Show CHAUFFEUR PUNISH o oIN IN A NOVEL MANNER New IW York June Tunc 10 A novel noel man manner manner manner ner of punishing chauffeurs chauff who ho bor bOI borrow borrow row their employers automobiles for I joy jo rides ride was discovered d yesterday y yby by b Judson Todd TortI a realty rea H broker who caused the arrest of n his driver VII Wil William liam Ham Foley on the t le charge of stealing ten cents worth of gasoline Foley Fole took look Mr Ir Todds automobile out last la t Thursday night without permission per permission permIssion mission and wrecked the car In iu an nn ac accident accident accident Mr Ir Todd examined tho tank of oc true the machine machino which was Intact and discovered that ten ven cents worth of gasoline had ad been een used In police court Foley Fole was held lu In GOO ball for a hear hearing hearIng hearing ing |