Show CHURCHES J First FIn Church of Christ Scientist Holds at 11 a m In tho the new now Masonic f Temple Washington avenue between and Twenty sixth streets Subject Is tho the Uni Universe Universe verse erse v Including Man Evolved by Au Automatic to toa toli Force Sunday Sunda school at a n tom m ni Wednesday evening testimonial meetings m are arc held heM at S 8 p m in Tho The pub I Ilie He lie li liin c Is cordially Invited to attend these lis services s Free reading rooms are aro I open o pen dally daily except Sundays s and hell holi holidays days dars d ays from 2 to 5 p m ni In snIDe same build building buildIng ing in inso g Lutheran Church Rev L B Ben Benson Benn son eon so n pastor No Sunday Sunda school Con Confirmation fl flIn will take place pla e at the morn mornIng mornIng Ing In g services and will begin at nt 10 a m Communion C services In the tho evening at 8 p m Rev Ro A H Franzen of Ida Id Idse a will wili be present pr and speak All services se will be in tho the English lan Jan language CUI guage gu gus guJ guis age Members and friends are heartily h welcome Central Park Pari Presbyterian Sabbath school chool s will ill observe Childrens Day with w ith appropriate exorcises exercises on Sunday Juno June J une at nt 11 ii a 3 m Tho The church service ervice s is set aside for tho the Childrens Day D ay exercises A cordial Invitation Is extended to those who arc are Inter Interested Interested ested sted e Prayer Pra er meeting and Bible eo es study tudy s Wednesday evening at 8 clock o Corner street and Washington ashington W avenue S C C Hick Hickman Hickman man m an pastor Mrs A M 11 McClure McClur superintendent s Sunday Sundar school First Fl rat Presbyterian P nan Church John Edward E Carver pastor Sunday Sunda school and a nd church service will meet together at a t 11 ii In a parents and childrens s ser service serIce serice vice v Ice of oC worship and praise Parents specially especially e Invited No sunday sundar school service ervice s Endeavor at 7 Evening wor worship worship So ship S lili at nt S The Practical of o f a n United Church An outline of oi the th thc e activities of the Presbyterian church hurch c as outlined and reported In Inthe Inthe Inie the l ie General Assembly of the Presby Preshy Presbyterian terian terlan t church at Denver D There will willbe be 1 0 special music Church of the Good Shepherd NG Northeast N corner and antl Grant G rant avenue Wm Tm W r Fleets Fleetwood rector ector r Services for the second Sun Sunday day d ay after Trinity Holy ITaly communion 7 10 a m in Sunday school a m morning Morning orning M prayer and sermon 1100 a 3 am m Evening prayer pra er SOO S 00 p m The Rev R ev Jesse Herbert Dennis secretary of oo o f the council of oC advice of the district of o f Colorado will preach the tho sermon ermon s All are arc cordially to attend a those these services The First Congregational Church Noble NM N oble Strong minister Morning orning M worship at 11 Sun Sunday Sundar day dar d ay June Oth Morning music Prelude P Meditation Miss Convoy Conroy Contralto C solo Prayer Hiller Miss Holberg Hoberg Offertory O Melody In F Miss Conroy COnto Quartette Q God Is My lly Guide Schubert Miss Gunnell Miss Holberg Hoberg Mrs Irs Cassidy Miss hoL Sunday school at 1215 1216 1 Hi Junior so society society solety lety c at 0 r Senior society at 7 p m Evening E service at S Music Prelude P Greig Miss ss Conroy Soprano S solo Ave Maria Marla Millard Mrs Anthem i Tho Good Shepherd Darn Barri The Choir Chol r Bass B ass solo Invocation ton Mr White Contralto C solo Eye E c Hath Not Seen Seem Gaul Gul Miss Holberg Bolberg Trio Ave Avo Maria Marias Mendelssohn Miss Holberg MIs lIl s Hendershot Miss Gunnell Benediction Barnby Tho The Choir Pulpit editorial The Issue at the th Industrial I School Sermon Tho Th I Angel Ange Standing in the Sun Suit Annual Annu meeting of church and congregation Juno June at S p m in First Church street just east cust of or ol r Court COUlt House llev l e G C W V McCreery pastor a m in Sunday school Mr B n E B Newton superintendent 1100 a m in morning worship Ser Sermon Sermon Sermon mon by the pastor l Soprano solo golo The Tho Lord Is My Shepherd Miss Frances Van Buskirk p m in Ep worth League for Young People There will he be an n fl Interesting meeting and all oil young people are arc urged to at tend s 00 p m Gospel service Ser Sermon Sermon Sermon mon by b tho the pastor There will be b special cial music as follows Prelude on pipe organ Miss Welch Anthem The Shadows Fall Fan So Gently Chorus Choir Offertory solo Miss Welch Duet of oC the Ocean Misses May and Jessamine Denmark Solo Babylon Bab lon Mrs Frank Mil Mi ler solo Miss Welch These TheBo will be tho the last services for Cor n a month A cordial invitation Is ox ex tended to all First B Church Between and streets Roy Rev H D Zimmerman pastor Services on Sunday June 20 1009 as follows Sunday school at 10 o clock Classes for tor all Morning worship at al 1115 11 15 The Tho Th service will be he turned over to Dr Dr Eu hanks bunks and Rev Ro Mr Jacobs The Glee Club of or Pella Iowa will assist In the Tho The B n Y i p u will meet at nt 7 p fl m in Tho meeting will he ho In charge of the pastor One of tho the speakers for or tho thu th day dar will address tho the young All young people are arc Invited Evening service will begin Pt St S ti This service will bo e ad addressed I dressed by one of ot the speakers spend spending log ing the tiny day tI In Ogden Ogdon Og l n The Gleo Club I will also assist In the music at nt the tho evening service This Is a rare opportunity opPOrtunity to hear these theBe three men from Crom the east easL A very vor e cordial Invitation Is extended all to worship with us and arid catch the Inspiration which will surely surel be he given The regular church prayer meeting me will be hold heM on Thurs Thursday lay day night at 8 S Topic Tho The Bible A Sure Weapon capon and Defense Eph Epli VI 1017 Matt 1111 Bob Heb 1 IV 12 Leader Loader Mr T D Johnson |