r E ESan ESan San Francisco I 1 9 2 Portland 3 1 7 i 1 1 I Batteries Browning BronIng and Bany Barr BarrI Graney Graner Gun Guyn and amId Fisher I WESTERN LEAGUE Lincoln 6 Omaha 4 Lincoln Neb Nob ob June Jibe 19 I It R HE H 11 H oj I Lincoln C 6 9 I 3 I Omaha 4 11 3 Batteries Johnson and Sullivan Hollenbeck and Cadman Ii I Denver 5 Pueblo 7 I Pueblo Cob Colo June 19 Score I ScoreR R It nHE H E Denver Den er 5 S SI B 8 I Pueblo 7 9 3 i Batteries Ford antI and Thompson Swift and Des MoInes 3 Sioux City 5 Des Moines Iowa Juno 19 Score ScoreR R H E Des Molner 3 fl fI 1 i Sioux iCiLy iOu i 10 to 5 I Batteries Miller and Frome and Tone I Aberdeen 7 Tacoma 4 Tacoma Wash rash June Itin 19 Score ScoreR R It H E H O OA A 7 3 g 2 Tacoma Tn 4 7 5 fi I Batteries and anti KreItz Baker Claflin and I NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE I Seattle 9 Portland 2 Seattle Wash June 19 Score ScoreR R RHE H E Seattle 9 I 14 1 Portland 2 G 5 1 Batteries Miller anti and Custer Samuels and Murray Vancouver 4 Spokane Sp kane 5 Spokane Wash ash June 19 Score ScoreR R H E Vancouver 4 11 3 Spokane fi 5 10 3 Batteries Erickson son and Sugden Jensen Jonsen and Spencer |