Show BLASTS BREAK GLASS I Salt Lake June 19 Those who were In the tho vicinity of or Main street and South Temple last evening be between between tween C 6 and 7 were surprised 1 at several very or loud reports from tho the theold old Deseret News corner followed by dense clouds of dust It was thought at the time that that was about all that followed the attempt of Contractor men to blow down the tho walls of tho the old building with powder r It developed th morning however that lint a number of fC missiles flow about the tho corner men amen menacing menacing acing tho ho lives of or pedestrians anti and In Injuring Injuring juring property One rock weighing fully 10 pounds was waR blown against tho the B Y Memorial building striking the time rock lock wall noar near the entrance trance on with J great gront force orco and falling Calling to tho the cement walk Another largo large rock embedded Itself In the tho lawn near tho the same samo building showing that It must hive hao been heen hurled to a n great height Several rocks entered the building antI and as a result there here Is a broken skylight nn several broken windows One rock pierced the window shade ahado and made madea a big hole In tho the two large lights lI of o glass owing to the bottom sash being raised rall ed Several small rocks also fell feU fellon fellon on north Main street |