Show I On Wednesday da evening at the tho home homo of Mr Ir mill and Mrs Irs William T Baker rear street oc occurred the time marriage of their theil daughter Miss lIss Maggie lamle Baker and Fred Palm Palmer cr er Patriarch George W V r Larkin Lamkin om em officiating Only time the immediate relatives of time the contracting con parties witnessed ell the ceremony which was performed I under n a bower of oC pink and white roses rho Tho bride moro more a dainty gown of silk I The homo home was decorated with a i I profusion of pink and white while roses the table in the time dining room the I I wedding supper was wan served being I especially attractive with lu an arrange arrangement I ment of tho the predominating lowers flowers I The young oung couple received many handsome and anti useful presents Mr Mm 11 and anti Mrs Palmer will be he at home to friends at aL Monroe avenue len ue |