Show rED TRAIN TRAI N ROBBER IN CUSTODY Omaha Juno 19 Advices have I boon been received hero of tho the arrest In InI Idaho of or F W V Marvin believed to bo be botho the tho fifth filth man wanted for alleged allo ed con connection connection I I with the tho Union Pacific mall mail robbery May 22 The arrest was the j I result of clues obtained from Lillian I I I Stephenson Stephen on the tho woman brought here hore from Irom Denver Denvor with Shelton Marvin I I is now In prison at Twin Falls Falle await awaiting awaiting I ing action by the federal authorities I I hero here Woods roods has heretofore been beo called the tho leader of oC the alleged bandits by bytho bytho bythe tho the but now that Marvin Is IB under arrest the statement Is made mado that ho was the man who directed their affairs William Martin dartin and William Davis Davia are arc said to bo ho among amon the names by br which Marvin Is known The police say he lie Is 42 12 J 2 years of age and has served two terms In the pent peni penitentiary One was In Idaho or Mon Montana Montana tana taua for antI and the other I for horse stealing at Walla Walla Walia He has ha operated for Cor years In tho the North Northwest west weaL es t tHe He lie and anft Shelton are said to have boarded together while hero Marvin will be bc brought broll ht here for tria under the John Doe Indictment indictmentS re ro returned ro turned with of the other four suspects |