Show I i I I I Recep That Tha Cures Cores C ires W Weak ea k Me en a Free Send Name and Address To Today T 0 day You Y ou Can Have ft It t Free and be Strong and Vigorous I have In my possession a tion ion for nervous debility lack act of vigor hor weakened manhood failing falling memory and lame back brought on by br ex cx excesses I CUSSeS unnatural drains or the follies Collies of or youth that has hiis cured so man many worn und tind nervous men right In their own homes without any an additional help or medicine that I think e every vory man who w o wishes to regain his manly man I pow power er CL anti and virility quickly fl and quietly should have hac a copy So I have hae de determined to send a copy COP of tho ho pre prescription prescription free ree of chorge charge in a plain ordinary sealed scaled envelope to any man who will write mo me for or It This Thia prescription Proscription comes from rom a phy who has made a special study stud of men and I am convinced it is the tho combination for Cor the Ute cure of deficient manhood and vigor failure ever put together 1 I think I l owe It to my m fellow man manto manto manto to thorn them a cops cop In confidence so that lint any an man anywhere who is weak anti and discouraged with repeated fail failures failures ures may mar stop slop drugging himself with harmful patent medicines secure what I believe bellee Is s tho th restorative ING I G remedy ever oYer devised and so cure himself at nt home borne quietly and quickly Just drop mo me a line fute this Dr A E Robinson Luck Big Do De troit inch Mich anti and andy I will vii send you OU a copy COP of this splendid receipt In a n plain ordinary sealed scaled free Creo of charge chargo i |